What can I say Im such a good warrior I beat Uncle Vili. Okay I am lying, clearly I had orchestrated this whole fight.
To be honest, I didn't have that much control on the swing. I just reached as far I can. Im still small so my reach isn't as far. Luckily I cut him.
Although a lot of luck came into it from my physical performance, the rest was planned. Every step was calculated over months to deliver my first win against this man.
Yes, I lost to this man in sparring lessons for months all so I can learn all his movements when he's regressed to rank 1 during that time. I took beating after beating.
I made precautions for anything. I had months of sparring with my opponent to calculate his steps. I learned his behaviors. Looked for gaps in his armor. I made two different knives with different drags and weight to affect flying time. I even shaved the inside of my spear to make it easier to cut.
It was a very ironic revenge. He asked me to cut a tree on my first day of training so I decided to end my last day of training by cutting a spear.
[Oohhh the irony how cruel]
I know, it is a cruel fate to be one such I. Serving my family members their due poetic justice. I take no joy in this I assure you.
[Oh how nice a noble knight you are. You are already fitting right in with the elders]
When I saw my Uncle smiling I almost released the grip on my blade. I did not however because the firm grip on my arm reminded me of Elder Farseti's role in deciding the match.
Uncle Vili then got on one knee and stabbed his sword into the ground.
With his head bowed he said, "by my honor as his trainer, teacher, uncle, and senior, I concede. He has proven his worth as a warrior in this trial and is worthy of admittance into our ranks as a man of the tribe."
Still shocked, I made a movement to sheath my sword while Forseti knowingly released my arm.
I then quickly kneeled as well and said with my child voice, "Everything I learned, I learned from you. My gratitude is unending."
"Ha ha ha ha"
The crowd of elders erupted into laughter.
"Brother Vili, you trained this young warrior? I must really be careful next time we spar", said a long haired Gray bearded elder. (Aegir)
"Brother Heimdall, did you recognize what that boy had done", said a thinner elder with a shining blonde Mohawk.
"As usual, nothing goes past you brother Ul. That boy planned this entire battle. From his steps and expectations of his opponent to his shaved off spear that broke easily," said elder Heimdall.
Heimdall was the Elder who was well known for finding the ruin of Heimdall and was granted his ability to see everything currently happening, but be blind to the future. He's the leader of the southern defensive front. He's most recognizable by his golden teeth.
Elder Ul was one of the most well known elders. He was blessed with quick feet and a quick mind. He's known for his marksmanship and traps.
"Aegir, Ul, Heimdall! We can jest later, least Brother Forseti gives us another one of his famous speeches on ritual and honor", a strong woman with armor revealing her clearly defined muscles.
She wore a fur coat to hide them but I could see that her body was like a panther ready to pounce. She had Snow White hair and carried a bow and glittering spear. She had piercing dark blue eyes. She has matching silvery chain mail on her white getup which includes, White fur Leggings, White deer hide shirt that covered her assets.
"Yes sister Skaldi", they all responded immediately
Aegir the Brewmaster, Heimdall the farsighted, Ul the hunter, and Skadi the fierce. All four of them very well known for their ferocity in battle as the four Cardinal Generals. But as strong as they are, they are also well known for their hobbies.
Elder Aegir is the admiral of the Eastern ocean front. As good as he is as protecting our Eastern shores from would be invaders, he's only surpassed by his skills in brewing. Almost all the feast held by the elders are catered exclusively by him.
Elder Heimdall is the guardian of the southern desert front. He's blessed with eyes that see far beyond his range and peripheries. He's said to be the tribes best pit roaster. Long nights on watch helped cultivate his gift.
Elder Ul is the wester Forest front commander. Known for his quick thinking and guerrilla style tactics, he's made a reputation of being the last person you want to meet in the forest at night. His hobby? He's the designated games master whenever a celebration occurs.
Elder Skadi is the wife of Aegir and a fierce huntress as well. She leads the armies of the north like fierce tigers. Her hobbies include hunting and will always bring game for Heimdall to cook during feasts.
Once the peanut gallery calmed down, Elder Forseti walked over to me and picked me up out of the bow.
Looking me in the eyes, he said, "Regardless of your unconventional means, a win is a win. For that reason I announce your victory to the world and honor name you Devious Hand. May your machinations ensnare all your enemies!"
At this point, the elders all broke out into laughter and cheers.
Their laughter rang through the courtyard to a point I though the maids we're going to notice.
The Loudest one being Bragi who was clearly Drunk at this point.
"Quickly finish this trial Brother Forseti, Aegir and I have only a short amount of time to prepare for the feast!" Said an elder in the crowd.
My mother then surprisingly walked out in front if the crowd and said to them, "I apologize for interrupting you Elder Skadi but, Loki has one more trial to pass today."
"Is Loki prepared for the trial of Wisdom of the Jotnar already Queen Frigga?", Skaldi asked with shocked eyes.
"He's been ready for the trial for about a year. The earliest the trial can be conducted is at five years old so I had to wait until today." Said my mother smiling.
"Why don't you and Brother Aegir spend the next two hours preparing the game and mead for the feast. It's not everyday that someone passed three different trials on the same day at five years old", said my father.
Elder Forseti looked toward my mother and said, "My Queen, would it be okay if we, the council of elder witness the wisdom of this young brother of ours?"
"You are more than welcome to stay and possibly learn a few things", said my mother excitedly while grabbing her hand, causing Skadi to blush.
Leave it to my mother to tame this wild beast of a woman.
Also even Im pretty excited for this trial. Of all the trials, this one by far will be the easiest due to my leg up advantage. I can't wait to be able to leave the castle after the tribes find out I passed all three trials.
[I hope you realize the consequences of passing three trials so young means]
What do you mean?
[along with your bloodline being so rare, you are now a young prodigy who has potentially passed all three trials on the same day at the age of five. Your also the prince of this entire tribe who will one day inherit the title of king.]
Im aware of that. It's the reason I'm so excited.
[Yes, but let's think about this, your in a one in a million position by birth, one in a million by your parents genes, one in a million by skill, and a one in a million by age. Someone has to be terrified of the prospects of letting you grow up.]
[Whatever blessing to the tribe you may be now, that all goes away once your dead. You don't live on Earth anymore where murder is not a normal thing to do. Everyone here has killed someone to protect their family and country. You also don't get to where they are by being the nicest fellows. Especially those four generals. They have practically built their careers from bloodshed. You can use the diagnostic tool to check.]
No I believe you, so you think I should watch my back more often
[Maybe check your morning eggs for poison]
Is it that bad?
[I don't know, I've given you too much info already. What you do with it is up to you]
So threats, assassinations, normal Hollywood stuff. Just another day in Viking land.
Im gonna start work on a second auxiliary chapter with all the stat sheets.
I’d also like to clear the air on the diagnostic tool. I prefer not to show Loki using it. I feel like it removes the immersion from the story so I keep it as an underlying bedrock on how Loki understands the world.
Especially when he meets new people.
Basically it’s implied he’s using it.