
Chapter 148: Tomorrow's Borrowed Trouble, Part 1

Katya's House, Sunset Park, Elgin

"Are you ready, sister?" asked Katya.

Both Katya and Lena's hands were holding the crystal key which they'd inserted into the keyhole.

"I'm ready," Lena answered.

They turned the key, and Katya felt a strong vibration throughout her entire body. They opened the door and walked in.

"Oh, my goodness," said Katya. "I'm flabbergasted."

"Where are we?" asked Lena.

Katya looked around at the futuristic surroundings. She took in the sights, sounds, and the heavenly smells of what appeared to be of her childhood. "I believe this is our kitchen in Boston... In the house where we grew up."

A man walked into the kitchen. It was the girl's father, Viktor Sevnik. "Yes, it is, but not in Boston. We are in a small city near Boston that won't exist until the year 2133. The row houses were built to resemble those in Boston. But naturally, this is only a representation of it."

"Dad," cried Katya and ran with her sister to hug him.

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