
Smarter than he looks

"Honey can you pass me Loki.", Said my father while walking out the hall after the feast.

My mother, almost reluctant to part with me kissed me on the cheeks and passed me to my father.

Intense foreboding really creeps in on me at this point.

"So little guy, I know you can understand me. Don't think I don't already know about you attempting to learn to speak." My father said sternly.

Looks like the jig is up. I'm likely gonna be killed right here. How long could I fool them really. A one year old speaking isn't unheard of but certain complicated words would be extremely weird.

Before I can finish my almost doomed plan to escape, my father started smiling, "Your mother let me know of your special ability to speak to nature very early on so it was only a matter of time before you began to try and learn to speak like us from nature."

I turned to my mother and saw her smiling. "You have a gift my child. I've never seen a child so naturally blessed by nature until I saw you. You are extremely special. Since the moment I laid eyes on you, you've been blessed. At first I though it was you being my child, but I summoned your grandfather and he confirmed it secretly not too long ago." She cried a bit.

Ahh so that's who that old man was and why he looked so excited to me. I thought he was a pedo and cried for Hilda's protection when I saw him.

[Sometimes, I wonder how your demented mind works]

"Honey, you know the rules he must be trained as a warrior first before he can learn Druidic arts." Bjorn said to my mother.

My mom looked at my father sternly, "Screw the rules, this child has to start training as soon as he can. He's so gifted, he can go past many older druids if he starts now."

I haven't opened my mouth yet but I'm astounded that they already did all this and planned all this for me. Also I'm glad they confused the connection to nature as the reason for my speaking skills. If they knew I picked it up from listening to the maids I'd be screwed.

[Why does your mom get a pass on language but I don't?]

Mom is always right no matter what.

[Momma's Boy]

As they were bickering I opened my mouth. "Mom.. Dad..", I said while staring at them. But before I got another peep out they both started crying.

My mother quickly snatched me from my fathers grip while twirling me around, "You called us mom and dad". She said this while crying tears of joy. My father of course is trying to hide his tears.

[I told you they were getting desperate for a kid]

Silence please this is a big moment.

After the both calmed down I started speaking trying not to sound too advanced in age. "Mom and Dad I wanna learn reading and alchemy."

It's the easiest path I had planned in my head. I was a fairly consistent reader in my past life and a history buff to boot. Also I was basically a drug maker too so anything to do with medicine would be right up my alley.

Although confused about the sudden outburst of initiative; since to them it seemed like the first few words out of his mouth were about learning, they eventually chalked it up to curiosity.

"Don't you wanna be a big strong warrior like your dad Loki." Said my dad with a small smile while flexing his muscles.

My mom interjected, "Don't listen to him, You can do fine with just that. We shouldn't overwork you."

As usual momma knows best.

"Daddy Im not big enough for that yet but I wanna learn to read like other people do. I wanna send notes to the maids so that they won't chase me anymore. I also want to make people healthy with alchemy. When I'm big and strong like you daddy, maybe I can learn from you", I said with puppy dog eyes.


Shut it!

It was at the point the parents realized their kid was very observant. They realized he had an understanding that he would be bigger someday and how he could use reading and writing in application. Plus he wanted to learn alchemy knowing it'll help people. They wondered what spirit he was learning from.

They also noticed he picked up on a crucial fact they didn't; he was to small to be a warrior but if he can read and write this early he could go onto more advanced subject faster.

"Frigga I think we should give him what he wants" said my dad smiling with a glint in his left eye.

____________1 month later

So nothing has changed much in the last month except the castle has gotten a bit busier since there's been many applications to tutor me.

Father has been busy doing kingly things I guess while mom has been gearing up to teach my Druid material I assume.

In the meantime I made an outline of my goals

1. Learn to read and write

2. Learn the History of the world and any clues about the giants

I'm assuming my ancestor Giants have something to do with the naming scheme and the culture around here.

3. Learn Alchemy

4. Learn about magic and how it relates to being a Druid.

5. Become a warrior

6. Go on an adventure

I haven't really thought that far ahead, especially the adventure bit. I'm not asking for much. I wanna At least escape the mountain for a while. I hear it's gorgeous outside. I do want to see the world but from what I understand the world is dangerous. Finding the means to protect myself is crucial and step one. Any sarcastic input Goddess?

[no, I think you have it down packed. I'm surprised you learned how to address me directly]

After a year of trying to master the skill of logging my thoughts with my subconscious, I would hope I figured it out.

________ Fast Forward 1 more month

Here I am sitting in a wooden carved table in a study. From what I understand, this is the Prince's study. It traditionally where Royalty of the Hammer clan learn until they become kings. It's chalk full of books, not that it'll do me any help since I can't reach them yet. I had requested the put the same tree on that balcony and put it on the outside balcony of this room with a branch sticking inside.

A few renovations later and begging my parents to "treat the tree very nice", I have my own helper. He's apparently been set up with some kind of stone fertilizer that helps him grow and in exchange he's my hands. He's going be grabbing the books I need and lifting me into my chair when I need it.

I've taken him to calling him Alfred. Not in any relation to a specific butler I know. He's been told to spread his roots throughout the castle to set up a messaging system for me so I can request anything while I'm in the study. The room is also connected to my new bedroom which is huge by the way. It's also nice since Alfred can just move me to my bed which I'll be honest I can't climb into currently.

As I'm sitting here concentrating on the log a peppered haired bearded man walked in with my father. He seemed to be a middle aged scholar. He wore very formal clothes which included a wool stitched formal shirt, a leather belt, and linen trousers. He was slightly smaller but I can't really tell due to my height being so small. The leather boots he wore look slightly worn through but the book in his hand along with delicate fingers gave away his profession.

My father, who was wearing chain mail and lightly armored leather leggings, was the first to speak. "Son this is Alviss, your new tutor. He's the curator of the royal library and has volunteered to teach you."

"Your Majesty, I don't dare not to be humble in your presence." He said while bowing.

I originally thought he was talking to my father but he was staring at me so I was confused.

"Word has already spread of your high intellect and gifts so I rushed here as soon as I could to have an opportunity to teach a genius like you".

[Looks like you have a fan :) ]

No pressure right.

If your have an idea or see any grammatical errors that are bugging you please point them out. I’m trying to have these first six chapter already pristine as can be before we get into the meat and potatoes of next chapters world/Magic building

HypnosCreationscreators' thoughts
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