
Too Shameless

Lina left the Yang mansion with a heavy heart. She quietly sat in the car and stared out the window. A melancholic silence fell over her shoulders. Both Lawrence and Linden claimed it was for her own good.

The intention was there, but the brain was not. They did what they thought was the best method at that time. They never expected the trauma she'd experience.

"To DeHaven Conglomerate," Lina said to the taxi driver. 

"A change of course? It will cost you extra."

"I do not mind." Lina leaned her head against the cold glass and closed her eyes. She felt her purse weight like a gun on her lap. She wondered what it'd be like if she never remembered the traumatic events inflicted by Lawerence, her grandfather and Linden, her father.

Would Lina still be close to them? Would Lina still be locked at home, with no sense of freedom? Lina felt like she exchanged her relationships with them for the life she had now. 

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