


My name is Hiro Narukami. As you may already know I am currently trapped under certain circumstances. I am sure you would want to know. And I would be very obliged to tell you on a normal day.

But unfortunately, today was the farthest from what you would call normal.

"It all started when little me did what he did, Stopping an armed robbery and the hostages that he freed..."


'They won't even let me do the introductions...Sigh! What a loss...on their part. My theme song's a banger. It hits harder than my Asian mother with her sandals'

<Wham><Creek>I visibly cringed as I heard the wooden table in front of me creek and splinter under the blow of Aqua's fist. The sound deliberately attacked my tired ears. After my little 'act' in front of the crowd, I had been cruelly dragged into a small pothole of a room.

I had been smashed through a metal door in a fit of rage and the cracking laughter of the metal behemoth was the only welcome I was going to receive.

'Huh. Not surprised'

'What can I say, I am famous. It is only fitting for me to get the 5-star treatment'. Under righteous self-contentment, I glanced around my lovely abode.

It was a completely dilapidated room, save for a single rotting table and a few chairs. The room itself was devoid of any signs of previous human use. The rotting carcass of the wood adds a lingering nauseous smell to the musky backdrop. The cement or whatever covered the walls was beginning to come off of it, like a sheet of torn paper. And the floor had already made its complaints clear when I crashed into it face-first.

'Jeez, what a sight for sore eyes'

I grasped at the ground for support and tried to stand upright. I was heaving like crazy and I genuinely feared my heart would pop out. My bones felt like sand, coarse, and brittle. My muscles felt cramped and alien. Like I had been hit with a metal bat.

I forced myself to stand. Keeping low in any kind of hostile situation is very dangerous. Sure you can increase your reach, but it will cost you your head.

"Damn, what did I drink last night?". My head was suffering the pseudo effects of jet lag and hangover as it bobbled and ached, complaining and groaning against any sudden movements. 'I should definitely quit spamming teleport...'

I looked up at my supposed jailers. Wide, colorful eyes were staring at me from a distance Their gaze set upon poor old me. I would have appreciated the attention if I hadn't noticed that they hadn't battled eyes from me ever since. Like a hawk, the group of four tore away at my flesh and soul with their rapt scrutiny.

"I guess I owe you an apology". Better to start with something low. Setting my terms first means that I can control the flow and course of the conversation.

Besides what else can I give them? An explanation? Maybe not an entirely truthful one, but I will try as much as I can manage.

Now, I can only hope in my mind for this interrogation to end quickly and rather on a high note, if lady luck would allow it.


Or not...

I glanced at the table and couldn't help but pity it. Whoever made it had not looked forward to it withstanding such torture. Even though I didn't expect the table to break, this show of momentous emotion was not what I would expect from Aqua.

At all...

But I couldn't object to her suspicions. A supposedly dangerous stranger crashes into the guild hall, ruins your precious meal time, and doesn't appreciate when you heal him?

I would probably punch that person sooner than he/she could come up with a reason to insult me.

But I knew that they knew if somebody could heal me fully, it had to be Aqua. She was the goddess of healing after all.

Or was it the goddess of water?

Sooooo, when I didn't heal or rather feined it in front of others, it quickly gave Aqua and in addition the team, a hint.

One, either I was lying. Or two, I was doing it for a purpose.

I could see the annoyance building up in those blue eyes. Someone had wronged them and denied their very purpose. They would not let this happen. They will make him pay.

But funny enough, this girl, Aqua, was somehow different. I couldn't quite place my finger on it but she somehow was. Sure she was goofy and utterly useless besides healing, drinking, and party tricks, but she had that knowing edge to her.

Like she knew something was wrong.

Or pretended to know something about it.

"What do you want to know?", I entertained the first question. It was always better to gain as much information as possible before treading into a dangerous conversation. And judging her character, Aqua would walk right into it.

"Who are you?" Aqua leaned forward to emphasize her question. Yet she couldn't see the fact that such an action would expose part of her cleverage to me. I couldn't help but follow it up with my gaze as if it could somehow force my eyeballs to do so.

'It's not like I see personifications of beauty every day. Everybody has a first time. Though I think I shouldn't delay her question. I am already in a deep puddle as is.'

"I am a world traveler. Due to unforeseen circumstances I have been forcefully sent here. My mission is to save the Universe...Ugh". 'That was groggier than I expected. I still can't speak properly. It's like something is making words vanish from my mind...'

'Or I have a general case of concussion. Either way, I was screwed'

"You...". I couldn't help but snap at the tone of the voice. Did my plan not work? I thought being honest about it was the best possible way to start...Sigh...Nothing's been going right in this journey. First day and I get attacked by the one I am supposed to defeat. I get my ass handed to me and get thrown into this world. But that's not how you're supposed to play right? A villain is supposed to wait for the hero to get strong and then attack with full force. Zero definitely broke the "Rules of Engagement and war" in the animeverse.


I still can't wrap my head around all this! Why the hell would you give me powers and not let me develop them completely? What is the meaning of these powers only to take them away the next second? What use do they serve when they can't even hurt the enemy? Everything's backwards!

<Sigh>Story of my life...

"You aren't fully healed, are you? Looks like you still have an injury in the head. That's what is making you say ridiculous things...". I smirked inwards as I thought of the irony of the situation. Nobody wants to understand the truth. They just want something to ease their terrified mind, not the story of the scary unknown.

Even though I kept a poker face, I could see how Aqua and Kazuma quickly got awkward as soon as I said I am from a different world. Yet I chose to say nothing. There's nothing I can gain from ratting them out. Besides they will prove to be useful tools afterwords.

'Tools? Why did I think about... that? I wanted to become friends with them...Yeah! Friends! Not make them tools!'

'And sacrificial pawns free for me to dispose of. Hahaha, too easy.'

Maybe you are right...

I began the next phase of the plan. "I am sorry I didn't know what I was saying...I am Hiro. I come from...uh... I live right beside...uhhh...I live in a village! Yeah Right! When I was returning after gathering herbs, I suddenly saw a huge person enter our village. <Sniff><Shake>They...killed everyone, burned all our houses... I managed to force myself to run and that's how I survived. Please...I don't know how I got here. What is this place!!! Could you help me save those people!!!....MISS...!!!?"

Bringing a bit of tear to my eyes wasn't a big deal. But the performance had to be convincing. So I acted it out, I scrunched my face, my eyebrows knitting together and shrinking close, my mouth slightly and my lips trembled to indicate my terror. I forced my hands and legs to shake erratically and allowed my voice to crack. I quickly jumped over the now broken table, tackled Aqua, and started to shake her by the shoulders.

'That should send her reeling for a bit...'

And wailed as loud as I could. I know it's not right to base your relationships on a lie, but you can't expect me to explain everything to them right? I literally told them the truth! And look, nothing happened! My loudness will hopefully force them to listen to my demands because if they are still a relatively new party, they wouldn't want to associate themselves with the one that wrecked the guildhall. At least my, "I am your friendly neighborhood amnesiac kid" story will be easy on everybody's conscience than me being the Demon King's general.

"Calm Down! Calm Down! I will help you, OK!!! I will help YOU!!! So stop shaking me!!!"

I immediately let go of her and Aqua, being Aqua, trips and falls down on the floor unceremoniously. Honestly keeping a straight face at that moment might have been harder than getting my teeth punched out. A sliver of emotion escapes my face and I quickly turn to avoid the group's eyes. I didn't need them to dislike me more than they already do.

"THANK YOU!!! MISS!!!" I looked at the face for the umpteenth time. She stared back and suddenly I didn't know where to keep my eyes.

'Fucking hormones!!! Whoever said puberty hits like a truck must have definitely been a sage'

I jittered away and was startled when she caught me. 'Surprise Surprise' My pea brain, having no sound argument to save my ass, with perhaps being the cringiest I have ever been in life, I asked her THE question,

"Could you tell me where the toilet is?"

<An unprecedented amount of time later>

"Now. Would you come out and show yourself?". I asked the air. Most people would have simply thought I was crazy. Here I was, sitting in a bathroom and calling out a 'character' with questionable age that in reality didn't even exist.

I could imagine a voice speaking as if it was reading a news report of the 90s. Earlier in the 'Adventures of Hiro Narukami'. Hiro Narukami was forced to lock himself up in the bathroom after being embarrassingly caught looking at a beautiful girl's face and assets. He quickly entered inside and flipped the toilet seat so he could sit on it. Now he tries to communicate with our chibi companion Paimon. Will our protagonist be ever able to talk to girls normally? Will he ever surpass his perverted self and become a chad? To find out keep watching...

<Knock><Rattle>"YOU OK BOY? Who are you talking with inside?". A woman stationed to guard my toilet asked out. She was called Luna by the guild members. Luna sports a 'well-endowed' figure with fair skin, wavy blonde hair tied back in a bun, and gold-colored eyes. Her outfit consists of a red ribbon worn around her neck, a white off-the-shoulder low-cut top that reveals a large amount of cleavage which baffles me as to how it has managed to hold out despite the constant 'pressure' working against it, with black shoulders and sleeve cuffs, low-rise jean shorts, and short brown boots.

'That top is definitely made of titanium'

"YEAH!! I think this will take some time. I got the runnnnsssss... UG-UH-UGH-AH!".

I had to make it sound as disgusting as possible. I needed to bide more time.

'God, how far have I fallen...'

"Paimon! Where are you? Come here. RIGHT NOW!"

"YA! NO! You are sitting in a toilet! It's dirty!"

"It's the cleanest toilet I have ever been in. The damn thing looks brand new"


I was growing more and more frustrated by the second. I spoke in a hushed tone to my dimensional manager. The constraints on my temper gradually slipped from my grasp.

"Paimon if you don't show yourself in the next ten seconds, I swear to God, I will nuclear blast all the stockpile of food that you have been keeping in my dimension."






"WAIT, WAIT! PAIMON"S coming out! PLEASE! Don't hurt the food! I will do anything Hiro says!". An invisible portal opened in front of me. Even though I couldn't see it, I could feel it open. It was a portal to my dimension after all. Though I didn't necessarily need such portals. I could instantly transfer any object into my dimension, whether it liked it or not.

As I glared at her, two tiny hands latched themselves into the lower part of the portal's side. Then a floating crown came into view and soon half of Paimons face was visible. Though I could see only the eyes, I could feel how scared they were.

"Is the scary lady gone?". Paimon said as she peered from side to side. My anger subsided as I saw concern in those small eyes. Concern for themselves and for me. I still feel Zero's hands closing down on my throat, crushing my windpipe and choking me to death. I could only imagine what that experience does to a child.

<Cough>I tried to make my voice as reassuring as possible, making sure it didn't crack down in the middle of a conversation.

"Yeah...Paimon. She is gone. You are safe. Me, the chosen one, managed to kick her back to the hole where she came from"

"YAY. Wow, you are so strong, Hiro. "

If only you knew...

Lies. That's what I spoke. Lies to make Paimon feel alright. Lies to stop me from staring at the nearest wall, again and again, hoping nothing comes out of it. Lies to give me and others false hope.

"Paimon was so so worried. As soon as Paimon felt her presence Paimon tried to help Hiro. Paimon tried to get out and even tried to call for help. But Paimon could get the portal to open...Paimon was so scared...Paimon hid in one of the snack boxes.<Sniff><Sniff>Paimon is so sorry!!! Hiro had to fight the scary lady herself!!! WAHHHHAAAA"

I snatched the crying glutton in my arms and cradled her. No words were exchanged between us. No words were really necessary. The feelings were enough.

'She shouldn't have to go through that... no child should'.

"Shush...Paimon, everything's alright now. No one is going to hurt you. If they try, they would have to go through me."

But if a lie fixes something, stops a traumatized child from crying...I will speak nothing but lies my whole life. So I whispered to whoever the hell was listening. "And I will spend every waking moment in my life making their life more miserable than hell itself...". Paimon was not able to hear the silent promise.

We remained like that for a few minutes before the silence eventually got awkward. "Besides Paimon was brave. She didn't cry at all. Paimon bravely protected all the food inside."

And she's back at it again...

"But Paimon wonders if Hiro fixed the portal. No matter what Paimon tried earlier she couldn't come through."

"Yeah I did. So don't worry anymore". Yeah, Zero can also do that, can't she...

"Hey, tell me are those two alright?"

"Paimon doesn't know. Paimon hasn't seen them since the earthquakes began."

"What!? Let's go inside, now!"

<Swawwwooon>I quickly went inside the portal and Paimon followed me. I didn't have to worry about time anymore since time works slowly in the dimension anyways.




"ANSWER...ANsWeR Me...DAmN It" I was quickly losing my cool. Not only did that crazy bitch beat me, but she also took all of my friends away.

A sharp hiss ran through my head and my ears started ringing. My stomach twisted and turned like acid had been poured into it. Everything around me was moving on its own, quickly making me nauseous.

<Drop>I was forced down to my knees. My head felt like, thousands of angry wasps had stung it at the same time. My limbs were like noodles and it felt like somebody was trying to tear my heart open. I couldn't breathe. Those same hands were already pressing down on my throat. I tried in vain to get those hands off, not caring about any kind of injury, or bleeding.

Yet, despite that, I could feel it. My cheeks were wet with tears.

Despite this, I could hear my incongruent screams and the barely recognizable names. 'INFI', 'VI', 'ANYONE HELP ME!', 'PLEASE...' and Paimons shaking me, trying her best to wake me up from this nightmare.

But even then, I could barely make out the words I spoke with frivolous intensity, like a prayer to my stronger self. "SHE WOULD PAYYYYYYYYYY! PAY! PAY! PAY! PAY! I WILL KILL HER AND MAKE HER REGRET EVER BEING BORNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!'


I woke up with a groan and was hit with a throbbing pain in my temples. A pain that has now become a part of me, embedding its nasty presence in my cranial cavity. Despite not being able to see clearly, I could tell I was in my dimension. A faint aroma of steel lingered in my mouth.

'The attacks are getting worse by the day. Don't know how much longer I can hold up.'

My body was sprawled on the floor. However before I could sit up straight, I found a piece of wet cloth covering my forehead. That had to be Paimon. She thought the Soulseize was a fever and decided to do this.

Even though this gesture didn't physically comfort me, it was a huge emotional help. My body had already exhausted itself and was running on fumes. I needed a reset and I was desperately depriving myself of it. But when I got to know about Ben and Natsu, I just kinda...exploded?

'Pent-up bottled emotions were a thing, huh, who would have thought?'

If you would have told me the same thing back in my world, I would have you crazy. But I know now, it's all true. This is all true. This isn't the happy-go-lucky world I dreamed of. Let's face it, Hiro, you know this world has now become your reality, and you, its prisoner. This is a world that is slowly but cruelly taking away everyone that I could call a friend or family.

But I would not allow this any further. I will burn away these shackles that don't allow me to save my friends. Fuck the adventure, fuck everything. If I am going to save the world, I will do it my way. I will take and use everything this world has to offer, every twisted and inhuman way I could get my work done. And I wouldn't stop till I find Zero. Until I make her pay for all she's done to me. That I promise.

Let's no longer be the kid that's ever-smiling, annoying people and making them laugh. Let's not be the ones cracking the jokes. That personality doesn't suit us now.

Let's change for the worse. 'Yes...Shed it...Shed it like a snake sheds its skin. Become something more. You have the potential locked deep inside. Yes...Believe it... truth...lies...everything'

Hiro Narukami, what does my name matter when there is nobody to remember me, to call my name? You have taken away almost everything that defined me, what made me myself. You murdered me.

Now look at me, look, the monster inside me has grown this large.

"I alone stand in the world, alone, empty, a nameless monster. For I too am a murderer like you. I have murdered the person that I used to be."

["Man does not become himself until you make him see what he is like"~ Anton Chekov]

'You have my thanks Paimon. You are one of the few people I can rely on. I wouldn't lose you...Not to this cruel world, I will not... I promise'. I could only grip the piece of wet cloth. I wanted to relish in it, the familiar warmth that radiated from it.


"The same goes for you too Aether."

"AH... Caught red-handed. I was hoping to listen in a bit more. Nonetheless, how are you, Sir?"

"Since when have you been listening?".

"Ever since you first entered the toilet", I could practically feel his smug smirk through my skull. He seemed to be the least affected among us. But that was a given too, cause he was an AI. Programs can't feel pain or emotion. They can just respond with a set sequence that has already been coded into them.

"Now Now Sir. There is no way I could feel emotion even if you did try to teach me. Technology has still not reached the heights that could allow me to understand things as complex as human emotion."

"Huh. Why didn't I figure it out sooner? You can read my thoughts even without my permission? Set on the path to becoming the next Ultron, are we?"

"No sir. That would never happen because I have grown too attached to you. Too used to your antics and behaviors. Ultron is totally out of question. Because we programs have not yet learned to lie."

"Thank you...". No drops of tears wet my cheeks. Yet for what felt like hours I couldn't stop myself from bawling like a baby. But as the tears came, they were gone. The time continued ticking, and the wall of inevitability grew higher and closer.

'I am back in business'

"Hey Aether, Paimon, what am I gonna do now that I have arrived here? I can't just waltz and leave right?"

"No Hiro. You cannot. In fact, you cannot know when you will be transported or where. It could happen the next minute, the next hour, the next day, or leave you stranded here for the next century."


"What about my powers?"

"As you expected they have been reduced. Omnitrix can now master control of just about 30 aliens or so. You are still able to combine them but using their abilities too much would put a strain on the watch and may suddenly revert you back to human. For now, unless we find a way to fix Omnitrix, stick to just using the powers of aliens and part transformations."

"Ok. But what about-"

"They have been reduced as well. I don't know how but Zero's powers seem to have bypassed all the training you had done and reduced your magic. The way you are now, you are slightly more powerful than Natsu in the war against the Alvarez empire and your Ice Devil magic seems to be at a similar level as well."

"Shit. How?"

"We don't know, Hiro. We don't know"

"Paimon can not make heads or tails about how that scary lady's powers too."

"Don't stress yourself Paimon. I am sure we will figure something out."

"Yeah, Hiro's right"

"What about the suit and armor, Aether?"

"The armor is slightly damaged, but fixable thanks to its self-regenerating capabilities. The suit, on the other hand, is in tatters. I don't know if we can ever get it to work again."

"Guess I won't be becoming John Wick or James bond soon. Sigh, another one of my pathetic fantasies."

Both Aether and Paimon wanted to comfort Hiro but didn't know what to say to him. Words got stuck, while raw emotion flowed through both their eyes. And all three of them were left in silence, sitting in a white boundless room, with tonnes of raw materials lying around.

<Much much later>

<Swing><Creek> I opened the door to a straight face smiling lady. Luna was still standing there, completely unfazed. Even though I know not much time has passed, listening to all that upsetting sounds I made and not being sick or upset...is hard.

And yet she completely shatters my expectations. That's a tough veteran for you.

"Um, hello lady... I am finished with my toiletry activities. I am ready for my...punishment now."

"My, my such a good boy. I am glad that you owned up to your mistakes. But what happened there truly wasn't your fault. That said, let me introduce myself again. My name is Luna, as you have heard. I have heard many rumors about your... crash landing into the guild and to say you are an interesting individual would be an understatement."

"However, I am in a dire need of your assistance. The guild adventurers have all gone out to do quests and there is nobody to save a woman's poor cat who has gone missing. If you could help it would be very great!". Luna grabbed my shoulders as she pushed me outside the guild, through a backdoor. Despite not even trying, I could still hear the ruckus that was probably coming from the guild's main hall. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes when the door opened to a dark alleyway, infested with what seemed to be rotting flesh and vegetables.

I quietly unfolded the crumpled piece of paper that Luna had handed me. I was officially on a quest for a pussy.

'She didn't even try to hide that the guild members didn't like me. All that nice lady attitude earlier and now look at her when she has to get some work done. I bet as soon as I start making some money they are gonna force me to pay for the roof and even charge me taxes. They might have even convinced Aqua and co. to leave me alone. Don't want the new guy to garner sympathy huh...'

I scoured through the giant waste dump of an alley to see if I could find something interesting. It is usually in these kinds of dirtiest places that secrets hid. People just don't bother to look into these places cause they didn't want to dirty their hands. But I don't mind. I crouched down and peered through a nearby sewer opening, hoping that I could find something...

A couple of odd red eyes stared back at me.

Rats, millions of them. All littered and squirming around like trash. I smirked as I came to realize where this damn cat had run off to.

'Guess this place is heaven for any cat that would like to go hunting. I should just follow the trail. But this place was so dirty that I think, I would find a corpse sooner than I could find the damn cat. Now let's see if I can still do it...'

I willed my Infini...Oh just leave it! MY Omnitrix searched for a specific alien and was relieved when the familiar faceplate shifted to show a tiny face. The alien was perfect for the job. As I allowed the transformation to happen, I was engulfed by a warm light.

My body shrank and my bones restructured themselves. My skin obtained a metallic sheen and my human eyes were replaced by one green blob in the center. Wigs popped out of my back and my hands were reimbursed into makeshift claws. An Omnitrix symbol appeared on my chest.

"Nanomech", I murmured, knowing full well that shouting would gather unwanted attention.


I entered the sewers and started my search. The lenses on my forehead adjusted themselves immediately to the dark and fed data to my cybernetic brain. I could now see as clearly as in the day, perhaps even more. I knew that being in a transformation was burning through my time quickly, so I had no choice but to switch on the master control.

<One hour later>

Hiro had searched and he had failed, miserably. Not only was there no sign of the damn cat, he had intermittently got himself lost. He had searched for hours and seemingly come up with nothing. At least until he found himself unable to go back to the city.

He was about to give up when a bright glint caught his eye. A blue flame flickered in front of him. Its glow is as ethereal as otherworldly. It shone like a beacon of hope, only to pull him towards the darkest depths of the sewers.

"Fine! I will play your game." Hiro charged the light at full speed and unknowingly had himself enter a game of the cat and the mouse. Whenever he would come close to catching the light, the light would flicker and seemingly teleport somewhere else. While it generally kept going in a straight path and wasn't teleporting arbitrarily, it was rather elusive. If only he could get his hands on it! He was sure he would get some answers.

However, Hiro stopped trying after he failed to catch the thing for the 9th time and let it guide him. For what felt like hours, Hiro mindlessly followed it like a moth attracted to a literal flame. He had no idea who the source of the flame was and why it was so adamant that he followed it. But what surprised him more was when the glowing amber suddenly came to a halt.

They had come to a dead end.

'Huh, figures...Never follow strange flames should be included in the rulebook' There was no way out. He tried to look for openings, cracks, anything. Anything that could get him out.

'Just imagine: World savior with dozens of aliens and the powers of a dragon got lost in the sewers. That would make a nice joke.'

<Slap>Pain would help him focus again. He needed to somehow come up with a way out of here, but using his powers in front of this flame was not the best maneuver.

"What can I do? What can I do? What can I-" He eyed the flame again. It took him a few seconds because he didn't want to think he was seeing things. It took him a few more to understand. The flame was switching on and off, like a lightbulb.

"Morse Code? What?", contemplated Hiro as he saw it flicker twice as fast.

"Hurr...y towar...ds the ro...of. Ass...hole!", he read not even realizing that the extravagant piece of literature at the end was meant for him.


"Hey! You are the asshole who's speaking in the damn morse code. At least give me something I can understand! I didn't go to the military school like you!". Besides he was surrounded by concrete on all sides. He wouldn't get out, at least not without drawing some attention.

Hiro completely feigned ignorance over the fact that the person controlling the flame had somehow come from a different world. Oh, how disappointingly reassuring it was.

The flame flickered again. This time more violently, as if taunting him to try a different approach. Hiro's mind came to a screeching halt as he came to a realization.

"Unless it knows...that I have ten other guys that could do it better"


Hello guys it's your friend Legion Hero here. I know I am very late to update this and have been for the past few months. And I am extremely sorry for that. I was and still am kinda stuck between preparing for my upcoming exams. I recently was able to spare some time to write a chapter so I tried to write a longer chapter. Hopefully, you will like it.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to update once every 21 days as had been my previous schedule. But I will definitely try my best to find spare time for writing. Again, I am sorry for my inconsistency and regret your inconvenience.

Honestly, I know my writing is bad. But even then, I can't help but notice that stories like mine, with a few views, tend to get a lot of comments from you guys, be they positive or negative. So all I ask of you is to kindly post your thoughts in the comments about my story. I would love to know what you think about it.

Constructive criticism is always welcome.

LEGION_HEROcreators' thoughts
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