
Hazmit's ongoing war

While Lucius was looking through the computer, John and Delilah had finished searching their buildings after half an hour. Delilah had searched through the dormitory, it had exactly 100 rooms but they were all identical except for the different sized clothes inside. There were no personal affects or belongings that she could find. She did happen to find the remaining 30 guns inside 30 of the rooms though. It seemed that those 30 who died without a weapon had been outside and unarmed before they were ambushed, and then the remaining 70 came out armed. Johnny was able to finish at the same time as Delilah despite his far slower speed because the building he searched was a lavatory. Half of the building were toilets and the other half were showers. It was all very strict and regulated as there was nothing personal laying around. All the towels were white and so were all the soaps. It was monotone and plain.

When they came out they relayed their findings to each other but then started getting worried for Lucius since he hadn't come out yet. They didn't think that something could've happened to him without their knowledge but then again, this was supposedly a high level tier 2 world. Fearing for the worst they ran into the building and immediately found a gobsmacked Lucius starring at a screen of light. They went over and even after calling a few times he didn't come out of his reverie so Delilah went up behind and slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"What do you mean what? Why the hell didn't you respond to us? You made us worried!"

"Ah, I-I'm sorry. I honestly didn't notice you guys come in. I was just too amazed by this thing called a computer!"

"Computer? What's so amazing about a screen of light that you ignore your big sis?" asked Delilah with an annoyed face.

"Hahaha, this thing is like a massive library but its all inside this thing only. If I ask a question it answers it to the best of its ability! I found out what the weapons we found are called, the different types of them and also their history! The methods and techniques they use are so advanced, no one in this world has cultivated their body, energy or mind but I think they created a weapon that is able to kill a tier 4 expert!"

"Tier 4!? But this world is only a high tier 2 world, the top cultivator should only be a high ranked tier 3 at most!"

"Yeah, I know. But even then these guys have exceeded the limits of their world when it comes to weapons. Even their architecture, life style and culture were once highly advanced. Now though, they have turned into a total war state so everything has been minimalised then militarised. These guys managed to exterminate all the magic beasts in this world so the only animals alive are kept in factories were they are bred and then slaughtered for consumption. However, the food they are turned into are pills and bars, food pills and power bars only. They have made their own lives so miserable and drab for the sake of this war. It's too bad I couldn't find any records on the cause of the war or why it's still ongoing."

"Wait, wait, wait... They exterminated all beasts and then stopped the chances of anymore beasts being created without even cultivating themselves? How!?"

"Something they call 'industrialisation'. They've automated nearly all of their daily life processes. They have built machines that give them water, food, entertainment, clothing, essentials and even procreation! Using their technology they are able to create babies in a lab instead of from a woman. They basically cut out everything in their lives that hindered them from the war. Since woman don't need to carry babies, they are also part of the main war force too! Unlike in Bakre, in this world the men and women are equal. They've managed to utilise the entire workforce with peak effectiveness! The strong and naturally better fighters become soldiers while the smart become logistics experts, commanders and scientists. These scientists are the ones that made those weapons and everything else possible."

"Okay okay, we get it. For now we need to see a map of this place right? And we should try and find out how to make these weapons or were we can find more of them!"

"I was just getting to the map, but I already checked on the weapons blueprints and its classified, meaning we wont be able to access it if we don't get to someone of higher authority than this girl here." as Lucius said this he pointed at the dead girl and only now did Johnny see her so he jumped back in shock.

He did a quick search and was able to pull up a map of the entire world. The reason it wasn't classified was because the world was way too big and it had already been plotted and spread through both sides of the war for centuries by now. There was no point in restricting information that was common knowledge right? The map itself was of a giant landmass, Hazmit was not split up into different continents but there were rivers, seas and lakes scattered throughout the land mass. There were strange sections of the map that had a red circle and in the middle was a place name and a hazmat symbol. Otherwise the world wasn't split into two as one would think but rather it was a sporadic mess of places that belonged to either side all throughout the world. Neither side had decided to split into two different sides as that made it too simple. That way, there would be a frontal war that would only depend on people and firepower to decide who would win, but like this there was tactic and technique involved in it as well. Lucius did a bit more research quickly and found that the red circled hazmat areas were nuclear fallout zones.

There was a point in Hazmit's history where nukes were launched but the nuclear war eventually ended but only after half of the population of this world had been slaughtered like cattle. They were able to contain the radiation using special equipment but weren't able to get rid of it like they would've wanted. The total area covered of the fall out zones was around a third of the total surface area of Hazmit. If the war wasn't called off then Hazmit would've been destroyed by itself!

After finishing their research they didn't exactly know where to go from there. There was no known capital for either side in the war and both sides had various cities, farms and industrial plants scattered around but they couldn't decide where to go first. They had already decided on finding higher authorities while gathering as many resources as they could but the question was which side should they steal from? The Batak or the Yamir?

As it turned out, the inhabitants of this world weren't human but were instead elves. More specifically, dark and light elves. The Batak being the dark and the Yamir being the light. As it seemed, both sides were equal on the war front. They had equal territory, equal military, equal weapons and even an equal amount of spies. Since they didn't know the reason for this war or who started it they couldn't decide who deserved it more. They didn't even know which side was more evil or even just more rude than the other. Even using their own recent experience they couldn't tell. Since the ones they first saw die, by what he found was called a carpet bombing, were all light skinned, while those dead in this encampment were all dark skinned; they could tell which side was which but they were pretty much equal. The Yamir had gone through and cleaned out around 12 of these outposts, and if the numbers were similar then it would be around equal since about a thousand died from each side.

At this point Lucius had remembered what he had read on the home page that he hadn't understood before but now realised what it was. He went back to it and reading the documents files he quickly clicked on one named rifle cache. What opened up was a map that showed a location marked with a circle while on the side of the page were 3 different gun models with a different number next to each. There was 280 of the assault rifle, 250 of the burst rifle and 320 of the single shot rifles. The single shot were slower but more powerful than the other rifles. They were about as powerful as the snipers' regular mode. Actually, while looking through the documents before he found that the sniper they had been firing could be switched to a higher distance mode that shot far greater damage shots but also had a corresponding recoil. This recoil meant one had to be at least seated to not fall over but for cultivators like the trio, they could fire the gun in one hand and not feel anything.

"Hahaha, looks like we found a weapon storage facility!" shouted Johnny with an excited look on his face.

"Yes, but why did the Yamir that went through not take this information with them?"

"I think they were doing a stealth mission that required speed above all else! They had probably swarmed through all the points on the map but only got stopped at that forest because it was the last stop and the first stop had probably been reported by then. They weren't quick enough. They were close though."

After that he read through the other files that were other cache locations of pistols, snipers, shotguns and SMG's. He memorised the location and they then began to plot the route they would travel to reach the caches and the other outposts as fast as possible to clean out all the guns in this place before the reinforcements came in to clean up.

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