
Cap 1022: Conscious recklessness

My Crest was floating above where Athena was surrounded by light and mist when the three stars representing the three powers it bestowed on her remained above the Crest, I waited a few seconds before the Crest started glowing and absorbed the 3 stars before down and where Athena was. 

I noticed once more the Coat of Arms burning in the crackling flame as I am beginning to call it by looking like an image of the night sky filled with stars. 

These flames surrounded Athena, but just like yesterday, these flames do not emit heat or cold, I don't even fully understand what they are, but I must admit that they are beautiful. 

When Athena was inside the flames I focused on my connection with the Ceremony of Awakening to try to understand all of this, but no matter what I tried, it was all very confusing, it was like trying to understand an abstract painting, look beautiful to some or simply a mess for others. 

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