
Cap 1023: Did I overdo it?

"< Demon Dragon Authority >" (I) 


<[ Wake-up process starting ]>




<[ Alice (Servant of Twilight) accepted to submit you ]> 

"(Now there's no turning back, I'll show you how much I appreciate all the effort you've made so far.)" (I) 

"(If it's to be reckless, then at least be reckless with conscience... hahahahaha...)" (I) 

This time I knew something unexpected was going to happen, that's because I'm going to do something I've never tried and chances are I'm doing something that goes beyond the limits of simple recklessness, but at least I'm doing it on purpose and not by accident. 

I exploded my Aura to surround myself with Alice while using my Authority to form a territory from the beginning, this time this territory was based on everything I am, it wasn't holding anything back and so it was difficult to maintain the Territory, even a small one like this. 

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