
There's always a resistance

"My name is Julia Wernits, I'm the vice-commander of the Liberated Youths! Wait here while I report to the commander."

As they got out of the car and out into the street, Julia turned to the trio and took of her helmet, showing a light brown skin that was a mix of the dark and light colours typically seen. She was a mixed breed! From her subsequent words, the trio now understood that in this world, where black fought white, there were still some that found peace and even love. They waited for around 7 minutes before Julia came back and led them to a building in the centre north of the base, in other words, right at the back of the base. They all walked inside but the 50 soldiers stopped as they reached the entrance and went back to their own work. They didn't have the authority to enter the commanders building. Once they entered the trio were amazed by all the things going on in the base. Firstly, the buildings here actually had different colours, secondly there were buildings they hadn't scene before and thirdly, some of the people were wearing clothes that weren't military uniforms. Though, in contrast to the vibrancy of the base, the commanders building was drab and monotone just like the outposts they had been to before.

When they walked in, they were lead into a room that had two couches and some chairs around a coffee table that had a tea set arranged on it. Already sitting there were 3 people, a dark skinned woman, a white skinned man, and a girl that looked exactly the same as Julia but she had blue eyes whereas Julia had brown.

"This is my mother, the commander of the Liberated Youths Jessica Wernits. That is my father, head researcher of the Liberated Youths, Michael Wernits. Finally, this is my twin sister and vice head of the researchers, Maria Wernits. These are the kids." explained Julia as she introduced them one by one.

"I'm Delilah, this is Lucius and that's Johnny! It's nice to meet you." Responded Delilah as she did a quick curtesy while Lucius bowed slightly but effortlessly. Johnny on the other hand stumbled as he bent his back way too low and got embarrassed from it. The other two had been trained by Acacia in etiquette but since Johnny was new, he hadn't really been taught it.

"Haha, what nice kids. It's nice to meet you too." responded Jessica in kind as she too curtsied, "we do appreciate your politeness and we apologise for my boorish daughters ways, she just never changes." she continued as she rolled her eyes at Julia.

"Mom! I-I'm not boorish! Y-y-you're the boorish one!" she replied with a flush on her face.

"Hahaha, enough with you two's petty squabbles, you're making our guests wait! Please, come sit down and have some tea." Michael interjected.

The trio sat down and Maria got up and poured tea for everyone with a smile on her face. Julia and Maria were elves so although they only looked to be in their 20's they were actually both 45 this year. Their parents looked only to be around 40 but were actually nearly a hundred at 98 and 97 years old. Elves had an innate longevity and a natural affinity to wood. It was kind of ironic that a world of elves would become so industrialised but that's just how it is. Lucius sniffed the tea and confirmed that the tea wasn't poisoned in any way and then nodded at the other two. Only then did they take a sip. The tea was alright to them but this was because they had had tea brewed by Orion himself with leaves from his personal collection. That was to say, leaves that an emperor of a third of the universe drank regularly!

"Not to be rude but now that we've had our tea, we should get down to business. To conduct this fairly and in a professional manor, I propose that we each ask a question and then once its answered the next person gets to ask and so on until we are done. Any objections?" decided Michael as he used his analytical manor to begin the discussion without one side barraging the other with questions. After everyone nodded along and no one objected they began to discuss.

"You guys should go first since your questions can probably be answered quicker." noted Lucius.

"Okay then, I'll go first. You've said you're not from this world and we can see your ears and hair so then are you guys human?"

"Not entirely, Johnny is a human but I'm a Basilian/Lazarite mixed blood I guess and Delilah is a Divine Elephant. Basically I'm an evolved form of a human and Delilah hails from a clan of sentient and powerful elephants." answered Lucius.

"How many people are part of the Liberated Youth?" asked Johnny

"As of now, 3,435 people. I admit that its a low number but we make up for it in quality and our supplies." answered Michael.

"Why did you tell us your not from this world so easily?" asked the suspicious Julia

"Three reasons : Firstly, we look like this and we didn't think you would believe us if we acted like elves. Secondly, we wanted to talk so this is kind of like a sign of trust to you so that you can trust us and thus be more open with information. Finally, you guys are weak. Abysmally weak. The main reason we came to this world was to learn about the technology you have here like these phones, guns, power armour, cars and other equipment. However, as a con to your technological advancement, I guess, is that you haven't cultivated yourselves but your technology instead. In other words, us three kids alone can slaughter everyone in this base without a single drop of a sweat." answered Delilah.

"Haha, three kids that are 14 and 12 think they can go against a base of fully armed soldiers? Don't kid yourselves!" responded Julia.

"Hahaha, Johnny, spank her!" shouted Delilah.

"Eh? W-w-why do I have to spank her!? You spank her!" he responded

"C'mon Johnny, your making me look stupid here! You're the weakest out of the three of us so its like we're saying that even the weakest of us can beat you silly, you know?" said Delilah with a frantic and embarrassed look on her face.

"Hahahaha, ahh man. Deli you're too caught up in your novels, stop acting like a two-bit thug." remarked Lucius with a chuckle.

"B-b-but Luci! It would've been so cool. Why do you always do this to me? Let me have my fun!"

The family of four sat there dumbfounded by the display in front of them. These kids were in a highly militarised base surrounded by soldiers in a valley with only one guarded exit and yet they were making fun of each other like they were at home! Julia sat there with here eye twitching and her mouth in a weird shape as she couldn't believe that a 14 year old girl had just told a 12 year old little boy to spank her!

"Never mind her antics, I'll show you in a much simpler and less vulgar way." uttered Lucius as he stood up.

Lucius moved his right hand over to his left and simply took off the handcuff by simply pulling it off, just like he were taking off a bracelet. He then spread his fingers and a fire sprouted out. He condensed the fire into a ball and then morphed it into a little snake and twirled it around the room, he then morphed it into various animals like bunnies, cats, dogs and even a swarm of butterflies before letting them reach the roof and dissipate in a flashy manor, like fire works.

"Hmph, show off!" shouted Delilah in displeasure before she kicked Lucius in the ass and sent him flying into the wall of the room. Lucius lay in the wall twitching as he felt the pain radiate from his behind. After a long few seconds, he got out of the Lucius shaped print in the wall and rubbed his ass with a wronged expression on his face.

"That was uncalled for Deli!" he shouted

"Then don't undermine me again! I'm the big sister here, I've gotten permission from both aunt and uncle that I can beat you up if you annoy me!" she responded

"That's a lie!" he shouted back

"Guys, guys, guys! Calm down and stop bickering over nothing." said Johnny

"Well he started it!" shouted Delilah in response

All this made the Wernits family even more shocked. The feats of the supernatural that they had believed to be impossible were surprising to say the least but seeing that these kids that could literally slaughter their entire base were so temperamental and short-tempered was a grim sight to behold. They were immediately rethinking their questions while Julia began to sweat from all over as she was actually in danger of getting spanked in front of her family by a 12 year old!

"Umm, so guys, what have you elves been fighting about for all this time? Big bro Luci said he couldn't find any records of it." asked Johnny as he tried to change the topic from Delilah and Lucius.

"Well, to be totally honest, we don't really know. I've always had an interest in history so I research it in my spare time but I've only been able to find folktales or old stories about it. In these stories and tales they say that they fight for their gods, but like, we are an entire civilisation built on technology and none of us believe in god so that seems like a ridiculous assumption right? It makes no sense for people as advanced as us to fight a war for an entire MILLENIUM for a bloody God we can't remember the name of anymore. You would think that we would have stopped fighting by now since, you know, we don't know what we're even fighting for but instead they've just kept going on and on for a full MILLENIUM. God it pisses me off!" answered Maria. From the start she hadn't said much so the trio assumed she was the quite one but it seems she was just holding back.

"Hahaha, as my daughter has so passionately explained, this war between the Yamir and Batak is pointless and unexplainable so far. That's why, those of us that are sick of the fighting or those of us that are wise enough to know how pointless it is, have banded together to form the Liberated Youth. We fight to put an end to this war, one way or another. Right now we are trying to find the location of the headquarters of either side but no matter where we search we aren't able to find anything." continued Jessica.

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