
King's Secret Sanctuary

'Talking to their cat'

~Mind link~

Mikey's P.O.V.

I flinch looking away from her as I feel hot tears fill my eyes. "Mikey, I know you must feel ashamed of what happened, but what happen wasn't and isn't your fault. Your previous king was a monster. You didn't deserve what he and his pride did to you."

I only nod silently as I struggle to hold my tears back. Which is when Theo comes in through the door with two small brown bags in his hands. Sensing that I am upset he rushes to my side a look of worry on his face. "Mikey kitten what's wrong?! You are crying."

As soon as I hear the concern in his voice my tears start to fall down my cheeks. Quickly he gently wipes away my tears with his thumb as he tries to comfort me. "It's nothing just bad memories."

Theo's P.O.V.

"It's nothing just bad memories."

Kyle and I let out a soft rumble to try and sooth our mate down. As the state that our mate is in breaks our hearts while also fueling our anger towards King Raphael and his pride. ~Heather what caused our mate to become upset like this?~

~I am sorry Theo, but it is not my place to say.~

I frown at her answer but decide not to push it for Mikey's sake. Picking up my upset mate he automatically clings to me burying his face into my neck. Holding him closer I head to the door giving Heather a nod before I leave. Heading to our room neither of us say a word to each other even as I sat him down on the bed. I place a comforting hand on his cheek which he leans into as I wipe away any remaining tears from his skin. "I'm going to put your vitamins in the bathroom really quick. Okay?"


Removing my hand from his cheek I head to the bathroom. Placing the two small brown bags on the sink I open the mirrored cabinet. Opening the first back I take out Mikey's vitamins and calcium pills placing them on the bottom shelf, so that he can reach them. Once they are both in their new spot, I open the other back pulling out a single bottle. It belonging to me I place it on the top shelf, so that Mikey doesn't accidently mistake it for one of his. Closing the mirrored door, I ball up the now empty brown bags and toss them into the trash bin. Heading back to Mikey I sit down next to him for him to climb into my lap right away. As if he feels like I am the safest place in the world for him which makes me very happy. "Hey Mikey? Do you think I can take you somewhere?"

I feel his head lift up from my chest his adorable puppy eyes locking onto me. "Where?"

"Somewhere special. No one knows about this place, but me. It's kind of like my own little secret sanctuary."

"And you want to take me there?"

I chuckle slightly as I can hear the surprise and confusion in his voice. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

I kiss the top of his head as I gently rub his back. "I'll even pack us a lunch to bring with us since we missed breakfast."

I can sense his smile return as he replies. "Alright."

Pulling him closer to me I stand up holding Mikey in my arms closely causing him to cling to me tightly. As I head to the kitchen Mikey relaxes against me. When I get to the kitchen, I set my mate down on one of the many stools. "We still have some left over rabbit stew from last night. Would you like that or for me to make something else?"

As soon as I mention the rabbit stew, I hear a small growl leave Mikey's stomach. "I'm going to take a guess that you would like the rabbit stew."

"Yes please."

"Alright let me heat it up and make some other things to bring as well."

Heading to the fridge I pull out the rabbit stew as well as a lot of different fruit. Before going to the pantry to grab the white rice. Putting the stew in a pot to heat up. I then put the rice into a separate pot and water, so that it can cook. Putting a lid on both pots to hold in the heat as they cook. Grabbing a knife, I then turn my attention to the fruit. When I do, I can sense the uneasy feeling coming from Mikey though I can't blame him for feeling that way. As a blind man with a knife about to cut fruit doesn't look like the best idea in the world. Giving him the most comforting smile, I can as I try to sooth his worry. "I know this looks like a terrible idea I know, but I promise that I know what I'm doing."

His worry lessens ever, so slightly, but not fully. "Just promise that you will be careful and not accidently cut yourself."

Chuckling I smile softly when I hear the begging tone in his voice. While I can also tell that he is looking at me with those adorable kitten eyes of his. "Well, I can't say no when you make that face. Don't worry I promise."

Putting down the knife I go to the cabinet and take out a metal strainer. Placing it next to the sink I turn my attention to the grapes and remove them from their plastic bag. Carefully I start removing the grapes from the vines making sure I pulled the whole steam off. Putting them in the strainer till it I am satisfied with the amount. After making sure that I didn't pick all the grapes I the put them back in the bag. Grabbing the strainer, I feel around for the cold-water faucet before turning it on. Once I am satisfied that they are clean enough I turn off the water and dry off the grapes with some paper towels. "Um... Theo?"

I perk up turning my head towards Mikey's direction when I hear his voice. "Yes kitten."

"Can I help? I don't want to just sit here doing nothing."

Smiling I grab another cutting board and walk over placing it in front of him. "Of course, kitten."

Standing behind him I lean in and kiss his collarbone right where his mate mark will go. I can't help, but smirk as I feel him shiver against me. "I would love it if you could cut these grapes in half. Then if you could you cut up these bananas and strawberries. I would very much appreciate that."

My smirk grows as I can feel the heat radiating from his face meaning that he is blushing. As I pretty much just whispered everything right into his ear. "O-okay..."

Chuckling I kiss his temple nuzzling him slightly before I head over to the stew and rice where I remove the lids from both pots. I stir both of them making sure that the rice is fully cooked and that the stew is th right temperature. Once I am sure that the stew is the right temperature and that the rice is cooked fully, I remove them from the hot burners. Placing the still very hot pots on a pair of trivets before I switch off the two burners. Letting them cool down, so that they aren't too hot I then turn my attention to the fruit that I had kept to the side for me to cut up.

Moving the large watermelon in front of me I pick up my knife and start to cut it into large but manageable sections. Once I cut it into a more manageable size, I then start slicing them into smaller bite sized chunks. "I am all done."

Perking up to the sound of Mikey's voice I stop cutting the watermelon and turn my head towards the sound of his voice. "What can I do next?"

I can't help, but smile when I hear how eager and excited, he sounds to do more. I think for a second as I go back to cutting up what is left of the watermelon. Finishing with the last bit I finally thing of something that Mikey can do to help. "Okay in the bottom cupboard next to the fridge there are some Tupperware in there. Could you grab me three of the medium sized ones for me kitten?"


I let out a mental rumble when I hear him stutter as it is the most adorable thing ever. I listen silently as I hear him open and rummage through the cabinet till, he finds what he is looking for. After hearing it close my head snaps to the left when I sense Mikey's warm gently presence before he can even utter a single word. "Here you go."

With both my hands currently being empty Mikey takes one of them into his much smaller ones. It causes sparks of pleasure to run up my arm and throughout my body. As he places the containers into my hand Kyle lets out a happy rumble at the contact. Mikey seeming to be able to sense how happy this makes Kyle as he giggles, so sweetly that I can easily tell that he is smiling. "Thank you, Mikey."

Setting them on the counter I take one of them and the lid that goes with it and hand it back to him. "Could you put all the fruit into this container for me? While you do that, I'll put the rice and the stew into the other two container."

"Okay I can do that."

I listen to him shuffle back to his spot before turning my attention towards the stew filling it into the container before doing the same with the rice. Putting away what won't fit in the containers back into the fridge I go in search for a picnic basket. Finding it rather easily I bring it into the kitchen and put the two containers into the basket along with plates and silverware. As I also fill it with assorted choices ranging from water to juices to even sodas. While I also make sure to sneak a little special sweet surprise into the basket for Mikey. "Here you go Theo."

Feeling a container being put in my hand I smile knowing that it is the fruit salad. "Thank you, kitten."

I kiss his nose making his nose scrunch up as I do, so before I put the fruit salad into the basket. Double checking to making sure I have everything I realized that I forgot to grab the picnic blanket. "Let me grab just one more thing than we can go."

Racing out the kitchen I head to one of the many small closets where I grab a blanket for us to sit on. Closing the closet door, I head back to the kitchen where Mikey is patiently waiting for me. Slipping it into the basket I then secure it shut tightly before picking it up. "Alright ready to go?"

"Yep, I am ready to go, but where are we going Theo?"

Chuckling at Mikey's attempt to get me to tell him where we are. "Nice try kitten you aren't going to get me to tell you where we are going that easily."

"No fair."

My smile grows as I can tell there is a pout on his face. "Let's go then the faster we leave the sooner you get to see where I am taking you."

Letting out a playfully pouted whine he clings to my hand that is still holding his hand. "Okay then let's go."

Kyle lets out a happy purr as he is overjoyed to be spending some proper time with our mate. Taking him outside we walk over to the forest. Once at the forest edge I sniff the air trying to figure out which direction we need to head in.

Mikey's P.O.V.

I glance at Theo slightly confused as he leads us deep into the woods the deeper, we go the closer and closer together the trees start to get. I am amazed at how easily Theo guides us through the thick forest with such ease. As I would have defiantly run into a tree or tripped and fallen over something by now. Even though I am the one with perfect vision while Theo is leading us by the sense of smell alone. It shows just how amazing and perfect he really is. After going even deeper than we already are we come to a stop in front of what looks like a curtain of ivy. Theo lets go of my hand and pulls the massive curtain of ivy to one side. "Here we are. My super-secret sanctuary."

Glancing at him for a second I then step through the opening as soon as I do my eyes widen in awe the how beautiful it is. As it is a large clearing with a small stone cabin which like the trees is covering in an enough moss, ivy, and flowers to make it look pretty not like it its over taking the cabin. There being a pond with a waterfall flowing into it. "What do you think?"

I jump slightly when I suddenly hear Theo's voice practically in my ear. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you kitten."

I turn to tell him that it is okay when I am meet by yet another surprise as when I turn face him, I find that his sunglasses are off and that he is looking at me. Not like he normally does as his eyes are not their normal emerald forest green instead, they are an orange color that reminds me of when the sun sets. Though that isn't what surprises me what actually surprises is that he is actually looking at me. As his eyes aren't blindly looking at me but are following my every movement showing that he can actually see me. "A-Are u-um y-you hi-his..."

Smiling he shakes his head as a soft chuckle escapes him. "It is still me Theo kitten it's not Kyle. Though he does what to meet you properly the both of you."

Chase purrs excitedly within me at the idea of meeting Kyle properly. "I am using Kyle's eyes to see right now since I didn't want to miss a thing,"

I blush deeply as he quickly leans in and kisses me gently on the lips. Once he pulls away, he takes my hand and leads me over near the pond. Putting down the basket and takes out the blanket and spreads it out over the grass. That's when I am just hit by the thought that this is just how I use to imagine what a date would be like. My face going blood red at the thought as I glance at Theo shyly. "W-wait! Th-Theo is th-this a... a d-date?!"

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