

The light that glittered through the hole led him to the most unexpected. Or rather it was out of place. Imagine, something out of place in a world where he is out of place already. So when the unexpected discovery hit him in full force, he was almost ready to pinch his cheeks, to rub his eyes, and to rise out of his bed. Its sheer size caused his jaw to go slack as if it would have hit the ground anytime soon.

"AH hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!". He couldn't stop laughing. He laughed so much, he fell on the grassy meadow that lay spread outside the opening of the cave.



I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!!!!" His draconic slits zeroed in on the tower's top as he screamed in the air.His fangs had already extended themselves to their full length to testament his bloodlust.

There it stood. As steady and menacing as he had imagined. Looking over the whole world as if it was above anything and everything else. It was so tall that for a moment Hiro was forced to imagine if the tower had actually split the sky in half. Its otherworldly gleaming white walls blinded anyone who dared to look at it with enmity. Nobody could tell where it started it started, where it ended.

Did it descend to rain heaven on Earth or did it ascend from Earth to uplift it to the holy palace?

He rubbed his eyes. He needed to be absolutely sure. But when the image before him didn't change to his dark room with lots of trash and a static TV. Hiro dropped to his knees. He couldn't handle it.

"Shit...SHIT...SHIT... Talk about getting cockblocked. Oh my, where are my manners? What a clever way to trample on my plans. You went and did this just for little me, didn't you Zero? You had to give me the absolute best gift on my journey's start?"

"Well I will not thank you"

The tower of the heavenly and worth. The tower of power and beauty. The tower of the god's domination and dominion. It was a tragedy. An utter blasphemy. It was the junction, between the world of little adventures and monster hunters, of the world of dungeons and parody. An amalgamation of Parody and action brought together in an explosive mix.

Babel. The tower of babel. The tower in Orario. The capital city of the fabulous world of Picking girls in the dungeon.

"Welp... Nothing can be done about it. All there is left, is to think. Think of a way out. Think of a way to overcome. Think Hiro think. Think and improvise. Utilize, takeover, and slay."

Hiro stood up again. He didn't look back. He was sure he will eventually end up there even if he didn't do anything. Such is the fate of every protagonist in a shitty fanfic, cause he definitely felt like he was stuck in a Shounen Manga jump Weekly.

Adrenalin and fear pushed him to return home faster. However, in his terrifying frenzy, he failed to recognize the small sigil of detection magic he has stepped on.


Before he could utter those world fully, his eyes flew onto the big magic circle that has appeared near him. He hissed as he saw what has appeared from it.

Hundreds of soldiers poured through it like a colony of ants. Spears, shields, swords, lances, you name it, were raised in his direction. He barely had the time to say, "Well could this get any worse?", before he had to throw himself to the side to dodge a spear aimed directly at his heart.

<Sttk!> It was safely allowed passage deep into the ground.

He barrel-rolled himself up and jumped on the soldiers. No way in hell would he let himself stuck thinking if he should hurt these guys. He could get out of here faster. But his guts were telling him to stay. So he did what any attacked person would do. He will stand here and self-defend himself. Besides they attacked first. First. He just needed to beat the 'Why' out of them.

However, he noticed something out of place. These were definitely not the random dudes of the starter Village police. They each had rather eccentric clothes and were each physically fit enough to pass for a fighter. Some even had fancy daggers hanging from their belts.

They were adventurers. Experienced at that.

'They are soldiers. Trained themselves to face their enemy. And they attacked first. Come on say it'


'I want to hear you say it'

"They attacked first. So it is only fair I return the favor"

"Argh!" A single soldier swung his spear at him from the side, intending to slice open his stomach. He backed away as he jumped a little.

Hiro figured that he would land safely, but immediately the soldier rolled forward and spun on his head like a breakdancer, and swung again. <Swing!>This time Hiro was forced to cartwheel backward again. But because of this, he couldn't completely see the other soldier who swung at his head with another spear. At this moment, the other soldiers closed in on him in the circle fully intending to finish him off.

<Break> The tip of the spear collided with his head so hard that the wooden handle was smashed off. The soldier, who now held his broken spear, stood still, baffled.

<Smack!>Hiro smacked him in the face hard and the soldier fell to the ground. He was immediately replaced by more soldiers. Hiro begins to swing his fists in frenzy and hits as many soldiers as he can.

He is immediately gutted with a sword as a result. He turns to the soldier holding the blade and glares at him so hard that the soldier was ready to pee himself. Hiro grabs the sword and uses it to throw the soldier away.

<Smash> Hiro was in turn bashed by a spear and dragged to the other side of the circle. As soon as he recovered enough, Hiro dug his feet into the ground. Deep trenches appeared on the ground as he and the soldier fought to overpower each other.

"Hnn" Unable to stop the dash, Hiro grabbed the shield and started pulling it towards himself. The soldier was startled for a moment and shook himself haphazardly to shake Hiro off.

<Grab><Stuck> The ground under Hiro immediately turned into quicksand as his feet were immediately ensnared in the sand, preventing him to move anymore.

"I will take you down! As the captain of my squad, it is my responsibility to kill you before you can harm any of my subordinates. Surrender and I will spare you... Clearly you yourself must be at least level 3. And the fact that you are still holding back! We could use your talent. Whatever you came here to steal, the lord of the house will offer you even more to protect his manor." The Captain spoke with confidence as he exuded his killer intent.

Hiro was surprised. These guns were definitely not mindless mobs, contrary to what you may believe. This made him even more hesitant. He was unsure so he had been fighting with the marshal arts ben had learned from the Plumber academy and just the physical endurance of a dragon slayer. But now that the guy spoke to him, he realizes his folly.

'These are just ordinary guys doing their job. I need to find who employed them.'

<Swoosh!> A barrage of arrows hit him from behind. An army of archers has been formed to support the melee warriors. But while none of the arrows manage to wound him, they still are capable of causing him pain.

Hiro ignores it and pulls even harder. As the shield buckles under him, he pushes it down even more and grabs the head of the captain. The captain grabs his hands with one hand and swings his fists across his face.

<Smack><Smack><Smack> His punches are enough to rattle Hiro's teeth. More arrows strike his back and he finds himself in a headlock, incapacitated and unable to fight back. But inwardly he commends these guys for their teamwork. Clearly, they are well-trained in what they do.

<Bite> His sharp teeth tear through the captain's hand. He uses the surprise to pull the captain closer to him again and finally grabs hold of his head. From there on he would go on to do what any sensible person in a fight against an army would do.

He headbutted the captain of the squad repeatedly until he was dead unconscious while arrows and swords rained down upon him.

"Ugh" The captain fell to the ground, creating a cloud of dust. But Hiro had little time to celebrate because a pack of hands (No pun intended) fell upon him. He was forced to the ground as soldiers all around him cheered the others.

"He may have beaten the captain. But we are the captain's trusted soldiers. Together we can beat him."

"Come on boys. After we beat him, we will have a feast."

"And drinks!"

"And women!"

"All in good time mates. First, tie him up. I am pretty sure the Lord would want to see for himself who dared to go outside the Village."

Hiro watched and listened as he lay on the ground, pretending to be unconscious. At last, his plan worked. He had guessed the display of resistance had to be at least a little bit truthful or otherwise they would never take him to their master. Then again, if his little trick, let these wary soldiers get a raise from that rich rat, then he considers it a job well done.


<Later, In the starter Guild hall>

Kazuma sits at a table about to start his lunch again. But his food remains untouched. Instead of eating, he is busy looking at the door, wondering when the strange boy will come back to the guild.

Believe him, Kazuma had seen his days of madness. He had seen madness when he met Aqua, Megumin, and darkness. He thought these four were enough to drive him mad. But lo and behold, just as he was about to finish his precious Steam Crab, a complete stranger just dropped on his plate out of nowhere. The dickhead had come straight through the roof and judging by the look of things was probably in need of serious assistance.

When the strange boy dropped on his table, he had been annoyed and furious. He was already bust paying his way out of the loan that has been oh so generously bestowed upon his party by Aqua. So just when he had decided to have a nice meal to himself after a hard day of the quest, he had expected all things to go well for him. But well, they never do, they NEVER do.

Now as he comes back from hearing the boy's story of Amnesia and his village being burned, he doesn't buy it. Sure the girls may be fools, but he has seen his fair share of lying jerks. Jerks like the ones that stole his latest model of [RG 1/144 Wing Gundam] that had been released a few months before he died.

But he had other reasons not to believe the boy. He doesn't know how the others, the girls, the guildmembers don't see it when it was right in front of them. The blood. The blood from the boy's body came gushing out like some sick fountain. The wounds that were littered on his body, like some kind of Dragon had torn through his body. The broken look in his eyes and the silence of the stranger.

He truly didn't know. But he will find out. For now, he is willing to go along with the lies. But the moment he knows of the truth he will... well he will tell others. But he isn't sure if he should. Because for the love of God, he can't bring himself to think that the boy is an enemy, an evil person. He looks so much like he used to look when he would squeeze himself into a pile of video games and mangas, trying to get away from the world and reality, alone and without any friends.

So he will give the boy a chance. And if he proves to be as useless as the girls, he will begrudgingly allow him entry into his party and he may even try to be his friend. And He will do all this because of his big heart that shows kindness to all. But seriously his party is in dire need of a powerful member because if the encounter with Beldia has taught him, it was that he could not go on living causing property damage and paying loans.

So he looks at his other companions. A chunibyo loli, a hot Masochist, and a klutz Goddess, truly he was stuck with bad company, a special company that he wouldn't give for anything. He might just add a torn stranger into it.

"Oi Kazuma! Finish your Crab legs or I am going to eat them!" As proclaims boldly from the other corner of the table where all four of them sat still.

"A bold proclamation indeed. Ha ha. Let's see if you are ready to o give up your precious scarf for it?"

And he pulls at Aqua's pink scarf. The goddess vainly pulls it back while crying for him to stop.


<In a distant Manor>

When Hiro woke up, he was already inside the manor, blinded by a cloth bag over his head. How can he be so sure you ask? Well, he has x-ray scanners built into his suit and all the credit goes to Tony stark for it. Without him, Hiro would have never been able to make his own version of the suit.

The room was very large and was most surely intricately designed by a talented artist. The roof had been painted blood crimson and the walls were a mix of ethereal royal blue and golden yellow. It had shiny marble floors and flamboyant furniture of different kinds, with tapestries made of gold and diamonds hanging from walls. The room in which he was put also sported a great number of monster heads, no doubt collected from hunts, stationed in pedestals, and sealed in glass boxes at equal intervals. A great chandelier hung low from the ceiling. It was made of pure diamonds. He had seen billionaires have less than this single room held.

Hiro moved his eyes over the room while making sure his head remained completely still, studying, analyzing it from corner to corner, searching for an escape root. But before he could find anything, a pair of steel gates before him opened up. They revealed a room, cast in the shadows, with a stench of blood and death. Clearly, this was the interrogation room. All that was left...

"You are either a very big idiot or very brave to wander around on my property without my permission. But perhaps you really were trying to go outside. Still, you could prove to be useful. With the way, you fought off a couple of level 2 and a man well on his way to becoming level 4, you are quite powerful, boy...Tell me do you want to leave the village so bad?"


"Why? Nothing awaits you there except punishment and death. Life in the dungeons sure looks fabulous and getting to live among the gods sounds interesting, but that's it. You can get nothing more out of it, not a long life nor a free life. As soon as you hit a certain level, they will do everything in their power to keep you in the contract as long as possible. And do you really yearn that much for a life of an insect, a slave existing for the sole purpose of fulfilling those gods desires? You know clearly that they descended upon us because they were bored and now they set the stage as they like, controlling all of us. But I have too many like you to argue with you.

The Lord of the house walked slowly to Hiro and looked at him as if trying to find the reason for his behavior. What is it? Fame? Money? Power? No?...Sex? Love? No... Lover?....Family perhaps?

Hiro couldn't stop his head to swivel in the general direction of the Lord. He had avoided looking at his all this time. But now this bastard was talking a little too much. Assuming things about Infi and Vi was akin to testing his limits of patience.

Hiro could only now look at the Lord. He was just as he had imagined. As if his imagination has been given shape and form. A rotund belly, with wrinkles across his face, and a pompous high-mighty attitude.

The Lord himself was however pleased to see Hiro's attitude despite the bag over his head. He turned and spoke to himself again.

"This place, earlier a village, was established by my forefathers as a way to protect those who seek shelter. Those who wanted to go to the city often came here, but whenever they were rejected, this was the place they return to. Eventually, this village prospered and you can see the rest. But they made it a rule that should you enter the starter city, you are forbidden to go o the city before you pay at least 50% of the city's total crop production. But it was just a plan to keep the people in the city and make it a hub through which all trade shall pass to Orario."

"So, I will say it again. No one leaves the starter city."

"And we killed those men who defied us. We raped the women who denied us. "

"Now meet your executioner. The heir of the Duskdawn fam-"

<Grab><Choke> Hiro choked up the Lord with just his right hand. He easily lifted the heavy man and shook him. The Lord struggled under his grasp and tried to claw at Hiro's hands to no avail. His eyes searched the position where Hiro had stood before and no doubt thought about how Hiro had freed himself. Hiro stuck him up to the wall, near his own desk.

Hiro gradually squeezed harder and harder as he heard the bones of the man creak under the pressure. He could hear the man's ragged breath as he found himself being deprived of oxygen gradually, his legs kicked on a frivolous frenzy as his eyes rolled backward.

Hiro was sure to end the Lord's legacy here. He will see to himself that it gets buried 6 feet deep into the ground.

<Fall>In a sudden movement, the lord managed to kick his desk drawer. Immediately the guard stationed outside broke through the door and entered inside. However, he was a second too late. Hiro had already left the premises of the room and the Manor itself.

The guard approached the Lord and asked if he should send the squad to follow the intruder. However, he was denied.

"No need. Let him be for now. We will get him to come to us."


He had escaped through the walls using Bigchill's intangibility powers and now he was using the powers of Xlr8. With a speed of thousands of miles per hour, Hiro approached the city and into the guild hall. He was really really angry. Unless he burns this entire Manor to the ground, he will not be able to rest. But for now, he will have to lay low. The guards had already seen his face and though the lord himself had not seen it, he couldn't be too sure.

But eventually, it became too much for him. He slowed down until he was barely walking. He was busy thinking just how the hell he was gonna be going to Orario. If he goes illegally after he has assaulted the Lord, and if he is found out, all the adventurers of every guild will be out for his blood.

"Hey, YOU!"


Next chapter