
Miracle Worker

They called Sebastian a miracle worker for nothing. Anything and everything the President wanted to be done was always accomplished. Snow in the middle of Summer? We'll call for a snow machine and make a winter wonderland. A spot at the most exclusive club and restaurant? People would bend backward to accommodate Kaden DeHaven.

If they had to blacklist every guest on the list to get him a seat, so be it. Nothing was important unless Kaden DeHaven was there. 

Lina was never the kind of woman to be impressed by this blatant display of wealth. She was a Yang since birth—they were treated like royalty no matter where they went. 

"If there is one power couple, I'd worship, it's those two."

"She took a bullet for one, I'd rather court her than him."

Whispers erupted as Lina and Kaden were speedily escorted by the restaurant manager. The sight of them widened the manager's eyes so large, Lina thought she saw the moon.

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