
Chapter 2 :- hall of weapon

as , i was walking towards the hall of weapons i was hugged from behind . i said " Enyo , what is it , you want ? " behind me was a girl same age as me hugging . she said while pouting " young master , you are no fun when you are in a bad mood . it seems papa didn't let you escape this time . good one , papa " yes , Enyo was daughter of damond . only there looks are similar . personality completely different . she had long black hair with red eyes . they looked so similar . but damond who had an upright personality had a polar opposite daughter . she was someone who was free . she and i were childhood friends . even before the tragedy took place . damond interrupted my thoughts and said " we are in a hurry enyo . he needs to get his work done , right , young master " with a threatning smile . enyo then said " best of luck , young master " i replied immediatedly " so even you knew ! god , was i the only one who didn't know ? or is it that the daughter and father are secretly plotting something against me " enyo giggled and said " young master get used to it " i sighed and followed damond . damond then said " at that time , while you were talking to enyo . you remembered the tragedy , didn't you ?" i replied non- chalantly " yeah , so what ?" damond's ususally un- readable face was filled with worry , pity and sadness . all the people who look at me nowadays Look at me with pity . * sigh * i just don't want to get hurt like that time . damond said with a worried expression " young Master , you do know if you pressure yourself and try to remember anything related to that incident , you will get sick . young Master please understand" I replied with an non chalant expression" i know that . now , We are here . the hall of weapons " and I stepped forward and opened the door . damond was about to say something but I cut him off and said " not a word . we will talk about this when I come back " I then received a reply from damond " yes , young Master " and I went inside the hall . as soon as I stepped inside , I saw tons of weapons in front of me . I was in awe at the sight before me . all the weapons in front of me were millions of years old yet , yet look at them shimmering. it seems that they are protected by protection magic . I touched each and every weapon trying to see which one is best for me . I then suddenly remember the lullabies , that my nanny used to sing to me . " The warrior who carries twin swords , swings in the air like the moon and the sun . The chosen one shall save the land from the evil , shall make everyone cheerful just so no one becomes like him " I un consciously sang the lullaby . I suddenly felt a sort of warmth and nostalgic . a thought then striked me , i don't even remember my very own nanny's name when i have photographic memory. hmm... it must be it was a pain to remember it . i just ignored it ( main character would later regret it ) I went towards the direction it was coming from . this feeling came from under a cupboard . I bent down a bit and saw two sheath's . both of them were glowing . one was emitting a golden light while the other was emitting a black light . i was attracted towards them . i just took out the sheaths . as soon as i touched them a kind of shock ran through my body . it was painful yet refreshing . i closed my eyes . as soon as i closed my eyes . i saw a land with tall buildings all around me , people in strange clothing , weird mechanisms under which humans were sitting ( vehicle ). all this was so similar to my dreams . i then saw a boy in his 20s . it seemed i couldn't take my eyes off of him. suddenly a new sight appeared . a boy around 25 was looking at statues , pots , etc with an glass object ( magnifying glass ) . all the things he looked at seemed extremely old . then suddenly another sight appeared . this time the same boy in his 30s appeared . he was inside a cave . this time looking at designs and drawings on the cave wall with the same glass object . he was nothing something down in a book as well . then suddenly the cave collapsed and the boy was stuck beneath it and died . i then heard a voice " so , did you enjoy the tour of a completely different world ?" i who was used to this replied " yes , it was very enjoyable thanks to you . now , tell me what you want ?" he replied while chuckling " hmm.. i want nothing " i replied with a smirk and said " oh . is that so then there would be no one who mutters a spell and a the cave breaks . it was way too much of a coincidence . i realized it before but you knew whenever i was around . and it seems you are a scholar . as you were examining those old artifacts . " he stared at me with awe and said " you are way too extraordinary than i expected . it seems i over underestimated you . alright let me introduce myself , i am Hades Umbra . pleasure to meet you , young noble or should i say young master " i replied with a smile " same with me . i am Caelus Yahweh Bougaitelet . call me Caelus . so tell me what is all this ?" he replied with a serious expression " i want to take the history back to where it should be . for that i need your help . you need to become the emperor . i will fulfill any 2 wishes of you " i stared at him and replied " sure , but i want you to help me recover my memories and destroy the demon king " he replied " the second one was already in the plan , take something else " i replied " hmm... i don't have anything in particular for now . i will ask for it when i need it " he replied " with pleasure "

this was the meeting of hades and caelus . one the ruler of heaven while the other of underworld . the game shall begin !!

Athena_Amorcreators' thoughts
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