
The party pt. 2

[AN]: It was pointed out to me that I said Malborn was a dark elf when in fact he is a bosmer. My bad.


The embassy became more crowded as more guests continued arriving throughout the night. A lot of important people showed up to these things after all. The parties provided a great way of networking with other influential people across Skyrim. A fair number of these people were sucking up to the Thalmor, at least it seemed that way to Rictus.

He made his way over to the bar to grab himself another drink after excusing himself from Proventus and Adelaisa. Talking with them was okay, but it was starting to get boring. The fact Orthus continually brought up new trade agreements and how he would love to visit Rictus in Whiterun also played into him leaving. 'What an annoying man. He just would not shut up the entire time. He went a little heavy on the ass kissing as well. Admittedly, doing it to Proventus, Adelaisa, and me at the same time was almost impressive.'

When Rictus made it to the bar, an unexpected person was sitting there.

"Dante, what are you doing here?"

The slightly dour looking man brightened considerably when he saw Rictus. The two of them had not had many occasions to interact since the raid on Japhet's Folly. They had shared a couple drinks at The Frozen Hearth though, but not much beyond that. Since they were close in age, Dante got along much better with Rictus than many of the other master mages at the college. It also helped they were both warriors and scholars.

"Morrigan asked if I could come to this little party as a representative of the College. I didn't want to do it, but she can be quite…persuasive at times if you know what I mean. Some of those enchantments do things I never would have imagined."

Smirking and wiggling his eyebrows made it abundantly clear what kind of persuading had happened.

"Haha well I am glad to see you two are getting along so well. You will definitely have to tell me more about those enchantments at a later date. I fear talking about such things here would not be seen as acceptable."

Dante's mood soured a little as he took in his surroundings once again.

"You are right. I am looking forward to leaving this place as soon as socially acceptable. The political games being played are not something I care about."

"I can understand the sentiment. Many of my followers were not too happy with my decision to come here. There are many who do not care for the Thalmor. Getting along with people you were at war with not long ago is beyond many people."

"This is true. The people of Hammerfell are much the same. We all remember the impact the war had on our lives. Although, many don't like the Empire much more than the Dominion after being abandoned. Even now, my home has little to do with either, even though it makes reconstruction more difficult."

Rictus enjoyed hearing about the war from the Redguard's perspective. They had continued fighting for 5 more years after the empire signed the treaty. Not only had they fought, but they also pushed the dominion out of their borders instead of allowing the empire to sign away half of the land to the dominion. It was no wonder why they didn't care for the empire.

"I am still impressed by Hammerfell's resistance and success. How exactly did they manage it?"

Dante puffed up a little in pride as he began a quick explanation.

"It was a combination of things really. One of the biggest factors was the terrain. We understand the desert, how to handle the oppressive heat, find water, and things outsiders wouldn't know. Traditional warfare was not a good strategy either. We waged a guerrilla war against them. Small quick engagements where we could attack and retreat before they could gather their forces and mages. Much like the stormcloaks actually."

This made sense to Rictus. The empire could manage a traditional war with large battles against the dominion since both had large standing armies with magical support. Hammerfell could easily match and surpass the dominion in terms or warriors but fell behind magically. The explanation was not over though.

"The other main factor was our navy. The dominion had large heavy battleships which were a good match against the empire's ships. Hammerfell used lighter and faster ships which could run circles around the larger ships. This made blockades extremely difficult while our ships could quickly reinforce contested ports. I will admit, the massive losses of the dominion from the war with the empire definitely played a part in it. I was just a boy during all this, so I am sure there was a lot more going on. Maybe one day you will be able to visit Hammerfell yourself."

"I think I would like that. It would be a good change of pace from the cold of Skyrim."

Dante let out a little laugh at that.

"That I can agree with! I do not understand why anyone would want the cold instead of the war embrace of the sun. If my responsibilities to Stendarr had not keep me here, I would have returned home long ago. Although, I am glad I didn't leave when I originally wanted."

Hearing the bit about Stendarr, Rictus was quite relieved he had placed the Sanguine Rose in his storage before the party. He had been working on a way to mask the daedric aura, but he was not confident in it working against Dante. Normal vigilants he could fool, but Dante was on a different level. He was pulled from his thoughts though when Dante started talking more seriously.

"I have a favor to ask of you though. Would you be willing to stop by the Hall of the Vigilant? I will be there for a few days before making my way back to the College. There have been some incidences I would like your professional opinion on. I may end up calling on the Restored for aid."

The look on his face indicated the seriousness of the request. It seems there was something going on which had the Vigilantes worried. Maybe something to do with vampires? There have been more reported attacks recently.

"Of course. I don't know the exact day I can make it, but I will gladly stop by sometime in the next couple of days. The Restored still owe you for Japhet's Folly. I am sure Jarl Korir would also lend his support in appreciation for your assistance."

Dante was very pleased hearing that. They shook hands after agreeing to discuss it more later. Their conversation was interrupted by an altmer man in Thalmor robes who wanted to talk with Dante about the College. Rictus gave a little wave as he walked away from them and back into the main room.

He was not alone for long though as Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone approached him.

"So, life has brought you to me, and maybe Morthal soon."

Rictus knew the rumors about her and how she could have visions. Most people dismissed it, but not him. Too much was possible with magic and the divines to brushoff such abilities.

"Nice to meet you, Jarl Ravencrone. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

She stared into his eyes for a moment before speaking.

"I fear dark days approach. I do not know what, but strength will be needed."

"Is there some kind of trouble in Morthal?"

"That which is unknown can create unease, even fear. It is to be expected. Some fear our new resident wizard, but I think you may have already resolved that issue. There is more, but the Divines have not shown this to me."

Rictus just kind of awkwardly stood there as the old Jarl spoke to him in her relaxed manner. He didn't quite understand exactly what was going on. It seemed she wanted him to come to Morthal for some reason, and she knew he had talked with Falion.

"Well, I will try and make some time to visit Morthal then. I have not had the pleasure of visiting there yet."

She gave him a mysterious look as she continued making eye contact with him.

"In Morthal, there is little to rule. But there is much to teach."

The confusion on his face was quite clear. Sometimes it was best just to walk away.

"Alright then. I hope you enjoy the party then."

She spoke up once more as he was leaving.

"There are words spoken, and words unspoken. Beware these Thalmor, for they are adept in both languages. For this reason, I avoid them when I can, and so should you. May wisdom light your path."

She nodded at him and started walking away in the opposite direction. And with that she was gone. The whole conversation was a bit strange to him. He now better understood why there were so many crazy rumors about her. 'I like eye contact as much as the next person, but I don't think she looked away or blinked once during that entire exchange. I don't know if this makes me want to visit Morthal more or less…'

As he was moving through the party, a conversation drew his attention. Jarl Elisif was trying to get her Thanes', Bryling and Erikur, opinions on things.

"What do you have to report about the state of Haafingar's defenses?"

Bryling, a handsome middle-aged Nord woman with blond hair, looked a little exasperated by the question.

"Your grace, I don't think this is the best time to discuss this sort of thing."

The Jarl's persistent look got her to continue with a sigh.

"The news is the same as it's always been. Our borders are secure, but at the cost of the guards for our towns and roads. General Tullius constantly recruiting from our own guards does not help matters either."

Erikur couldn't help but interjecting his thoughts on the subject.

"I don't see any reason why we'd need the extra guards. As long as those dogs stay outside of our border, we're fine. Besides, I do believe it was our Jarl which gave the general her blessing for recruiting from the guard. The faster the war ends the faster we can recover our guards, who will also have more military experience."

Bryling gave the man the stink eye at his intrusion.

"The Stormcloaks are far from the only threat to the hold. The roads are beset by bandits and beasts…and now we even have to worry about attacks from bloody dragons! Just look at Dawnstar."

The arrogant than rolled his eyes at her incessant worrying.

"My dear dear Bryling. Barring any…fancy and folly… the good people of Haafingar are surely capable of dealing with the odd highwayman or stray dog. I doubt the dragons will bother with our hold as there are many other easier targets for them, if they are even as dangerous as people claim."

The other thane continued arguing with him.

"Trouble on the roads and cities means less commerce. Less commerce means less money and more starving people. And THAT means more crime."

Another eye roll and dismissive wave showed how much Erikur really cared.

"Humph. That's only a problem for people who can't afford to hire their own security."

Elisif finally intervened with her bickering guards.

"That may well be our only answer. I may have to empower my Steward to seek out capable individuals to secure Haafinger. As you know though, Solitude's coffers are much depleted by the war efforts. Thane Erikur, you have a strong head for business. What do you suggest?"

He lost his pompous smirk and looked like a real businessman for a moment.

"This is an unfortunate but unavoidable ebb in revenue. I do believe as long as we continue supporting the Empire, all our great sacrifices will be well rewarded in the end. It may not be the easiest course of action, but it is the safest bet we have in the long run. The East Empire company has seen their business booming again so the added taxes will be a welcome help."

Bryling started to bristle at his words.

"Listen to you, speaking of sacrifice. You've never gone hungry a day in your life, Erikur!"

"And what would my impetuous Thane Bryling suggest instead?"

She took a moment to gather her thoughts. It seemed to be something she had considered beforehand.

"Simple. Let the Empire fight its own war, with its own funds, and without hijacking our supplies and soldiers. Let Haafingar rebuild from the troubles we have gone through recently. With the decrease in pirate activity, we have a chance to greatly increase sea trade. We cannot do that if we just let the Empire have everything for basically free."

Erikur massaged his temples as he shook his head. Taking just a moment before speaking again.

"My lady…Surely you are not that naïve. Such foolishness would only leave us defenseless. The rebels would storm the palace in an afternoon."

"The Stormcloaks only rebel because the Empire uses Skyrim as its personal larder. The more they take, the more support the rebels gain! The more support the rebels gain, the more the Empire will take from us! It is a perpetuating cycle we must stop!"

Finally, Elisif took control of the conversation before it could get any more heated.

"That is quite enough from the two of you. Hopefully, I will raise all these issues when I have an audience with General Tullius later this week."

The three of them all gave a slight start when a stranger's voice spoke out.

"Perhaps I could help you with some of these things."

Rictus couldn't help but smile at the way the thanes seemed startled by him interjecting into the conversation, Elisif did not seem nearly so surprised though which made note of. He had been working on his stealth after all. If he cheated a bit and levitated himself off the floor while pretending to walk and being utterly silent since he wasn't actually touching the ground, that was just a happy coincidence. Erikur gave a snort and disdainful look at him.

"What is a street magician doing here? I am not sure why you were even let in here, but I can only assume you are part of the evening's entertainment so you should be preparing for that instead of bothering us. Wouldn't want you to mess up and look like an idiot in front of everyone here."

Unlike him, Elisif looked pleased to see him.

"Ah, Thane Rictus. It is good to see you here. I have sent letters to Jarl Korir, but I do not know if he ever received them. Please tell him how sorry I am for his loss. Thaena died defending me while I was still distraught from the loss of my husband. If there is anything I can do for him, please let me know, and it will be done."

The look on Erikur's face after hearing his title and name was priceless. A mixture of recognition and fear appeared on his face. Insulting a thane and incredibly powerful mage was never good for one's health. Rictus thoroughly enjoyed watching the man squirm under his gaze. He was a little surprised hearing Elisif's words. Korir had left out the identity of the woman Thaena had saved. He would have to follow up on that next time they saw each other.

"It would be my pleasure, Jarl. He has been extremely busy as of late consolidating all the new citizens and changes in the city. So please, forgive his tardiness in replying."

She smiled at his words. Seeing the beautiful smile, Rictus agreed with her title being Elisif the Fair.

"I thank you for that. Now, what did you mean earlier about helping us? Is Winterhold going to be joining the side of the Empire?"

He shook his head at the hopeful looks on their faces.

"I did not speak up as a representative of Winterhold. I do believe Jarl Korir will take a page from Jarl Balgruuf's page and stay neutral as long as he can. While he initially supported Ulfric, there has been some friction as of late. Instead, I was offering the services of my Restored. We are rapidly growing, and new steady employment is always welcomed for my people, especially if it allows the newer members to gain some experience."

The Jarl raised an eyebrow as Erikur spoke up again.

"So, you will be supporting the Empire in the war after all then? I am sure General Tullius would be pleased to hear that."

Rictus stared at the man and his leap in logic. It was a fair thought, but this man should know better than most the benefits to playing both sides.

"We are a mercenary company. I will not send my people against an army, but fighting bandits is something we are quite experienced in. Ulfric has not contacted me for our services, so I do not have any formal agreements with the Stormcloaks, despite having quite a few customers living in Stormcloak territory. I was merely proposing a contract for keeping the bandits in line."

Bryling gave him a skeptical look.

"This sounds expensive. I am sure we will have to discuss this proposal more at a later date. It is something for us to consider though."

"Of course, my lady. I just happened to overhear your concerns and offered a potential solution. I do believe you will find our services a better deal than you would find elsewhere, especially since we do accept contracts on a barter system unlike many other mercenaries. The Restored have no shortage of funds after all. Just something to consider."

The 3 nobles studied him for a moment before nodding, their attention was grabbed by some of the other party goers as they bid him farewell. Elisif hung back a moment longer as her Thanes moved away.

"I do appreciate your offer. I do not know if anything will come from it, but my steward will come up with an overview of what we need. Once that is complete, we will send it to your people here in Solitude for review and negotiations. I also must warn you about ease dropping. It is not a very polite thing to do."

Rictus could not help but smile at the Jarl after she said this.

"Hmm. I wonder if it really was ease dropping though. It seemed the conversation got a little louder once I got nearer, as if the words were spoken so I could hear them."

A sly smirk graced her face while a delicate eyebrow rose into the air.

"I haven't any idea what you may be speaking about. I am sure it was just happenstance. It is a very serious issue after all so conversation can get a little heated. Regardless, you should enjoy yourself. Elewen's parties are always so elegant. She really has impeccable taste. My only regret is that she doesn't hold them more often."

A small sigh escaped her before she excused herself.

"It was a pleasure meeting you finally, and I hope we will see each other again. Do give Korir my regards."

With that, she started walking away and mingling with the other guests. Rictus was not expecting that. 'Maybe the Jarl is not quite as clueless about things as people believe.' He simply shrugged at the thought. She didn't seem like some kind of political mastermind, but there was more intelligence there than people gave her credit for.

He turned around as someone cleared their throat behind him. A dark-haired Mirajane was standing there with a serious look on her face.

"I need you to cause a scene."


[AN]: Well the next chapter will have the distraction which I found a little funny. It will also be the final chapter at the party.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. Hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear your thoughts on the chapter and the story as a while. The comments provide me inspirations for the story which make it better in my opinion.

For those reading that desire knowledge. I will do my best to supply a nugget of wisdom. The Terminator movie sold for $1. Before James Cameron became famous for directoing other films, he was an unknown filmaker with an ambitious idea. He handed over the rights of his script for basically nothing so he could direct the movie. The Terminator earned a worldwide total of $78.3 million at the box office in 1984. As it went on, the franchise took in over $1.4 Billion.

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