
Heather, the sweet angel, always trying to take care of her friends. She even wants to adopt Nola like a little puppy lost in the streets.

So I told my dad almost everything I knew about Elon and Nola's situation. I needed some advice and he was the only one I could think of. I hope this wasn't a mistake. Even he has his limits oh how charitable he can be. That's why I left out Elon and Nola's identities. He's such nice guy, I'm sure he'll let Nola stay here like he did with me.

"That's quite a story you told me," he said afterwards. "Is this fiction? Some kind of experiment you are performing on me?"

"I'm afraid not. That girl is seriously troubled."

"I'd say. I can't imagine going to bathroom to help a girl relieve herself for so long. It sounds too exaggerated to be true."

"I want to help her and I don't think where she's living currently is helping her."

"Well, her moving here won't help her either. Looks like she's got a lot more problems other than her environment."

"But we can try, right? I'm not asking you to adopt her, just let her live her until she graduates."

"No, honey. That won't help her at all. I don't know anything about this, especially since you are refusing to tell me who she is, but from what I can tell, this is one of those things she has to overcome herself and professional help seems like the only thing."

"But... her parents..."

"I'm afraid this is one of those cases where child services has to be involved, but the fact that you are refraining from telling me who this person is, I'm certain you don't want to go that path."

"I think separating them would make her situation worse."

"I wouldn't just assume things, but I won't force you to tell me lets I assume things myself. I'm sorry but the only solution I can see is if this girl overcomes her own problems. I'm glad she's seeing a professional, that should help her."

"But... she doesn't see me as a friend. She seems to be against the idea of making any friends other than him. That's why I thought if I became something like a sister to her, then maybe she would be more comfortable."

"You don't need her to live here in order to accomplish that. You can still be fraternal with her in and out of school."

At this point, continuing to request he take her in is not going to work. In that case, "Dad, I want her to come live with me after she graduates. When I go to college, I'll let her live with me."

"That's fine. That's on you."

"But what if she refuses? She has nowhere to go. Her friend won't take her with him and her parents are terrible. She also doesn't seem to have any skills or talents. I don't think she can even get a job."

"I'm not sure what to answer to that either, other than what I said earlier."

"It's not fair that she has to go through this. Her parents are negligent and her friend deserves his freedom. She deserves her freedom from this as well. I don't think it's fair that she doesn't have any friends and nobody is reaching out to her."

"Honey, calm down. You're getting emotional again."

I stop and take a breath. "I'm sorry, Dad."

"Honey... you got to be careful not to project yourself on others. You can't save everyone, but what you can do is support them. Don't give up on her. This girls sounds stubborn but only because she doesn't know any better. If you are gentle with her, and patient, she will open herself up naturally. Looks like she needs a friend. I can't think of anyone better for that. I'm glad you are trying to better the world, but things take time. So no, she can't live here, but everything that girl needs it's already on you. You just need time and patience."

"I don't get what you mean. Time and patience?"

"Trust me. Just keep doing what you are doing now and don't give up. Eventually, you'll understand." My dad gets up from his seat, "I'll be going out tonight and will be coming in late. Are you going out?"

"No. I'm just going to stay in tonight."

"Okay then. Bye honey."

He starts walking away but...

"Dad..." I walk up to him, "Dad... Mr. Comp..."

"Mister, huh? You haven't called me that in years, Heather Comp."

"You are my Dad, right? I mean... this is legal and stuff?"

"The adoption papers says so."

"So... nobody's coming after me... and taking me away?"

He gives me a warms smile as he hugs me, "Heather, Sarah, Mary, or whatever name you used before you knocked on my door, I told you, I'd protect you for as long as you need. If you don't want to go back to your parents, I won't let them take you away. I don't know if you are telling me the truth, but people, even adults, don't just decide to run away from home on a whim. I'll take your word and assume you were justified in doing so. If you feel safe with me, then you can stay here for the remainder of your minority. Don't be afraid anymore."

He takes his leave and when he was about to close the door, I utter, "I won't tell anyone. I promise... I'll protect you too."

He waves at me with a smile and leaves.

The next day, when I had PE, the coach informed us that one of our star players was in a car accident. Nothing too serious, in fact, he is only suffering from a sprained ankle. This was crazy because he was hit by a truck. Regardless, he was out and we had to replace him.

Afterwards, the team captain wanted to talk to me. A dark skinned girl named Ariana who was quite tall.

"Rudy?" I ask. "The basketball guy?"

"Most of our backups aren't good enough for an actual match against Bullton High. They'll get decimated. Bashaface is one of the few who takes the sports seriously. Can you ask him to help us out?"

"I guess it's an emergency, but why me?"

She looks to her left and right and tells me, "You went out with him once, right?"

"That won't have any bearings."

"Well he won't listen to me. He's a bully, you know."

"I don't think he is."

"In either case, please Heather. We need him."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do."

"Good. He's practicing right now. Better get to it. I'll let the coach know."

So I got permission to go head on over to the basketball area. There he was, shooting hoops, weaving against the competition, and even doing some slam dunks. This guy was unstoppable in the basketball court, but not so much in the soccer field. That was my domain. Nonetheless, he's our only hope, I guess.

He saw me and I wave at him. He's coming over.

"Yo, Trebuchet."

"Hi. You got a nickname?"

"Yeah, but I don't like it. I'm not a bully."

"I'm sorry that everyone else thinks you are."

"So what do you want?"

"Listen, we have a player down and we need a replacement. Captain wants you on our team for tonight's game."

"Why me? I'm not the best at soccer."

"But you are dedicated to sports in general."

"You have plenty of others to choose from."

"Our team was comprised of the best players, and it just so happened that the best fit in the roster. The only players left aren't that good."

"Tell me about it. They keep trying to show off instead of playing like a team."

"Exactly, but you're different. You play for reals, and we need someone like that tonight."

"Tonight, huh? Well, I was going to practice some more for my big game, but that's 2 weeks from now. Who are you playing?"


"Their basketball team isn't that great, but I take it their soccer team is."

"Yeah. So you in?"

"Well, any reason to play sports is a good one. Sure, I'll be there."

"Great. I'll let the captain know." Well, that wasn't so bad. But Rudy loves playing sports, so I didn't figure it would be too hard.

I turn around but then, "Heather, I got a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

He looks around and afterwards asks, "I'll help you out but you got to help me out. I want to know more about Elon."


"Yeah. Can you tell me something about him?"

"Elon... Rudy, why do you want to know about him? You're not even friends."

"Alright, I'll let you in on a secret. Don't tell anyone. I'm doing bad in my classes and counselor said I won't get a sports scholarship unless I raise my grade point average. I got that guy to tutor me on Wednesdays."


"Don't tell anyone, alright. But the thing is, he won't tell me about himself."

"Do you want to be his friend?"

"Uhh... let's not go that far. I just want to know if he told you anything."

Is he making this up? I don't see this guy making friends with people like Elon. But then again, I do believe you need to have a certain grade point average to get a scholarship. Maybe he's telling the truth? I don't know, I'm getting a bad feeling in my gut.

"I'll tell you what I know, but you got to promise you won't use this against him."

"Yeah, I won't. I'm not a bully. I just want to know more about him."

"Alright, fine. I'll help you out then."

"Alright, thanks."

"Yeah. See you tonight."

Next chapter