

Those people in that place are very strict about the way they wear their clothes. It's like they're more traditional, long clothes, below the knee should be imposed on them strictly. It was like they could not help her at all. She seemed lost. They're strict in their traditions but they cannot help the lost woman.

Anne_Kosher · Book&Literature
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95 Chs



It started in 2018 when I moved to a rented house at WINTER BREEZE HOMES, ALINGARO, CAVITE.

One night in the first house I rented, I heard a man's voice say, "WAKE UP, MICHAEL!"

I woke up, and I saw an IMAGE in my mind (VISION) of a BRIGHT BLUE ARMORED being, with his face covered by iron armor, bright sky blue.

After 3 months, I was going to go home to the province in Negros. But I saw a bad vision in my dream.

These are big snakes that are very numerous on the road, it seems that almost every part of the road has HUGE BLACK SNAKES ready to bite people. A FATHER helped me, he prayed while accompanying us on the way to our destination and we were not bitten by snakes. When I got to the end, I saw that the people cooked the snakes in a big pot and ate them.

There, I decided not to go home, and I moved the next morning to a new rental house.

When we were at the second new house that was rented, there were big geckos there, many, very noisy at night. At first I was also scared but I just put up with it, they didn't do anything until I got used to it, but I was still careful because it seemed to crawl down the wall sometimes.

The year 2019 came, that's when I started to experience different things that I hear and see in my dreams. 

There are many voices that I can't see and I see many strange creatures when I sleep, some with only one eye in the middle and others like a combination of animal and human, they talk, and laugh.

Sometimes they were talking about human beings, and they were surprised that I could hear them, and I woke up.

My brother and his GF visited there once.

The house has a 2nd floor, and I heard a man's voice saying this upstairs when we were downstairs,


A man's voice seemed to be telling them not to bother us (humans), especially my guest.

My brother's GF was afraid to sleep there because of the big gecko.

There I saw a male creature, he didn't seem clear, he looked like TRANSPARENT. I was about to sleep on the 2nd floor, and there he was near the stairs.

He seemed to be angry with me, and he said, "I DON'T LIKE YOU! So you are writing story now huh!"

And I also answered in my mind, "SO DO I!"

It was as if I knew he was an enemy, the devil.

I ignored him, I turned my back and just slept.

But I was wrong, when I closed my eyes, automatically, I was taken to a garden. I see that my son is also next to me, but we are in a different place, in a garden with glowing plants.

I want to go back to reality, using my mind, I try to sleep and go back but automatically I go back to the garden. Until I saw a man with a handsome face, like an ANIME CHARACTER. But I see anger in his eyes, an evil look. He pointed at me, "YOU!...." He was speaking in English.

I tried to fight and pray too, but I felt like I was stuttering, I couldn't say my prayers.

I also pointed the index finger at him, I also reciprocated.

It's like he blames me, I don't know why.

Until I uttered the Lord's name completely, it was as if the words suddenly opened in my mouth as if they had been covered for a long time, and suddenly at FULL VOLUME, "LOOOORRRRRRDDDDD!"

I called the Lord, and I woke up. But before I woke up, I saw that his face had transformed, he looked like a gay man I know.

My Spirit returned to the true bed, no longer in the garden.

And I slept soundly, then I saw that a man came, and helped me, and in my mind it was the LORD. He saw an EVIL CREATURE hiding next to our bed.

Before this happened, I was writing ONLINE (SOCIAL MEDIA AND WATTPAD, WEBNOVEL) my visions and dreams.

One of these was one of those that fell like a ball somewhere far away and went up in smoke over there; and a truck that was running without a driver, it fell into the canal. After I wrote this on FACEBOOK, I heard a man's voice that was angry, he said, "I DON'T LIKE YOU!"

A few days later, I saw on the news that the AMAZON FOREST in Brazil was on fire and a TRUCK had also crashed. Months later, there were many fires in various places, WILDFIRES.

I hear voices of men who are invisible and I see men who are just transparent and it's not human.

Once, there was a man who said I was his BRIDE.

And female voices (which I can't see either) speaking and saying, 'IS SHE THE BRIDE?"

And women's voices taught me how to behave properly as if they were preparing me, and saying sometimes that I was a PRINCESS. And sometimes others say "QUEEN."

I heard many voices, at first I was also scared, freaked out why I was so strange. I'm also afraid that I might go crazy. But they say, "THE KEY IS ACCEPT YOURSELF."

I gradually accepted it so that it wouldn't drive me crazy, it became normal to me as the days went by.


Also in the year 2019, I heard a woman's voice saying, while I was cooking, "THE LORD DOES NOT REGRET FROM CHOOSING YOU."

And sometimes they talk like this, "THEY ARE VERY BAD... VERY BAD TO YOU."

I never understood why and what. All I do there is write online, even though my English is not good, it seems like I just did it for fun no matter the construction of the sentence.

There I heard an angry male voice, saying, "I WILL PUNISH THEM!"

Once, while I was cleaning there, women's voices seemed to speak to me like this:

"When are you coming back?"

"We miss you already."

"You chose to be a woman."

"What did you do to your appearance, to your face?"

"We're going to take you back from them. They can't take you anymore."

"She (they're referring to me) can't remember, she didn't remember us, how long will she be like that."

"We're being played."

"You tricked them, they didn't think you were here? (that I'm a girl?)

Sometimes when I'm out at the mall, just sitting outside like hanging out, they say, "IT'S LIKE YOU WON'T THINK THAT..." (it's like nothing?)

I heard the man's voice, in my mind, he was the Lord, he said, "I REGRET THAT I SENT YOU HERE, YOU HAVE SUFFERED SEVERELY."


I hear male voices speaking in ENGLISH, one of them is, 'FAR RIGHT THINKERS ARE BETTER THINKERS."

And that's when I found out that Elon Musk was speaking when I saw on TWITTER what he was saying was the same as the voice I was hearing.

In 2020, just on January 1, for the first time, NEW YEAR, I suddenly felt sick, I felt very dizzy, it was like my whole surroundings were spinning and I threw up everything I ate. The first time I felt it, I lay down and prayed to GOD to help me.

I got better after a day.

Days later, I heard a man's voice exasperated, "SLAY THEM ALL"

It's like I also feel a lot of anger inside me that I can't explain...

As I remember Jan 12, 2020, the TAAL VOLCANO erupted, near us. Where we live is quite close to TAGAYTAY, so it's cold there too.

There was also an ash fall where we live and people wore facemasks.

Months later, there started a lock down due to the VIRUS, COVID-19. That's when I realized that the vision in my dream had come true. The big black snakes are enemies, carrying the VIRUS.

June 4, 2024