
Goblin Slayer

After a few days of calm riding we exited the Myrkviðr safely much to my happiness and displeasure of any would be hex.

All we saw was a great expansive plain in front of us. Tall yellowed grass for miles. Very few trees to mark our way. Luckily The dirt path ahead helped in our heading.

[Also the wooden signs posted around help]

Yea the wooden arrow pointing our way certainly helps..

As we traveled this vast plain I began to take the time to compile my medicinal knowledge. Documenting the environment for future research projects and writing about medicine is just as important as fighting.

I swear the discovery of new plants and minerals, is very riveting.

[You want to find coffee beans]

… shut it. Men have been killed for the spice trade what's wrong with wanting natural coffee?

[As long as you have a goal I don't really care]

I have plenty of goals which go like this right now:

1. Train Myself, Sif, and Nix

2. Research fauna for proof of evolution

3. Document mineral makeup of surroundings when possible

4. Collect samples of different flora for medicinal purposes and coffee

5. Understand the culture and opinions of the different tribes for a better understanding of the global political standings.

6. Learn pure Druidic magic from grandparents

7. Reach Rank 5

8. Break fate

9. Profit!!

I really have no time to stare at the boundless landscape with my ever increasing goal list.

Speaking of which. There's some green dots approaching from the horizon.

Nix seeing me squint my eyes took out his bow and passed it to Sif saying, "you'll need to learn this in the future."

Sif took the bow and began to get a bit nervous. She's clearly nervous being put in an important position she isn't used to.

I look to her, "It'll be fine, just try and not hurt yourself. Anything more than that is a plus…" Realizing I was being slightly condescending I quickly added, "We can go through some shooting drills over time."

She nodded and smiled. She began adjusting herself to see what was the best position to shoot in. Honestly the bow was comically large for her so it was amusing.

But as those green dots approached I got serious by prepping Leviateinn.

"Goblins?" Nix asked. He had his spear on his side.

I squint my eyes, "10 of them I would say".

Nix and I then look at each other and smiled. "Just watch out for any range weaponry and we should be fine", I said.

We all readied ourselves. This is going to be a good way to test out my new abilities.

When the Goblins finally approached our slow moving carriage, the first thing to happen was that they threw arrows at us.

I unleashed my aura instantly and as if by command of thought a magnetic shield appeared in front of the carriage.

Their metal tipped arrows were immediately repelled.

Even though I felt a slight drain from using my aura, I got excited. "Let's see what else I can do!"

The goblins were in full view now. Their green little eyes weren't more than 40 feet away. Just outside my Aura range.

I lifted my arm and taunted them to bring them closer. I don't want to jump of a moving carriage removing my position when I am the one protecting us from long range.

As I did this the Goblins got excited as they saw Sif. This made me frown heavily. They then dove into my range and I used Cryoblast.

Cryoblast works like a snap freeze in whatever direction I choose for about an area of affect of 10 feet. About seven of them entered my range and within a second of walking within my range, all it took was a thought to cast two cryoblasts and they were all frozen.

This did take a lot of mana though. I'll have to start tallying how much each spell costs and keeping track of my mana expenditure during battle.

I heard a gasp behind me from both Sif and Ullr.

I ignored it though because I only have about half the time left on my Aura.

Looking at my handy work the other three Goblins got frightened. I took out a knife and quickly launched it at one of the stunned ones that didn't run away.

"Sif try and finish one of the last two!"

Sif came out of her stupor and began to draw her bow. She tried to emulate Nix but had a hard time aiming and keeping the strength on the bow.

She released missing the little goblin about 55 feet out.

They run slow due to their tiny stature plus the high grass made it difficult for them to cross in a hurry. Seeing the Goblins, Nix took the opportunity to try and teach her on the spot.

Nix was very strict when it came to technique but also realized Sif was one of those people that did things more on instinct. He only need to say a few words for her to get it on the second try. "Have your body tilted sideways, the arm holding the bow straight and pointed at your target. From there it is just pull, breathe, aim, release."

Sif was a fairly quick learned because with every word she adjusted instantly and when she released, the Iron tipped wood arrow with an arrow at it back soared right into the Goblin's leg or foot. I really couldn't tell with the grass.

[Not bad for a newbie]

I'll say. She's a natural.

The goblin limped a bit before I saw Nix take the bow from Sif and launch two arrows back to back. They both hit the heads of the goblins even though they had a 15 foot difference between them.

Amusingly Sif stared at Nix's technique trying to pick up cues.

"Looks like you really like archery", I said to her with a smile as I walked away from the edge of the carriage.

Sif smiled and nodded. "I'm not big enough or good for hitting people. I want to help you guys fight rather than stay here healing or being protected. I don't want to drag you back Loki." By the end of her speech, I realized that the wolf that almost got her the first time we fought them made her freaked out not just because it almost harmed her but because she feared how I would look at her.

As I was thinking this, Fenrir dove out the carriage and quickly went to retrieve a goblin's body so I can study it before I forget.

Looking at Fenrir go and turning to Sif I gave her a huge grin and nodded assuring her, "It is good that you want to be stronger but you have to know that your job as a healer is just as important as ours. There is no shame in letting us protect you."

She giggled then and hugged the block head Nix, "I know but if Nix can teach me, I can protect him when he messes up."

I laughed at this one. This little girl always keeps me on my toes with her antics.

[Block head isn't a good enough nick name]

I'm trying here. Its hard to make fun of a dude with very low social cues. It's not fun making fun of Ice cubes.

[Maybe Ice cube?]

He does have wind and water affinity.

"Hey ice cube!"

Nix who was feeling weird, in a I have no idea how to respond to Sif's antics, didn't respond with words but looked straight at me.

[Looks like I was spot on]

We were spot on. The idea came from me.

I then sat down and took out a small notebook which is my planner. "Let's come up with a schedule for this month until we get to the town of Lyngvi."

[You have a lot of note books]

Just a few in my bag. This tiny one is the planner, the large empty one in my knapsack is research journal cataloging my trip, observations, and hypothesis. That book is extremely important as it'll be what I base my books of medicine about, my writings on mana and soul theory, and any other books I write having to do with the relationship of science and magic here so that I can put together my new scientific study. Any other books I have stored on this cart we collected on our own. My mind auto records information basically and keeps a record through S.L.A.D. all my manuals and Grimoires are also in my head so I can teach Sif and Nix.

Lookin at the planner, I go to the next noted page ad write:

Sif- Archery training, Medicinal training, and Ranger Reading.

Nix- Knight Reading, Knight Training, Weapon practice

Loki- Mana controller training, Science Journaling, Magic Studies

Tips: Take advantage of small bandits and hostile Fae, try and relate magic to Mana Biology and Runesmithing, remember to incorporate Loki Seniors teachings.

So I ran out of Draft chapters. I finally got out of the craziness of the last month of my life so Ill be able to speed through drafts this weekend. Don't worry, I'll post the extra chapter(s) this weekend.

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