
A bright new days for our young protagonist. Nola and Elon have swap lives, but not gender. Too bad, that would’ve spiked up my readers. Hmm…

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I woke up feeling weird. This was Elon's room, or at least it was. My stuff is here, even my bed. I was hoping to snuggle on his bed but even that is not an option for me. I feel like Elon is drifting away. I'm scared that someday, I'll wake up and he won't be there anymore. And that day is coming. My grades are barely good enough to graduate, thanks to Elon helping me study. They're not good enough for a scholarship. My parents aren't going to send me to college either. They were expecting me to marry Elon but now they probably want me to marry someone else. That's definitely not going to happen. Both me marrying anyone else or Elon for that matter.

I have no future. I'm just useless. Why am I even trying anymore? I might as well just give up now.

I get up from bed, get dressed, and go to the kitchen. There, Mrs. Peeper gets up and gives me a big hug.

"Oh, my baby, Nola. Did you sleep well?"

"Uhh... yes, Mrs. Peeper."

"What's with the formality? Call me mom."

"Umm... okay, mom."

"AH! You heard that, dear?"

"Yes, honey." answers Mr. Peeper.

"Come honey," she leads me to the table. "Look, your favorite. Pancakes with chocolate chips and bananas."

Oh, this is nice. Mrs. Peeper is so kind. I feel she's like my second mom. The one who doesn't shout at me to do the impossible, like massage my mother's backside with my feet after I stick incense on her back. I don't know what that's about. Sounds like some weird ritual to me.

"Nola," Mr. Peeper starts, "I'll be more than happy to accept you in place of my son, but you know why you're here."

"Honey..." Mrs. Peeper says.

"Don't worry, dear. I was just welcoming her to the family."

"Well, good. Don't you dare tell her anything that will hurt her feelings."

"Actually, you need to use the bathroom before you leaves, right? How about you go right now?"

"But she's eating."

"It'll be better if she empties her bowels."



"Oh, okay."

Mr. Peeper leads me outside the apartment.

"I just needed an excuse to talk to you. I don't want her to use that device again. Anyways, Nola, what I wanted to tell you is to not forget why we agreed...


...why my wife decided to the swap. Elon has been faithful to you, but now is the time to set him free. I'll forgive you for how you treated my boy, but only if you work to free yourself from this problem of yours. Before he graduates and leaves for college, you got to overcome this. You have one year and a half left. Do you think you can do it?"

"Yes, Mr. Peeper. I understand. I'll try my best."

"Thank you, Nola."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Peeper, for how I treated your son."

"Despite whatever happened, I know you're a nice girl. You wouldn't want my son to suffer, and now is the time to make it up to him."

I don't know why but I gave him a hug. I guess because I can't hug Elon, his father is the closest thing. I'm sorry, Mr. Peeper.

I then heard loud yelling coming from my apartment.

"Looks like my son is dealing with your mom."

== Elon POV ==

"Elon, You got up late! It's 7:30 already!"

"And what exactly am I late for?"

"You were supposed to roll me off the bed and put my clothes on. I had to do it myself! What a crime you committed!"

"Can't you do anything yourself? You can't even put your clothes the right way. That's a sweater, you know, not your pants. Now either change into some or close your legs. Actually, put your underwear on first. I have enough nightmares as it is!"

"ELON! Again with this rebellion! When will you pay me some respect?"


She gasps, "You dare!"

"Yes, I do."

"In this house, we don't tolerate misbehaved children like you! It's punishment time! Husband, punish him!"

"With pleasure." Mr. Uro says as he gets up and... is that a cat-o-nine-tails? Oh crap, where you'd get something like that? I think I'm starting to understand why Nola has 5 key locks on her door.

He swings it like a maniac, breaking plates, windows, appliances, anything that gets in its way. I run towards the living room and he follows, but I hide behind the wall. When he appears, I snatch the stupid whip.

"Give that back," he says. "The master wants you punished."

"Over my dead body."

"Yeah, that's the idea."

I go back into the kitchen to face the alpha. "Mrs. Uro, you better give me some respect."

"Why should I?"

"If you do something like that again, I'm calling the police." She was still angry but she froze in place. "Things are going to change from here on, Mrs. Uro. I'm not your Nola. You're going to have to deal with me. I'm putting my foot down."

"You won this round Elon, but I'll be back. Now take my daughter to the toilet and go to school."

"Fine." I head out with the whips on my hand. Where did she even get this? I look a the handle and it says "Kinky-Boy Toys". Ugh... maybe the local church can donate some holy water to me. I'm going to need something strong to sanitize my hands.

I step outside and Nola and Dad are waiting.

"So, how was your first day with the Uro's, son?"

"I've had nightmares more pleasant that this."

"I'm sorry, Elon." Nola apologizes, "I promise, I will get better so you won't have to deal with this and I can go back to hugs and kisses and I won't touch you inappropriately like sticking my finger up your butt anymore."

"Thanks, Nola. Please, just get better as soon as you can."

She nods as I pet her head. Aw, look at her, raising her shoulders as she clutches her hands. I'm glad my parents are taking care of her now.

"Take her to the toilet, son, and then head off to school."

"Are you going to drive me too?" Nola asks my dad.

"Not anymore. Heather will be taking you to school from now on."

"mmmmmm.... why her?"

"Nola!" I say, "Be nice. She's your friend now."

"I want a choice of friends."

"Even if you did, you would reject everyone."

"But this is America, right? I got a right to vote."

"Nola, be nice to Heather. She's my friend too."

"Ooooohhhh.... kay. If it's for you, Elon. I'll do anything for you."

"Make sure you follow her instructions when she's teaching you soccer."

"No, not that. I don't want to play soccer!"


"mmmmm... Let's just go to the bathroom already."

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