
Saying Goodbye

____Volume 3: Flight of the Dragon____

I found it really funny that both my brother and I would have the same birthday. That's like a one in a million chance right?

That evening was interesting to say the least. I let my parents be with my brother for a while while I had found Bragi in the castle looking for a scoop like a news reporter.

I let him know that the second Prince Baldr has successfully entered the world and that celebrations for his birth and my birthday are in order.

That man scurried off so fast.

I also had Sif, Nix, Hilda, Prudr, and Reginleif meet me in my study.

I sent Muninn out to find Nordri by using his telepathy to send a message to the Clinic.

It's time to put in all the plans for my departure in motion by leaving my estate in order.

My parents are already aware of my intentions and have already warned me against it but I didn't take no for an answer. I will be leaving the city on foot and trek to the Forest tribe capital on foot to meet my grandparents.

I will cross the forest, mountains, and rivers with only Sif and Nix to keep me company.

My parents wanted me to take the gate stone which is the transportation system of the tribe or at least take armed guards, but I said no.

Too many guards mean to much attention. The goal here is to see the land of this world as much as possible before arriving at the capital.

I'll also be in great hands because of my deal with the generals, I'll have Ullr himself be my escort through the forest.

This was likely the only reason they let go of the six year old me.

Because Sif will be coming with me, the pharmacy will have some problems operating. I'm intending on now only providing a limited number of over the counter medicines which I have stocked up and no prescription medications until I return.

This may lower my profits but with Nordri's funds, the future steel mill, my currently working spa, and Hilda's spy organization, nothing will go wrong.

I intend to write a medical book on how to diagnose patients with different ailments on my trip so that when I return, I can hire and teach young Aesir druids.

I also intend to catalogue many plants and animals to find more sources of materials for pharmaceuticals and have some more samples for my biological mana studies.

That's the new science I've begun to study. Biological Magic, the study of the interaction between mana and life. It involves souls, cells, alchemy and physics.

The two main questions of this science being what is mana and what is consciousness.

Biologies first question is what is life and the answer is very simple. Anything that can grow, reproduce, evolve, has cells, respond to its environment, and maintain its own existence is considered life.

I've made some headway on the consciousness bit by learning Soul smithing and how to train my soul. Leviateinn is proof of that effort with his artificial soul.

But questions like what is consciousness are not easily answered as it's just a result of a complete soul.

My first question has led me to the second question of what is soul essence exactly and why does it make consciousness.

I know already that the essence is essentially a hard drive from the soul training manual. But where does will come from that? How does it relate to consciousness? and if it's related to life, do bacteria have souls too?

I keep getting more questions. I intend to answer them one by one and hopefully this dangerous trip to help me learn more about this world sheds some light on that.

I was writing some of these goals down in the front page of a new journal when Alfred led both Sif and Nix in.

They both looked elated especially Sif who clearly had just seen my new brother.

I looked up and tried to act serious betraying my really happy experience.

"We must prepare to leave."

Sif and Nix both got down trodden for a moment ruining their happy mood.

Nix responded, "do we have to leave now? Don't you want to see your brother?"

I looked at Nix strictly. "If we don't leave now we will never leave."

He didn't look convinced and I sighed. "This journey is important for all of our growths. With the general assisting us, we should get stronger exponentially. If we can't get stronger how are we to support the tribe?")

Before he could respond Sif grabbed his sleeve.

"He's right. If I can't take advantage and learn from my dad now, how will I ever become a good daughter?"

I was actually shocked at this development. Sif has really been showing some maturity lately. She used to be mischievous and sleep in my bed but in recent months she stopped doing that. I think Hilda got to her.

That's when Muninn flew in followed by Nordri, Hilda, Prudr and Reginleif walking in.

"He's right you know. Leaving now is the only chance you guys will get," Nordri said.

"There you guys are".

I walked over to them and handed each of them a book.

"Nordri, there are some sketches for some devices there that will make steel production easier like large cranes and automated machines to help manufacture materials. If put some of my own ideas in it to help you come up with ideas to finish them. Reginleif, I've left you the code to the vault and how to best manage the distribution of finances."

"Prudr, you will handle the curation of all medicinal resources as usual and it'll be up to your discretion the distribution of the medicines I have listed."

I then looked at Hilda and spoke not minding those present. "Here are instructions on the Secret corps and their future direction."

This one sent shivers down Nordri's spine.

They all nodded though and kept the journals.

"I estimate that based on our speed we should arrive at our destination in a year more or less. We will take the gate stone back. If we follow the plans we have given you here, our business will flourish."

At this point Prudr spoke. She's usually extremely shy but she was clearly concerned about something.

"My Prince, why have you given me such a responsibility? I am only a helper nothing more."

I looked at Prudr like an idiot. "You may be one of my guardians and a maid, but you are no servant with no pay. You have worked hard and helped me take care of things I normally couldn't all for the sake of my business. You will receive compensation like everyone else. I am aware of your love for plants. I can tell you have a knack for it even though you aren't a Druid. Therefore I will leave you in charge of the medicine department and the compensation that comes with. This goes for finances as well Reginleif."

Both the girls smiled. They were both in their late 20's.

Prudr was a bombshell there's no denying it. Milk maid should be her title. She had blonde hair and a freckled face. She was extremely kind and loyal.

She was in complete opposite of the dark hair bean pole Reginleif. Reginleif had a elegant posture and cool personality. She was a silent worker bee who completes her job efficiently.

She was quite the beauty as well. The only thing these two had in common is their silent loyalty.

"Sif and Nix, we should head out in about two hours. I have already messaged Ullr to meet us at the outer wall. Bring all the necessities you need and let's meet here again in three hours. Hilda, I'll need you to guide us if you can to the gate."

Nordri then spoke up. "Actually I'll take you to the gate if you would have me. I'm sure Hilda will have her own responsibilities with the new child."

Hilda looked blank for a second before she said, "Prince that would be very helpful but I would also like to spend some time now helping you pack."

Looking at her I can tell she really wants to help me not out of any weird Valkyrie loyalty to their king but because she cares. I guess being my personal maid for years has made her motherly instinct come out.

"In that case let's do that." Looking to Prudr and Reginleif I say, "this is goodbye I guess".

The silent duo slightly nodded. I then hopped out my chair and gave the foot taller women a hug.

They seemed to blush and then walk out.

"Okay everyone let's get to it."

Welcome back everyone. Staring volume 3 up slowly. I should have all my edits of volume 2 posted up by today or tomorrow.

HypnosCreationscreators' thoughts
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