
20th Century Boy in the world of HxH [Dropped]

This was a project I tackled for a year, and I decided to drop it. I learned quite a bit from it and while I don't like the fact I didn't make it to the end, I am happy with I managed given I am not the best nor fastest writer out there. If you are interested in reading then go ahead I suppose, but it abruptly ends before the climax of the Yorknew arc. Also if you want to "adopt" this fic than go ahead, jsut credit me in your description Having found out the term 'bureaucratic hell' is a quite apt description of the afterlife, our protagonist gets transmigrated into the world of hunter x hunter with the powers of magenta-magenta from JoJos. AN: Hello! I am a new author but have been on the webnovel platform for a while so I hope I do not disappoint with my story. If you have any possible ideas for fixes or story elements please leave a comment or review! Finally, I surprisingly do not own HXH, JoJos or other copyrighted material (Crazy I know). On another note: this fic is a self correcting endeavor, story elements and decisions made near the beginning are pretty rough. Honestly, if i had the time I would do a whole rewrite but I decided to make newer chapters better as I went. Thats why if you notice the mc follows the plot at the beginning, or is inconsistent, makes no real changes to the plot I am aware of this. I have been trying to get better as I go but if that isnt your cup of tea then thats fine.

MerCurius_ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Meeting X New X Faces

"Oi!... What the hell are you doing here brat?" resounding from behind me, I heard someone speak with a long and lazy tone in an unknown accent. Though one important yet an odd thing to note, was the aggressive undertone with a hint of curiosity as whoever was behind me spoke.

'!!!' being unable to form coherent thoughts due to the overload of stimuli I was experiencing. Whether it be the shock of being caught off guard even with my raised awareness, or the intense and domineering aura of whoever was behind me I could barely manage to swivel my head around and crane my neck to see who it was.

"...Hey! I said what the hell are you doing here? Are you deaf!?" finally landing a quick glance at who I was dealing with, I was met with the sight of a clearly displeased woman staring down at my sitting form.

"No…" dumbly staring up at what I presumed to be the source of all my paranoia and me stressing out I was… Disappointed? After quickly standing up while putting a bit of distance between ourselves I finally got a good look at her. With a tall frame, tanned skin, and black-blonde ombre hair that went just below her chin tied up in a messy ponytail she certainly had a "loud" presence. Though the earlier disappointment wasnt from her physical appearance, but rather how she presented herself. She wore a loose whitish tank top covered in stains, baggy cargo pants, and a pair of clearly too worn leather boots that had to be strapped onto her feet with cloth bandages.

"Huh." still staring down at me, even with me standing now she narrows her eyes before she seemingly vanished from my sight with barely a sound. The only evidence that she didn't just disappear or teleport was a slight whistle sound alongside a slight breeze. Not that I would have noticed, with her sending an attack my away in an instant I could not react to any auditory or visual cues.

*Crack!* before she reappeared right in front of me bringing her fist down on my head that subsequently sent me into the ground. And while I wasn't comedically buried into the ground from her attack. Yet, the Magenta sized indentation in the ground was a decent metric as for how much force I was attacked with.

"shit." muttering numerous strings of curses at my attacker I questionly look at her. While I wouldn't want to needlessly escalate things into a fight I wouldn't not defend myself if the situation needs it.

"What was that for?" prodding for answers I move to de-escalate the situation, being careful to use a neutral tone so as to not inflame her already quick-to-anger temper. Though that seemed to have the opposite effect as her face scrunched up in annoyance as she sent a kick towards my ribs due to me still being stuck on the ground.

"Because you were being all wishy-washy with your response! If you weren't deaf then that means you were ignoring me… So I'm going to thoroughly educate you on how to hold a conversation asshole!" as she continued to speak she seemed to get angrier as she recounted my 'offenses' and with each passing second it seemed like the pressure she was emanating was growing at a perverse rate.

"Hoy, what are you saying…!?" in slight outrage at this onesided thrashing of both my ears and body I shout back at her.

'Though now that I think about it, what was with that speed and strength? Im pretty sure I only heard a slight whistle when she struck me there. That and what the hell she wants or why she just attacked me… and most importantly what is this fearsome atmosphere!?' gauging the situation while standing up a bit I trickle a bit more of my own aura into my ten as I mentally check to see if my body is working order after the few blows I received.

"What I'm saying? Are you thick in the head boy!? I want to know what you're doing here… or better yet I'll just send you packing, how about it?" slowly walking towards me to close the distance between us, walking with a hunched posture with one hand in her pocket while the other scratching at the side of her head. As she finishes speaking she grins at me with a mocking smile on her face.

'This lady is probably a Nen user, a powerful one at that to get here… all things considered, she may be the reason the top tier predators are fleeing from the oasis. That could also explain this pressure I have been feeling, though as I cannot sense actual aura but just an uneasy sensation it must be concealed using In.' cursing my inability to use Gyo, I look at the woman who still had a lazy posture as she stared me down with a slight frown on her face. Yet, I have to remind myself that if she is able to use an advanced technique she is most likely a Nen master or a whole more advanced than me, and therefore someone who I have low odds of beating.

"Oh? Wait a sec… you a hunter kid?" pausing for a second as she eyes me with a more critical look her previously lazy posture straightens up as she interrogates me with a no-nonsense tone.

"...the fuck? Yeah, fresh graduate, I suppose… Why you are you asking anyways?" with what was probably a strange look on my face due to her sudden shift of demeanor I subconsciously blurt out the answer to her question.

"A fresh graduate? And you already know Nen… that's not something you see every day for sure. Hmm… well, it's not like a non-hunter hasn't used Nen before?" as she stared at me with an appraising look she seemed to be considering something.

"..." staring at her in a tense silence I began to slightly kick the tip of my boot on the ground as I readied myself to make a run for it if needed.

'Though with that speed she demonstrated earlier I'm not sure if that will work' resigning myself to whatever may come I stood there whilst waiting for an indefinite period of time.

"...Ok! I have decided, you shall be my student! With someone with such a headstart, getting to one star and by extension me to two stars will be a breeze! That promotion is already mine! Bwahahaha!" throwing her head back she bursts into a victory celebration as she walks over to my shocked still self and grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me towards the wooded area of the oasis.

'What the FUCK! Your… student?'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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