





Booooboboboboboom, fwoosh.

"What the actual hell is happening?" Lucius asked with a bewildered and anxious expression on his face.

"I think some expert dropped a tier 3 flame technique on those people!" Delilah responded

"B-b-but there were so many of them! There were thousands of people down there!" Johnny chimed in.

"That doesn't matter right now! Let's get the fuck out of here first!" Delilah interrupted the two boys' dazed thoughts and brought them back to their senses.

The trio dashed to away from the fire storm and saw a forest only 2-3km away and they dashed in within a few seconds with their greatest speeds. They ran through for a while but since they didn't hear anything after the final boom, they stopped in their tracks and calmed down. All three of them were shook to their core! If they were teleported just a kilometre forward they would be dead right now! They didn't really want to talk about it so they started searching the forest for potential threats. They knew that this was a planet of war so they shouldn't take chances with their safeties.

After 20 minutes of searching around they found evidence of people camping out in the forest. They followed the tracks they left behind as they moved and found that it led back to the firestorm. They could imagine what had happened now; the thousands of soldiers had used the forest as a cover to mask their movements but they were found as soon as they left the forest and bombarded with fire techniques! Under Lucius' suggestion they went back to the firestorm to see if anyone had survived, maybe they could get some information about the world. If they were all dead then there was still a chance that their bodies had maps or books of some kind that could be useful.

They ran back to the firestorm and saw that it was still ablaze, they looked around and saw no one but they couldn't be too sure so Delilah and Lucius climbed to the top of two trees and used a technique called eagle eyes. Like it sounds, the technique used spirit qi to enhance vision and using it they were able to see through greater distances. All they could see was a grassland that went on for at least 25km, the limit of Delilah's vision. There was no sight of anything hostile so they moved in with Lucius in the front. The flames were tier 3 in strength so he began to absorb and refine them as they walked through. While he concentrated on that, Delilah kept watch as she was the strongest and Johnny had the unfortunate job of checking the bodies for signs of life or artifacts of use. They continued on for around 2 hours, Delilah with her spear ready and Lucius refining all the way through. Johnny wasn't able to find anyone alive throughout the whole place, it seemed like those that didn't die from the blast or the flames had suffocated from all the smoke around. If they had came straight here they might have saved some of them but they ran instead. This couldn't be blamed on them though and it was most certainly the better idea to run away from a tier 3 bombardment. However, right at the end they found a man who was wearing different clothes from the rest. The rest were in a military uniform that was completely black but this man was wearing some kind of metal suit on his body. After using his strength to pry the metal suit open, the man inside was dead but Johnny found a piece of folded paper. He pulled out the paper and opened it.

"It's a map! This must have been the leader of these troops."

"Open it up and see where we are."

Following Delilah's instructions, Johnny opened up the map and looked through it. He saw some red crosses with circles around them, the closest being behind the forest that they had ran into to. He saw that there was another circle that was past the point they were right now, it must have been were these soldiers were headed. He showed Lucius the map and they began to discuss it while Delilah turned to look at the corpses. She looked around and thought that if these people were soldiers there should be weapons scattered around, or at least remnants of them. She didn't see any swords, shields, spears, staffs, bows. Nothing. She then looked back to the metal suit and noticed there were fine lines engraved inside the metal. She looked closer and after a while of analysing she realised that these lines were formation lines!

"Luci, come and check out this metal suit, its got inscriptions engraved on the inside!"

"Wow, I've never seen these kind of inscriptions before. Have you?"

"No. We should take this with us and study it later. Uncle did say to learn everything we could."

The trio left the death site and went to the closest red cross. They thought about it and realised that this map was probably either an objective sheet or a kill sheet. In other words, they had either travelled there for a mission or to attack those points! The red cross's probably meant that those spots were already visited so the trio wanted to see if they could find anything that could explain things better. The closest red cross was the one behind the forest so they headed straight there, though they did use caution and care on there way. The forest was only 50 km long so they didn't take long to get there with their speeds. After this they looked back at the map and started calculating the distances using the scale they now had. They soon found that the map covered a 500 squared km area, and they were at the north end of the map, the last circle being in the furthest north position as the map ended soon after.

They soon arrived at the red cross location and found an outpost. There were only 3 buildings in this place with two watchtowers at each side and a wall surrounding it all. The building in the centre was the biggest and it was square shaped with pillars every 2m supporting the building. The other two buildings were considerably smaller, as the first one took up 90% of the space in the outpost. Delilah quickly climbed up the watch tower while using a stealth technique to mask her presence. Once she reached the top she found two people in white uniform with a hole through both of their heads. The hole didn't look like it was from an arrow but as if they had had their heads burnt through in a precise line. She looked down to their sides and saw a strange long object. She picked it up effortlessly and examined it. The thing was mostly metal, with a diamond tip. The metal was a strange blend she had never seen before and on closer inspection she saw that these two had inscriptions on them. She grabbed the second object and jumped back down to the other two swiftly. The watchtowers were only 10 metres up so it was like she had just gone down a step for her since she had already reached the steel stage.

"Look at these, guys, they were next to the two people that were dead. They had a hole through their heads but it wasn't from an arrow but more burnt looking."

The two boys took the two objects and examined them. Lucius looked closely at the diamond tips and found that there was actually a small hole in the middle that led down the metal rod, he turned the object around and as he looked at it from the backside he noticed that the weird circle thing on top had a grading inside it. He put it to his eye and saw the numbers for 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 and 700. While he was examining this, Johnny had saw the weird hook shape towards the bottom of the object and when he put his finger to it and pulled, a beam of light shot out the diamond end!

"Woah, watch it Johnny. That blast was a tier 2 attack at least!" Delilah shouted immediately.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen!"

"Interesting, Delilah tell me, is the hole in those two peoples head the same as that hole." Lucius asked as he pointed to the hole that Johnny had made in the floor a few metres away.

"Yeah! It is!" Delilah exclaimed as she grabbed it off of Johnny and then pointed the diamond end at the watchtower leg and pulled the hook shaped thing again and the same thing happened, a light beam shot through and bore a hole through not only the leg she shot at but also the parallel leg behind it.

"Wow, that's a powerful attack. This thing must be their weapons! Maybe this is their own type of bow."

The trio put the weapons away and then went inside since Delilah had already seen from the top of the tower that there were only dead bodies in the outpost. The bodies had similar but different holes in them, these holes were a lot smaller but there was a lot more of these holes than in the outpost guards. Johnny found a similar looking weapon to before but this one was smaller and not as long as before. He pointed it at the floor and pulled the trigger, shooting out a burst of lights into the floor. The trio ran around picking up the weapons and storing them in a crate. There was around 100 or so bodies but there were around 70 weapons only.

"Strange, there are 100 bodies but 30 less weapons. If this was a military outpost then why do 30 not have weapons? We should split up and search the buildings, be careful guys!" Lucius said as he headed for the smallest building on the left side. Johnny headed to the small building on the right and Delilah went for the big one in the middle.

When Lucius got to the building he pulled out the weapon from before and then opened the door and walked in. The building was simple and there were only three rooms inside it. The first room he walked into looked like an entryway only and there was a desk at the end of it with a dead girl in the chair. Her head was bleeding all over the desk as she lay there motionless. There was just one hole in her head and as Lucius went up to the desk he saw that the girl had her hand on a smaller weapon. It was nearly a third the size of the weapon that shot a burst of lights and Lucius picked it up and fired a shot at the ground. The hole it made was far smaller than the bow type but it was only slightly smaller than the burst type. He stored the weapon away and looked over her desk. He saw a screen of light that glowed a light blue, on the screen were different words. He read the words on the left and he saw that there was a thing labelled as financial records, he put his finger to it instinctively and the screen flashed as it changed to a page of words. He read through it and saw that it cut of half way at the bottom so he swiped his finger down a few times but nothing happened. He then did the opposite and swiped up and then the page finally moved down and showed the rest of the writing. He read through and scrolled through it all. He had instantly memorised it and then wanted to go back to the original screen. It didn't take him long to find the X in the corner and he clicked on it and the screen went back to the start. He read the other labels and most of it he didn't understand but there was one he did, it was labelled weapons order. He clicked on it and immediately a list of names appeared in front of him with a number beside them. He didn't recognise the names and couldn't pinpoint which corresponded to which of the weapons but with a stroke of inspiration he clicked on one of the weapon names and a diagram popped up showing it to him. The first one he clicked on happened to be called pistol and as he saw it he realised it was the weapon the girl was clutching. Next was the burst rifle that was the burst type and then was the assault rifle which was a type he had picked up but never tried. He pulled it out and pulled the trigger, he couldn't tell the difference until he held down the trigger and multiple shots were fired at once. He then found the sniper rifle, the shotgun and the SMG. There were other names and so on and he pulled out the weapons and tried them all out.

"It would be nice to know how these are made though." Lucius exclaimed

"Searching database for blueprints for the guns!" A synthetic voice said out loud, surprising Lucius greatly.

Immediately after a few screens popped up all at once and as he looked through it they all read, 'CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, authorisation needed.' Lucius was surprised but then thought that it made sense that he wouldn't be able to find out how the weapons were made from such a low level outpost that only had 100 people in it. He did realise though that he could ask the screen questions and it would try and find the answer.

"What are guns?" Lucius asked as he heard the voice say the word before.


A screen popped up that explained what guns were and also the history behind them. He read through and was surprised by the history of these weapons. He saw that at first there were bows, then guns that shot metal pellets, then metal bullets which were designed for killing and better penetration and then it became laser guns that shot concentrated lasers and then what they were now, shooting concentrated light rays far beyond lasers. He then searched about lasers and consequent information came up. Lucius slowly became more engrossed and enamoured as he read through all the knowledge he wanted. He didn't think it would have been this easy to get the information he needed.

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