
I am Volibear in monsterverse

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  • 24 Chs
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  • NO.200+

A man died and found God who made him spin the gacha of the afterlife. In the end, he became the league of volibear legends and went to Monsterverse (The Godzilla universe and the circle of fire). Note: My volibear will have a base height of 100 meters, imagine a huge giant bear covered in lightning. The story time will start in the Jurassic era and I don't know the comics of the series, so some parts will be invented, but I will try to be faithful to the characters.

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Chapter 1First thunder.

In the Jurassic Period of the Earth.

In a forest in the North of the continent, animals and plants were going about their normal lives, the only difference being that these animals were very large dinosaurs.

Life flourished in the forest making the place very lively but it only lasted for a while.

Brr-Booom! Woosh!

Thunder and strong winds began to gather in the sky above the forest scaring the animals and making them feel a great sense of danger.

The clouds darkened and a vortex that rose to the clouds with great blue thunderstorms exploding in the sky.

Right now in another part of the planet.

Godzilla who was going through the ocean hunting felt a disturbance in the force and turned his head towards the forest, not only did he turn his head but all the titans in the world or almost all of them will also turn their heads in that direction sensing another Alpha predator.

Back to the forest the storm was getting stronger by the moment until a great blue ray fell in the middle of the forest.


A huge explosion took place causing the trees in the forest to fly away, the various animals in the place gave several dying screams as they were reduced to ash by the shock wave.

Soon the light from the explosion dimmed and revealed a large white bear lying down with small rays coming out of it.

"I really reincarnated?" Wilson thought mentally still shocked and not being able to believe what was happening, to understand his train of thought let's step back a little.

(Flashback noises!)

Wilson was an almost normal 19 year old boy who sometimes wore armor and shouted Deus vult in the street along with his friends, he also played a lot of games and was deciding what he was going to do with his life.

One beautiful Sunday while he was drinking juice in the comfort of his home, a scene took place in front of his house.

A black van was slowly approaching a group of children who were playing in the street, he normally wouldn't suspect something that simple but he saw that the van had no license plate and the driver was dressed in black.

Realizing what was going to happen Wilson ran out and at the exact moment he was the van also shot forward and quickly approached the children.

The van door opened and a man in black reached out to grab a little girl who was unaware, the man was about to grab her when another hand came first and grabbed him.

"Huh?" Those were the kidnapper's last words before Wilson pulled him out of the van and started beating him in the street, the kids fled in the next moment and several adults came out to see what was going on.

The van driver seeing that the kidnapping went wrong didn't want to leave his companion alive behind, otherwise he would end up being denounced.

( drift sounds)

Turning around the man stepped on the accelerator and went towards Wilson who was immersed in the beating and did not hear the van approaching quickly, the man in Wilson's arms was already with a deformed face and a broken nose.

Tears sprang to his eyes as he asked Wilson to spare him but the last one kept hitting harder when he saw it.

And these events led to his death when the van hit him and the kidnapper on the ground.

"Where am I?" Wilson asked when his sight regained and he realized he was in a white room wearing casual clothing.

He looked around trying to find something for a moment and didn't notice anything, but just as he was about to get up and walk across the room a light began to shine on the other side of the table.

"But what is this?" He yelled inwardly and put his arms in front of his face trying to block the light, but such a move was unnecessary as soon the light went out and revealed an old man in a dark white boat.

The two stared at each other for a moment before God spoke.

"Hello my son, I know you might be a little confused right now but you died besides I'm God!" God's voice was calmly and resonated in Wilson's mind making him shiver for a moment.

God thought this is normal after all people can't believe they will actually die, but Wilson wasn't thinking about it.

Wilson stopped shaking, took a deep breath and stood up attracting the curiosity of God that raised his eyebrows but his next action brought him back old memories.


"I salute my lord and savior!" Wilson knelt and gave a knight salute to God that made him slightly stunned and remembered the time when thousands of knights had knelt when they entered his presence and he couldn't help but feel bad.

"Young people today come to me talking about Isekai that Isekai that, some don't even talk to me and those who talk have ulterior motives, but this boy really greeted me like an ordinary person would!" God said internally and was very happy with the boy, he was already planning to make him reborn after turning the gacha of put life but he decided to give him a little final buff.

"Stand up young, the age of the knights is long over there is no need for that kind of greeting!" Wilson relaxed his mind a little and returned to his original position but kept his head down, he wouldn't dare look at the creator of the universe directly .

God knew what he was thinking and didn't judge, he snapped his fingers and a gacha machine appeared, Wilson was a little confused by the appearance of the machine but waited for God to explain to him.

"Young man, thanks to you having saved that girl from being kidnapped you will gain the chance to reincarnate, all you need to do is spin this gacha to define what power and world you will go!" When God's explanation ended Wilson's heart became filled with joy and cheer after all which man would not want to go to an isekai with a super power.

He got up and turned the machine wheel that started to make a suspense song, after a few seconds the movement speed slowed down and finally stopped in an image of a universe full of giant creatures.

"Congratulations you fell into the monsterverse, I must not say if you are unlucky or lucky in this case but continue to take your power!" William's heart sank when he heard he was in the monsterverse.

This place was full of organisms and giant robots fighting each other for survival, if his power is bad he could end up dying just by getting caught in the crossfire.

Taking a deep breath William turned the machine one more time and the music started playing again, soon the pointer started to stop and stopped completely on top of the image of a bear covered in rays.

"O you gained the power of volibearing from that game called league of legends, hmm but I think it will be difficult for you to survive in this universe with only his power so I will give you a Buff!" Wilson was sad to have to pass his His next lifetime of hiding lit up when he received the news that he would receive a Buff.

He was about to thank God for that but a portal opened beneath him and he fell.

"Good luck in your next life!" Those were the last words he heard God say before he lost consciousness.

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