
A Date

'Talking to their cat'

~Mind link~

Mikey's P.O.V.

"W-Wait Th-Theo is th-this a... a d-date?"

Theo stops unpacking the basket and looks up at me the sunset eyes belonging to his panther Kyle being, so easy for me to read. As I can see the affection and joy in his eyes for me as clear as day. Though there is also something else that I can see with them though I am unable to place it. "It can be if that is what you want."

Theo's eyes never leaving mine not even for a second as he says this. Which in turn causes my face to become beet red as I quickly look away. Though not before I notice a smile appear on his face as soon as the blush appears on his face. Feeling a warm breath on my neck I jump letting out a surprised yelp as next thing I know Theo is right up behind me. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you kitten."

My blush grows darker as I realize just how close he is to me. "It's okay. I actually zoned out a bit."

He chuckles softly as he takes my hand into his intertwining his fingers with mine, he brings my hand up to his lips gently placing a kiss on my knuckles. Making me feel like my face is going to melt off with how badly I am blushing now. His smile grows as I let him lead me over to the basket where we both sit down on the soft blanket. Theo lets go of my hand as he starts to finish unpacking the basket. Once everything he needs is out of the basket, he opens the rice and stew containers and as soon as he does my stomach automatically growls in hunger. As Theo fills the bowl with a small scoop of rice, I can't help but lick my lips as I watch. As I hadn't had rice since I was a kit before I found out that I was a Cheetah.

I continue to watch as he starts to drown the rice in the mouthwatering rabbit stew. Putting a spoon into the bowl he offers it to me which I curiously. Stirring the contents around I mix the rice with the stew watching as the fluffy snow-white food turns brown from the gravy of the stew. Scooping up as small spoonful of stew and rice I sniff at it before finally taking a bite. As soon as I do a purr starts to leave my throat as I quickly start to scarf down the rest of the food in my bowl. Hearing a chuckle, I look up to see Theo watching me. "I take it that you like the stew with the rice."

I blush when I realize that I have already inhaled almost my whole bowl of stew and rice right in front of Theo. "Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for kitten? I am happy to see that you are eating."

Reaching over he gently runs his thumb across my bottom lip causes me to shiver as a trail of sparks are left in the wake of his touch. When he pulls his hand away revealing that he had just wiped away some remains my stew from my face. I am about to hand him a napkin when he suddenly licks the food scraps off of his thumb. It is causing my heart to race like crazy as I watch him. "Here let me get you some more."

Handing him my bowl he takes it quickly serving me more stew and rice. Once he gives it back to me, he serves himself a bowl as well. Though he doesn't start eating instead he serves us both a plate full of fruit that we had cut up earlier. "Once you finish all that I have a surprise for to try."

At the mention of a surprise, I perk up as I am curious as to what it could be. Picking up his bowl Theo finally starts to eat his stew I do the same. Though I eat it at a much slower pace than my last bowl. When I finally do finish me stew, I start on my plate of fruit and pop a grape into my mouth. As soon as I bite into it a purr starts up in my throat again as the sweet yet sour juice from the grape coats my tongue. As I try each of the different fruits on my plate my purring grows louder with each new flavor. When I finish savoring each and every bite, I look up to see that Theo has already finished his food and is watching me. I look away blushing deeply when I catch his eyes on me. "Ready for your surprise kitten?"

Forgetting all about my shyness I quickly perk up to meet Theo's eyes with my own. "Yes please. What is it?"

Theo's smile grows as he chuckles softly while he reaches into the basket and pulls out two small containers. One holding something bright green that has with black flecks and chunks in it as well as swirls of red. While the other is white with swirls of something that is golden in color. "What is it?"

I tilt my head slightly to the side in my confusion as I have known clue what it is. "It is ice cream kitten."

My head tilts to the side some more as my confusions grows. Putting them down he pulls two spoons out of the basket setting one down he picks up the bright green ice cream. Unscrewing the cap Theo takes a spoonful of the strange substance though instead of giving it to me he takes a bite. "You looked a bit uneasy, so I wanted to show to you that it is safe to eat."

When he explains himself all the unknown tension, I had leaves me. Scooping another spoonful Theo then offers it to me this time. Sniffing at it my nose scrunches up at the strong smell of mint coming from it. Theo laughs softly before giving me an encouraging smile. "It's very good trust me."

Giving Theo a hesitant look I decide to trust him and take a bite. My eyes widen as my taste buds are hit with the minty taste of the ice cream. Though I am quickly taken by surprise again when I bite into the black chunks that are dark chocolate. While the red gooey swirls in the minty chocolate ice cream turns out to be a raspberry syrup. Though it isn't just the many flavors of the ice cream that I enjoy. It was also the smooth texture of the ice cream that just melts in my mouth... "Well, what do you think kitten? Do you like it?"

"I like it. It tastes, so good."

"I am glad you like that one. Let's see how you like the next one it is my second flavor of my ice cream."

Unscrewing the top of the second container he grabs the second spoon and scoops me a mouthful. He hands me the spoon, so that I can inspect the new color of ice cream. Sniffing it I am surprised when I am not met by th smell of mint this time. Instead, I am met by the comforting smell of vanilla along with the scent of salt and caramel. "This one smells different."

"That's because it is a different flavor."

"Different flavor?"

"Yep, the one you just had was raspberry mint chocolate chip. While this one is vanilla salted caramel. Though there are many more different flavors for you to try eventually. Like chocolate, strawberry, rocky road, cookie dough, so many more."

Looking back at the spoonful of ice cream that is starting to melt I try it eagerly. As soon as it touches my tongue a slight moan leaves my mouth. As th sweetness of the vanilla balances perfectly with the strong flavor of salty caramel. I lick my lips several times as I can still taste it on my lips. "I-I take it that you really like that one."

My eyes snap to Theo to find him blushing slightly. I look at him confuse for a second till I realize why he is blushing. When I remember that I had moaned slightly when I tried the second ice cream. Automatically my face becomes flushes with embarrassment. Especially when I notice the faint hint of lust in his eyes that he is trying to hide as he looks at me. "Mikey?"

I jump slightly when I hear Theo say my name pulling me from my thoughts. "Have you ever sunbathed before?"


"I guess that means no then. Would you like to give it a try then?"

I nod curious by what sunbathing could be Theo stands and starts to remove his shirt. Letting out an embarrassed squeak I cover my eyes with my hands. "Oh, right sorry kitten. I forgot to tell you that we have to shift. Sunbathing is better done in your werecat form. You can uncover your eyes kitten you've seen me shirtless before."

My embarrassed blush grows as I remove my hands from my eyes to see a shirtless then in front of me. He offers me his hand which I take as he helps me to my feet. "I know you probably would like some privacy to shift, so if you would like you can shift om the cottage. Just make sure you leave the door open just a crack, so that you can get out once you shift."

"Thank you, Theo."

"You are welcome kitten."

Theo lets go of my hand, so that I can head to the stone cottage to change. Closing the door, I make sure not to close it shut leaving just enough for me to easily open the door once I shift. Removing my clothes, I fold them into a nice, neat pile before shifting. Heading over to the door I carefully pull it open with my paw before sticking my head outside. Shyly I look around for Theo to see if he had shifted already or not. Eventually I spot him crouched down drinking from the creek as he does, I can't help, but study him as he is even rarer than I am. His fur being the color of black ink as his sleek coat contorts and contracts along with the power muscles hidden underneath.

Theo's ears perk up and flicker in my direction before he turns his head to face me. Standing up he walks towards me, and I can't help but feel slightly intimated even though he is my mate he is still a very powerful and dangerous predator that is making his way to me. Even though this isn't the first time I have seen his panther form it is the first time I have gotten to see his panther form properly. Though my fears and intimidations quickly vanish when Theo suddenly licks my cheek. As when I look up to meet his eyes, I see the loving eyes that belong to my mate not a dominating predator.

With the flicker of his tail Theo gestures for me to follow him which I quickly do. Heading over to a smooth stone spot where the sun is shining on it perfectly. Theo lays down on the stone and slightly confused I lay down as well. The stone being warm against my paws and underside while the sun warms up the rest of my body. While enjoying the warmth given to my body, I notice Theo stand up which makes me sit up a bit. I watch him as he walks over to the picnic and picks something up with his mouth.

As he walks back over to me with the container of vanilla salted caramel ice cream. Coming to a stop in front of me he sets the container down in between my paws. Laying back down next to me Theo licks his lips clean of any ice cream that is on his lips. Holding the container between my front paws I can't help, but shiver at my paw pads touching the very cold sides. With a slight purr I start to lick at the ice cream happily.

Halfway through the ice cream I feel Theo brush up against me. I lift my head up thinking that he had wanted my attention only to be surprised by what I see. As Theo is asleep on his back with his belly exposed to me. It surprisingly me because no creature would fall asleep exposed like this. As the belly is the most vulnerable spot no matter what they are. Theo doing this with me around shows just how much trust he has in me. To not only expose his belly, but to be asleep while doing it. Which leaves him in the most vulnerable state a king of a pride could ever been in.

Though as I watch him, I can't help, but lean into him as I feel the warmth that is radiating from him. Theo who already radiates heat naturally is now radiating even more. As his dark pelt draws in more heat than my lighter colored pelt. Unable to resist any longer I abandon my ice cream and cuddle up against Theo. As soon as I do Theo shifts positions in his sleep, so that his whole-body wraps around my tiny frame. It feeling as if Theo is trying to protect me with his body it surprising me causing me to let out a slight squeak. When Theo lays his head across mine as a soft purr leaves him as he does. With Theo's warmth and soothing purrs, a small yawn leaves me as my eyes start to droop close. Burying his face into Theo's chest I drift off into a perfect slumber.

When I wake up, I feel someone grooming my pelt opening my eyes I see that it is Theo. Though he stops to look at me when he notices that I'm awake. ~Did you sleep well kitten?~

Blushing shyly under my fur I nod. ~I did. I think I like sunbathing too.~

Theo licks my cheek before he gets up stretching out my sleepy muscles. ~Mikey do you know how to swim?~

I look at Theo slightly confused by the random question. ~Of course, I do.~

~Then how about we go for a swim in our human form.~

I look at him surprised as there is no way he brought swimming suits. ~I didn't think to bring swimsuits, but we can swim in our clothes if you want to swim. I know there are emergency clothes hidden around here for when we shift and end up ruining our clothes.~

A swim sounding perfect right now I am unable to refuse. ~A swim sounds perfect right now.~

Theo gives me one last lick to cheek before I head back to the cottage to put some of my clothes on. Kicking the door shut with my back paw I shift into my human form. Grabbing my clothes, I slip on my boxers and shirt deciding to not put on my pants, so that they will stay dry. Picking them up I head back outside to find Theo wearing only his boxers. I blush deeply as I try not to stare at his toned body which is painted with elegant tattoo work.

Putting my pants with his clothes I then walk over to him toying with the hem of my shirt. As I wonder if he will be upset that I am wearing my shirt with my boxers instead of wearing only boxers like he is. Though when I reach him, he doesn't say a word about it. Instead, he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers before leading me over to the water. Theo steps into the water without hesitation while I on the other hand do at the thought of how cold the water probably is. "Don't worry the water is nice and warm."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Still holding onto Theo's hand, I stick my foot into the water still expecting it to be icy cold only to be met by warm water. A smile spreads across my face as I go deeper into the water till it comes to my mid-thigh. "How is the water, so warm?"

"It's the rocks on the pond floor. I don't remember what they are called, but they apparently absorb all the heat coming from the sun and hold onto it. Which warms up the water, so even at night the water is warm."

Letting go of my hand Theo goes deeper into the water till he goes underwater. Wanting to swim as well, I go deeper into the water till I have to swim. When Theo appears next to me standing with the water being just below his chest. "Sorry kitten..."

I cut him off by splashing him with the water to stop him from apologizing. Wiping the water from his face he laughs before joining in on the water fun.

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