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It's after school and Rudy is now getting the coach's plan of attack. I know what I have to do so I'm just waiting for Nola to arrive. I didn't have to wait long as she's now at the gate, but looks like she's hesitant to come in. I wave at her and she... is walking away!
I run towards her and she starts running too. Good thing I'm faster as I catch up to her in no time.
"You lied to me," she says. "You promised there weren't that many people."
"There isn't. There's only the players, the coach, and a few spectators."
"No, that's too much. This was a bad idea."
"Come on, Nola. Elon will be here any moment."
Her eyes widened and she starts to tremble with excitement. "Where is he?" I swear Elon is the only thing that makes her smile.
"He's coming over right now. Come on, sit on the bench."
"I'll wait for Elon and go with him."
"No, Nola. You're not allowed."
"I don't get to sit with Elon?"
"No. But all three of us can go home together. We'll even stop for pizza on the way out."
"You too? I want some alone time."
"With me?"
"No! With him!" Jeez, you didn't have to be rude about it.
"You've had 10 years of alone time with him. It's time for some space."
"It's either we all three hang out or you don't hang out with him at all."
"Okay, okay. You can come too."
"Yeah, good enough. Let's go."
== Rudy POV ==
After the coach explained everything, I guess I'm ready. Man, I'm nervous. Heather better be true to her word. I got tutoring with him tomorrow. I'm going to see if I can get more info out of him. He has to tell me. I know all about it. I told him even. I must know...
URG! What am I doing? I need to forget about this. This can't be good for my mental state. Just don't... think about it. I got a soccer game to concentrate on.
I head to the field and do some warm ups. The game should start in 1 hour. This isn't a big game, it's more like a qualifying one for the actual big one. It shouldn't be too bad, those Bulltons. Still, they're not going to pull their punches. I'm not that good at soccer but they believe my dedication to sports more than makes up for it. I really do love sports. Yeah, sports. That's all I care about. It's the only thing I care about. Why should I care about other things, like the girl's bathroom? Who needs that?
I see heather doing some warm ups in the distance. She looks really cute in that ponytail. Too bad it didn't work out, I only lasted a few days with her. It never works out for me actually. Ah jeez. I can't keep a girl for more than a few weeks. In fact, like, 40 days was the most I was with a girl. She ended up dumping me because we were making out one day in the hallway. Yeah, after school, nobody was around, and we just go at it. Man, that was crazy and I loved it. Ah, but too bad she wasn't with it. Apparently she found it offensive to go into the girl's bathroom and continue. I mean, she doesn't have standards, any guy will do for her. I just figured we could hide in there for a moment, that's all.
Oh, Heather is running towards the gate. Huh? Is that... Elon? Yeah, no doubt. Who has hair like that? What's he doing here? He doesn't like sports.
Oh, Heather is talking to him. She's actually happy to see him.
She's happy to see him? Well, she's his friend... and he's 'working his way up'. So... are they dating? I don't get this.
I won't acknowledge him. He promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone so I'm not going to welcome him either. Looks like he's good on his promise as he's ignoring me as well.
Oh, Heather is now running back. Leaving your boyfriend behind, he he? Apparently she's running up the bleachers.
Wait, whose that in the far right top of the corner? Must be one of Heather's friends.
That girl is pointing at Elon and Elon is waving back. Must be one of his friends then. I don't know what this is all about. Heather seems to like making friends with weirdos.
Whoa, what the hell? Is Heather holding that girl back? That other girls seems desperate for something but Heather won't let her go. She's now calming her down. What is going on over there?
Do I recognize that girl? I'm a distance away but she looks familiar. Let me pretend to run around the field to get a better look.
I'm getting close but I still can't tell. I'm at the edge of the football field and... I can kind of make her out.
... that looks like the girl who was with Elon that first time I saw him. That day when Rico spotted him during the summer.
That means.... it's her! It's Nola! But she's still a distance away, I can't make her out.
Wait, why am I getting excited about? She's a dork. In fact, she's the biggest dork I've ever met. That was in elementary school however. I haven't actually heard anyone talk about her in school. I didn't figure she came here. Maybe she doesn't. I don't know, I'm barely getting acquainted with Elon.
I remember. I strongly remember.
That teacher who pulled out Elon and Nola out of that bathroom in elementary. She was covered in urine. Oh god. I can still smell it. Disgusting. Ugh, what were you two doing? Aw jeez! Why? Why can't I know! Let me know! Let me just know so I can be at peace!
NO NO NO! That could just further complicate this! Stop it, Rudy! Stop thinking about it. Don't pay attention to either of them.
Alright, I'm just going to ignore them and head to the farthest corner until the game. I need to concentrate on that and that alone.
Speaking of which, maybe I should use the toilet now.