
Chapter 3 , Meld soul

i then said " so , how are you planning to help me and yourself " he replied " i will become a spirit " i stared at him and said " spirit ?" he replied " yes " i sighed and smacked his head " just who do you think you are !? spirits disappeared from my world and it doesn't seem that your world even has magic " he replied " no , the spirits haven't disappeared . they are scared of people . if a spirit wants they can appear . " i stared at him and said " how do you know that ?" he seemed shocked and replied " secret " i sighed and said " alright . so how do you become one ?" he replied " i will need your mana " i replied " alright , just get it over with " he then murmured something and a book appeared out of nowhere . he then opened the book and said " i , hades shall request of the heavenly goddess to let me be a spirit . i who has already chosen my contractor , caelus . please bless the two of us " i then suddenly felt an extreme headache . it felt like my head was about to split in two . i could feel my mana going . i then heard a voice which felt like i had heard it somewhere . it was the voice of a lady " i shall grant your request . you two shall be the ones chosen by the goddess herself . pave your road and you shall fulfill your wishes " it felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time . i then started feeling dizzy . as i was about to let loose of my final consciousness i saw hades taking a grip of me . i muttered " thanks " while he replied " you truly are a monster " and i chuckled and lost consciousness . i opened my eyes and found myself lying on the floor with the two swords around me . i said " was it a dream ?" i stood up but my legs were really weak . i checked the mana i had . more than half of it had disappeared . *sigh* so , it wasn't a dream . i then heard hades voice " hey can you hear me ?" i replied " speak a little slowly . you are too loud . my head is spining " he replied " follow after me 'healere'" i just said the word and my whole body lost the pain . wait a sec , healere .. where have i heard it ? ah , wasn't it an extremely high level spell that only the elites of magus ! i was about to say something but then realized that i am way too abnormal . i have made a pact with a spirit and travelled dimensions . i was bound to attract attention with this which would led an anomaly to the plans . i just said " hades , what kind of spirit are you ?" he replied " i am a dark spirit but due to the blessing of the goddess i can teach you any type of spirit magic and you are directly connected to the nature so , you can use any type of magic . " i replied " alright . can we talk through telepathy ?" he replied " yes , we can . " i then said ( telepathy ) ; so , can you hear me ?; he replied ; yes , i can; i then took the twin swords and said " appraisalere " i then saw that the sword i got was not even normal it was off chartly extraordinary !! it was the long lost twin swords nautical and the twilight sword . it was the sword which was used by the hero . it was said that he hide it somewhere where only his sucessor could find it . doesn't that mean i am his sucessor !? the stats were








this was what the appraisal screen showed . ( special skill of caelus ) . he was in shock . he pinched himself and realized that it wasn't a dream . i am way too overpowered !! hades said " now do you understand why i called you a monster !" i replied " yeah , i didn't even think about this in my wildest dreams . for now let's go out " i walked towards the door and opened it . as soon as i opened , i saw damond . he said " young master , what did you get ?" i replied " twin swords " and started walking . damond seemed in a daze . he then said " should i tell his excellency ?" i replied " even if i say no , you are going to tell him anyway . so , just get going , piper " he replied " yes , young master " hades then said " was that a butler ? he is quite skilled !" i replied " he is my father's assassin as well . " with a chuckle hades then asked " why did you called him piper ?" i replied " nickname" and started walking towards my room . i then heard footsteps so , i said " enyo , i am going to rest . so scram " i heard enyo say " you seem really tired for you too be this cold . alright rest up , young master " hades said " it seems she is that butler's daughter " i replied " yeah , she is . at that she is at a par with her father . she is a genius " hades then asked " what about you ?" i replied " a sloth " he chuckled and said " i am not buying that . you are too powerful too be a sloth . your skills aren't even the least bit rusted . " i replied " you kind of remind me of damond . you know the answer even so , ask me . so , damn annoying " i finally reached my room but as soon as i was about to open it i heard damond say who appeared out of nowhere at my back " his highness , the first prince is here , young master . " i said " ugh ! alright , i am going " i started walking along with damond in front . he took me to the guest building . the guards opened the door and said " young master , Caelus Yahwed Bougaitelet is here " i entered the hall with an overbearing aura . damond said " young master , here " i didn't even realized when we reached the mansion which was constructed for guests . i then stepped inside the hall and started walking . damond who was guiding me was quite listless it seems that i made the first prince wait . it's not like i care , anyway so get it over with .

hades and Caelus talk through telekinesis .

Athena_Amorcreators' thoughts
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