

There's something I'm very curious of. I know the differences that my lovely tribe provided between fae and beast. But I wonder what the actual reason is. A plausible explanation is that fae have a closer ancestor to us on a genetic chart, but if that's true where did beasts come from.

Evolution on earth is very simple. Randomly the first cell came into existence as a spark of accidents. This is colloquially referred to as the spark of life. As the first creature to carry DNA, this single celled creature in essence multiplied making copies of himself and overtime mutations, accidental deaths and other factors made some of its copies become more adapted to certain environments than others. Soon this happened enough that there were new species of cells. Some of them even started clumping together to get organized making the first animals and plants. The first animal species of the animal kingdom repeated this process until boom humanity.

Humanity is still evolving believe it or not. Notice how some people are immune to certain diseases naturally than others or how others can stand not burning in the sun like other people. Should modern medicine not have existed, nature's law dictates these unfortunate individuals would die should an accident happen or would not be selected as a worthy mate leaving the rest to pass on their genes.

Did you know that in regards to skin tone, if we keep at the rate we're going, most skin tones will blend together making a mix.

You can see this in history as well like when the Spanish conquistadors came to Americas. They reproduced with the local indigenous populations and the dark skinned African slaves to make the beginnings of what would be the Latin race.

Regardless of how the Spanish treated their captives, they ended up mating with them and then they mated with each other and so on and so forth. The Latin American Genome is a mix from all three of these races making this race one of the largest mixed races in the world. Well they aren't considered a mixed race any more but a wholly new one with over 300 years of genetic history. Part of this same cross still happens. Most people know this colloquially as mulatto.

Genetically they contain a lot of the genetic adaptations from all those races. Certain disease immunities from the Spanish, able to taste certain spices from the natives, protection from the sun from the Africans and many more.

That doesn't necessarily mean that their better than all three races. In fact the latins didn't get all the best traits. Besides the fact that a lot of the natives died due to disease, modern medicine and society made sure that certain individuals who would have otherwise died out stayed adding to the gene pool. On earth, human conveniences has slowed down nature's natural selection and now our gene pool is extremely varied globally due to global networking.

Last I checked, everyone is varied enough that genetically, certain adaptations you would expect a Caucasian person to have, like the ability to completely metabolize alcohol, could appear on a Korean person of mixed descent. It's an interesting thought experiment to see where humanities future lies.

[Ding ding ding remember the gene thing and fae]

Oh yea so where do beasts fall under on a genetic chart? Were there common ancestors on the same generation as Ymir? What kind of beast would that be? And if so, did they all come from the same place? What is the origin of life?

I say some of these thoughts to Sif and Nix to make them think a bit. I want them to develop an inquisitive personality. To question everything and get to the truth of matters.

I can see Ullr slightly shocked about my out loud musings.

As the dark shadows of the fire danced and the wind howled, you can hear the wolves howl.

While the the coachmen leaves out wolf repellant, we kids are huddling for warmth by the fire.

Ullr looked at me seriously. More serious than his serious face that's usually very serious.

[Super serious]

He says one word.


I looked at him very confused.

"What do you mean about that name. Isn't that the other name for the Titan Ymir?"

Ullr still serious responds slowly, "yes and no. Loki what I'm going to tell you is completely secret and only whispered of. Since you are already asking these question I will tell you what I know. The word Ginnungagap is the ancient, primeval word for Void of beginning. Anything that can be considered our ancestor can be considered a Ginnungagap so that is Ymir's other name we use. But in actuality, even Ymir has his own Ginnungagap."

I looked at him intently listening closely.

"As you know, the myths state that Ymir came into existence as the first Titan. He was born as a result of the primeval energies of the four elemental planes and because he came from the void he was named Ginnungagap. He wed a primordial Goddess named Jörð who was said to be the living personification of a land forming between the elemental planes. She bore his children giving birth to the Giants. They called the land Jörð embodied Jotunheim* or land of the Giants."

*check chapter comments to alleviate confusion

"He was also said to have bore children with the personification of the Earth plane giving birth to the Dark Elves and the Dwarves and the same with the personification of the wind plane giving birth to the Light Elves and Arch Fae."

I interrupted , "Arch Fae?"

Ulla quickly brushed it off with a explanation, "the originators of the Fae. They are as strong as Giants and each was unique. Their king and queen are Oberon and Titania and lead a whole Fae court."

"Their well known for administering the fairies, Nymphs, Dryads, Satyrs, Brownies, Gnomes, Centaurs, Luck Fae, and other brighter fae. Their Court is the Bright Court and their largely not deadly to humans. Their opposite court led by vampires, sirens, trolls, Goblins, Djinns, and other more dangerous fae is called the Black Court."

"The Arch Fae, the Giants, The Primordial Dwarves, Both types of Elves, and their parents all came into contact with a group of monsters also born from Ginnungagap and Ymir was eventually killed in a battle with the biggest one. In an effort to keep her husband with her, Jörð fashioned three new realms from his body so that their Giant children can always be near. Asgard, Vanaheim, and Helheim so that they all might be together in death or Valhalla"

"Svartleheim, Alfeim, Muspelheim, and Nifleheim are all the ancient names of the elemental planes with each of them being respectively Earth, Wind, Fire, Water."

Now it was my turn to be shocked. This was completely different from the tale I know from the Edda. In the Earth version of the story, Ymir was killed by Odin and his brothers and he never had a wife. He drank from the primordial cow Audhumla utters for nourishment.

"Now I need all three to promise me you will never repeat what I am about to say to anyone."

We heard the seriousness in his tone and nodded.

Ullr began speaking again, "At some point, Ginnungagap came down from the Heavens himself. He was the creator of everything and demanded that they worship him as their primogenitor. The Giants, Elves, Dwarves and Fae all refused as did Jörð. They refused to beholden to anyone but Ymir. So The Abyssal Void as he's called unleashed an army of demons forcing the Giants and their half siblings into combat."

"The war was long and grueling and most of the new Realms were swallowed back by the void. In the end, Jörð was forced to fashion a new land from whatever was left of Ymir and Jotunheim. This new land was enchanted in such a way making it impossible for demons to enter. The land was renamed Midgard and Jörð became Midgard's mother Goddess. This is the land we stand on now. The Giants and their Half brothers found refuge here. Humans began to spontaneously appear and as such, some of them mated leading to the formation of the tribes. The lost woods is still remembered as Jotunheim* in honor of our ancestry and our origins as giants"

"Its said that the monsters that killed Ymir are the ancestors of the King beasts while the ancestor of the Fae is the wind elemental plane itself."

We all took a moment by the fire and got lost in our thought.

I had a million questions. All of them along the lines of wtf how do personifications of inanimate objects exist? Can land have a soul? Is the Abyssal Void all our ancestors then? How does a void fight? Is that a God? Why does he need worship?.... Brain overload

Nix was the first to break the silence, "Are the demons here?"

"I don't know. This world is a big place."

"where did the Giants go?"

"I do not know"

I asked this next one.

"How did you find out about it."

"My father told me and his father before him."

And now I have no Idea if I can believe anything said here. Who knows what has happened to the story after thousands of years.

Ullr then noticed all of us quiet after a while. He broke us out of our reverie and said, "We should get some rest. I don't require sleep but you guys do. Ill have you guys learn to take watch soon enough."

At the moment, all three of us were bundled up in a large fur blanket Sif brought. The temperature was close to 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 celsius). We had already set up the tent Nix brought close to the fire for warmth.

The only thing not in place was the three person sleeping bag I brought.

I first open up the sleeping bag and put my fur coat over it like a blanket. Nix is the first to climb in followed by Sif with her blanket. I climb in after placing Sif in between me and Nix. Both me and Nix are still wearing our armor and are sleeping next to our weapons. the only thing I am not wearing is my utility belt and sling.

Body warmth is the best warmth wouldn't you agree? Plus were all kids so this shouldn't be strange.

[Two of you are kids]

Maturity level is different and also my maturity level makes me even less attracted to Sif currently.

[FBI Open up!]

Can we be serious. Even Ullr will eventually have to climb into this sleeping bag to keep his daughter warm. The coachman is sleeping with the damn horse. That's how cold it is.

[You wanted to walk there]

Yes and doing that will be a journey. I know that but nothing you say will turn me back.


I am actually fairly used to sleeping with Sif already. She's a literal rock and also snores a bit. she usually sleeps face up or cuddling something warm, a.k.a. me. I gave her a stuffed animal recently because I realized she stopped sleeping near me. Nix on the other hand is a kicker according to Sif. She says he tosses and turns so she hates sleeping with him. I could sense he is anxious of our environment and likely doesn't want to sleep.

Speaking of being on the lookout, my scout Muninn actually ended up finding me looking for warmth. His tiny frame ended up in the sleeping bag after I casted disinfect on him. Muninn usually sleeps in Alfred's branches and even made a nest in there so this is no surprise he came to me.

Feeling Sif on my back and Muninn in my arms, I feel somewhat safe. Looks like were all bearing this weather together.

I rewrote something earlier on since Nifleheim made more sense for the frost giants otherwise known as Hrimthurrs. They are all considered Jotuns though so I’m not changing the name Jotnar or Jotun out

Those who know Norse mythology know Im taking liberties already in naming deities as giants while making The actual jotunheim giants to hrimmthurs is slightly incorrect but there’s a method to the madness. Stick around maybe you’ll enjoy it.

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