
The Liberated Youth

After plotting the optimal route they went through each cache and outpost, plundering all the guns and the occasional artifact on the way. They were able to find grenades, communication equipment, tracking equipment, mapping equipment and body armour. By the end of the journey, they had been to all the outposts and caches except one. By that time they had already gotten around 4 thousand rifles, 400 snipers, 1,800 pistols, 2,400 shotguns and 700 grenades of different kinds. It had been only 2 days since they searched the first outpost, since they were able to move at high speeds and the distance wasn't that great. The reinforcements weren't able to make it since all of the outposts nearby had been cleared out and the nearest outposts after that belonged to the Yamir instead. The only surviving outpost was past the carpet bombing site and they had already escaped from this region. It wouldn't be long before the Yamir came in to secure this region for themselves but since the 1000 troops had already died, it would take a while for reinforcements from further away to appear. That lead to the trio being able to clean through the spoils that should have gone to the Yamir swiftly and effortlessly.

The trio reached the last cache that was a pistol cache further south than the last outpost. It was on the border of the region that was right in between the two nations' areas. These weapon caches were either dropped in by drones or jets or had been left here by troops to store while they moved out on a mission. Most of the war zones around Hazmit were filled with these since the war had been going on for a full millennium and thus guns and such were almost constantly manufactured and spread around the world. The rich qi of the tier 2 high level world wasn't used up by the elves so it instead went into the creation of more ores and resources. In all the outposts they had visited so far they were only at the same level of the first one or a level lower, not even having a separate building for a higher levelled officer. Throughout it though they were each able to get the equivalent of a phone that could be attached to the wrist and used easily. They were able to speed up there searches by the end as they got used to the process of cleaning up the guns, searching for artifacts, downloading the information at that outpost and then burning the bodies and burying their ashes. Lucius burned the bodies while Delilah buried them and finally Johnny made a collective grave stone. They didn't know their names so he would just put [ Brave soldiers, Batak] on each grave.

When they reached the last cache, just as usual they went up and pried the crate open, emptying the pistols inside into a space crate. However, before Lucius could put the crate into his storage ring they heard a sound as instantly 50 people surrounded them while aiming rifles at them. The people had just come up from the floor and it could be seen that they were all wearing special invisibility suits that used the same principals as chameleons to blend into their surroundings.

"Put your hands in the air and step away from the crate!" shouted a feminine voice.

"Hahaha, calm down! We aren't your enemy!" said Delilah as she and the other two put up their hands.

With the trios cultivation and experience they could slaughter all of the 50 soldiers instantly but these soldiers where the first elves that they had met, at least those that were alive. They didn't want to wantonly kill them but instead to communicate and learn more about this world. After all, there was bound to be some things that the computer didn't know. Another reason was that these 50 soldiers were dressed in neither black or white but instead blue. It was a light blue, fluffy and free. It made it seem less threatening and less rigid than the regular military uniforms the trio were used to seeing.

At the same time as the trio was analysing the soldiers, the girl that had spoken to them was also analysing the strange trio. Julia had never see such young people out in the battle field. She had also never seen their clothes or their weird hair colours before. Even more stranger was that these kids didn't have long ears. She had never even heard of people without long ears. She became more cautious since the unknown was always scary but she was also kind of relieved that these people weren't from the warring nations. If these three were from the warring nations then there would be a nearby squadron or maybe even a platoon in waiting. They had been waiting at this cache sight in the hopes that some people would come but since there were only 3 kids here they might be a scouting party of a much larger group. Her team didn't have the manpower to go against a complete platoon or more.

"How old are you guys?" she asked.

"I'm 14, them two are both 12" Delilah responded.

"Where did you come from? Did you escape the nurseries?"

"Nurseries? No, we come from another world. We came here to learn your technology and utilise it for our futures. Can we talk? We would like to get some answers about somethings. Of course if you have any questions we will do our best to answer!"

"Another world...? We can talk, but first you need to put these on." said Julia as she nodded to the side and 3 men came out and pulled out some handcuffs.

The trio were happy to oblige for a simple reason. The handcuffs were completely useless. Firstly, they were designed to endure the strength of a mortal only. Secondly, they weren't qi blocking so they could still use qi techniques. Finally, the trio could still slaughter them all with their legs alone. To begin with when it came to bindings in the cultivation world, they had to be proportionate to the cultivation of the one you were binding. They also had to be either qi blocking or absorbing so they could stop the person from using techniques. These handcuffs were simply useless, Delilah could do a casual stomp and destroy the ground and kill at least 10 men with that alone. Since these cuffs were so redundant, they were fine with wearing them if it meant that they could get the information they wanted.

"Okay, we need to get out of here before those brainwashed bastards come swarming in!"

After saying that, the group went south west and ran for around 4 km. The 50 soldiers were surprised that the three kids could keep up with them without breaking a sweat. A 4km run to them was a challenge, yet to these kids it was a walk in the park! Once they had reached the 4km point they had arrived at a hidden valley that lead into a forest. They went to the entrance of the valley and sitting there in a neat row where 11 cars. They were kind of like Land Rovers but more futuristic and stylish, all of them being the same blue as the soldiers. The soldiers were all wearing headgear so the trio couldn't tell which side they belonged to.

After getting in the car and travelling for around 40 km, which took them half an hour, they arrived at a base within a forest that was enshrouded by mountains. It was like there was a ring of mountains and the base was in the valley in the centre, being guarded by the stone giants. Once they reached the entrance to the base they were let in after a few shouts from the soldiers and the guards who were at the gate. They parked the cars in a long strip to the immediate right of the entrance and got out.

Immediately, the trio noticed something extremely strange. There were both Batak and Yamir here! Both dark and light skinned people were roaming around!

"Welcome.... To the Liberated Youth!"

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