
I really wanted to Nola to get away from her insane mother. This was the only option. I’m sorry, Elon.

==Earlier, in Elon's apartment==

"Mom, you see Nola as your daughter, right?"

"Of course."

"Well, Heather had this amazing idea; I want to swap places. Nola can't take that crazy woman anymore but I can put up with her insanity."

"Oh yeah. I like that idea, confiscating her daughter."

"So it's okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I accept."

"Wow, really?"


== Present time, Elon POV==

"You agreed without consulting me!?" shouts Mrs. Uro.

"I'm sorry, dear neighbor," my mom says, "but he's right, she needs to get better. I'm going to be taking care of Nola from now on while you can do whatever you want with my son."

"This is outrages! How can you take my property away from me!?"

"Mrs. Uro, be kinder to my daughter."

"She's not your daughter! I demand you return her immediately."

"No, I won't."

"You better give her back, or I'm calling the police."

"You're calling the police even though you're the one kidnapping my little Nola?"

"You better give her back or else I'm calling them!"

"Go ahead." Mrs. Uro, once again, does nothing as she just pouts. "You were right, son. We can take advantage of her like this. Oh, I'm sorry. You're no longer my son. You belong to her."

"Yeah..." I answer with a chagrined tone.

Mrs. Uro continues, "I'm not playing this game. Nola, you better come home now and give me my sponge bath. It's been 2 days already!"

"Tell me about it," I reply as I cover my nose. "I have regrets now, but if this helps Nola, I'll put up with it, but I'm going to make you pay as well. I'm going to drive you crazy."

"Shut up, Elon. Don't you dare talk back to your superior. I'm taking my Nola home." She grabs Nola but Nola quickly releases herself as she goes back to the embrace of my mom.

I grab Mrs. Uro. Man, I hope the local church has some holy water for me to wash with. "Let's go home, 'mom'," and I forcefully push Mrs. Uro out the door.

Back in her apartment, I force Mrs. Uro in.

"Boy, you better not touch me without my consent. I have pepper spray."

"Yeah, I'm going to confiscate that as well."

"You're not seriously going to live here, are you? No men allowed unless they've been castrated."

"Is your husband castrated?"

"No, he's fine. I tamed him a long time ago."

"Well, you're not doing anything like that to me. I know how to handle you."

"You will regret this. Besides, my Nola is going to miss her mamma and be running back in no time. Then you'll realize you have no power her. Now, if you insist on being my servant, then follow me to the tub. I also got some calluses that you need to take care of afterwards, so bring that 15 inch file over there."

"Sure. Just get in the tub and I'll be there soon enough."

She goes into the bathroom. I hear a splash, assuming she's on the tub.

"I'll be right back, Mrs. Uro. I have to check on Nola now."

"Elon, you get in in this tub with me right now!"

I just take my leave. With that girth of hers, she'll be in there for a while. Poor Mr. Uro, having to deal with that. Maybe my mom can adopt him too.

So I head back and my mom is still hugging Nola. Man, she really adores her. I've seen this before, but it's only now I see the affection she has for Nola.

"Son," my mom says, "I meant, Elon, please take your things to the neighbors and help her take her things to your room. We got to get ready for my daughter to settle in."

"Alright mom, but let her go so she can do so. Heather, go help her as well."

My mom finally lets Nola go and both girls go to her apartment.

"Mom, you really wanted a daughter, didn't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"So the bathroom thing and moving here was so you could be closer to her?"

"I guess the secret is out."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "You're a good mom. I'm glad you gave Nola the love she needs."

"Aw, thank you, my son. Or should I say her son. Umm... are you going to be okay?"

"I'm more capable of handling that woman than Nola, but no, I won't."

"Well, be a man, my son. Don't let that woman walk all over you. Just because we are the superior gender, doesn't mean she's allowed to trample on her subjects."

"Uhh... thanks mom."

We spent like 2 hours swapping rooms. Nola wanted to keep my bed, but I insisted she couldn't. Who knows what she's going to do with those sheets. After everything has been set up, I walk Heather to her car.

"Elon, I can't thank you enough for this sacrifice."

"Apt choice of word, Heather."

"I mean it. Your mom is kind of nuts, but she's giving her the love and support she needs."

"Yeah. My mom may not be the best example of a socially acceptable citizen, but she's got a good heart."

Heather then leans close and kisses my cheek. Whoa! I just stare at her in surprise. She runs ahead a bit, stops and turns around.

"Elon, it won't be long till you're back at the top."

"The top?"

"Yeah, but you gotta catch me." And she runs off.

I don't know what she means, but I'll play along. I run after her and I'm catching up. She must be pretending, I saw her run like a cheetah today. Eventually I catch up to her as I tug on her shirt.

"Uhh..." she says. "Elon, you didn't catch me."

"I did."

"No, you were suppose to catch me, not tug my shirt."

"But that would be inappropriate."

"Oh my gosh, you are that dense?"


She grabs me and then she kisses me on the lips! It was quite a long kiss actually as we were locked for some time. When she was done, I just stood there, again, just stunned.

"A little preview." And she walks away.




Umm..... what just happened?

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