
What is in store for Elon and his future? Can he really overcome his programmning and never enter a girl’s bathroom ever again?

Every Monday after school, Nola is going to visit the school's psychiatrist and I will visit her every Tuesday. I can see why Nola doesn't like going, I don't either. I hate talking about this and having her probe my brain. But I'm doing this for Nola's sake and I figured if I visit her, then it will encourage Nola to do so. I should consider it since I'm also messed up, no thanks to Nola, but I won't hold it against her. I still have one year and a half left before I go to college and if I do have a problem I'm no noticing, then I got to make sure I'm well or else I'll end up doing something I might regret later.

It's after school and I head on over to the psychiatrist.

"How are you doing, Elon?"

"I'm doing well."

"That's good to hear. I wish Nola was as cooperative as you."

"She's still giving you trouble?"

"Pretty much. But at least she's now starting to open up. I just need to continue encouraging her to do so."

"That's good. I really want her to feel better."

"You really care about Nola, don't you?"

"I guess I do. It's not like she's my best friend or anything, but I care for her. Why do you think I care about her so much?"

"Most likely because you've spent so much time with her that you were conditioned to. She clings to you so much, and of course, you have to join her in the bathroom due to her condition. This is the more extreme of it. I will not call this a positive. This may have led to some kind of programming that has led you to have protective feelings for her. I have no doubts that you would want to protect her naturally, but I don't think this is of your own choosing either."

"So are you saying that these feelings are false?"

"Whatever honest feelings you are having, they are most likely being buried by the programming. My job is to dig into your psyche and dig out these true feelings. Once I do, you'll know what to do."

"My true feelings? Could it be the feelings I have for her are actually fake? I... actually don't want to think that way."

"I know, Elon. Deep down, I know you care for her, but I don't trust your feelings for her right now. They seem so muddled."

"I'm currently spending less time with her. I'm keeping my distance from her. What do you think about that?"

"I think it's working. Nola is now being more open about herself. Perhaps being separate is making her realize just how much of her life is dependent on you. All the more reason to help her. I don't think her parents have any plans for her after graduation."

"They want me to take her with me and continue this behavior. I think they're the ones who gave her the idea that I'm going to marry her."

"That's most likely correct. I do wish to talk to them, but apparently they refused when I called them. Considering what you two are going through, I should call child services."

"But you haven't."

"Yeah, I haven't. I figured you still have a year left before you can legally leave. I do insist that she no longer listens to them, but her parents are quite strict with her. I'm worried about her."

"So why don't you call child services?"

"Because if I do, they'll take her, and maybe you away. I fear a strange environment will do more harm than good, especially since she can't go to the bathroom without you. If you were taken away and have no way of meeting each other, then I fear her health may be in danger. Elon, I want you to understand that what I'm doing is wrong. I should call child services, but I'm putting my trust in you. Don't let her get influenced by her parents anymore. That goes for your parents. You're going to have to stand up to your mother. She seems barely sensible, but nonetheless, she also seems to be giving you bad ideas."

"Tell me about it."

"If you need to speak to a grown up, you can have my number."

"Sure thing." I take out my phone and exchange numbers.

"For now," she continues, "I want to know about the future. Where do you see yourself in 8 years, when you've graduated college?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what I want to major in."

"In general, what do you see yourself doing?"

"Uhh... well, probably having a job."

"Do you plan on getting married?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Do you see yourself married at that time?"

"No, maybe later."

"Okay, let's take it a bit back. What college do you want to go to?"

"Not sure. I figured any will do."

"Colleges are all different. Take some time and look into an institution you want to attend. But aside from that, do you see yourself with friends?"

"Of course. My old friends are probably not going to come with me, but I'll make new friends."

"Good. And do you see yourself being well adjusted?"


"Alright. How about living quarters? Dorm? Apartment?"

"Again, I don't know. Are these questions important?"

"Of course, or else I wouldn't be asking them. Now let's go back to before graduation. I have confidence that you are graduating, for certain. But what about next year? That's your senior year. You last year before you're officially and independent adult. Are you prepared to be an adult?"

"I'm sure I am. I'm getting good grades."

"But have you thought about getting a job?"

"Yeah. I still need one, in fact. But no one's hiring at the moment. I figured it's because I'm in High school. Maybe next year, they'll hire me since I'll be older, perhaps."

"I see."

These questions kept on coming. My friends, my family, even my car. She wanted to know what plans I had for the future, but never had any. I never thought about this. I think maybe this is what she was trying to do, make me realize that the end is near and I need to prepare. I thought getting good grades was enough, but looks like there's more work for me to do.

"I hope you take my advice and speak to a counselor" she says. "You really need to figure out the rest of your life from here on, or at least college."

"Alright, I'll do that."

"But aside from that, you seem to be in good position to move on with your life. We just need to help your mental state be as stable as possible. I'm really worried you may not be of sound mind. Anyways, I think that will do for today."

"Doctor, do you think that... there's a future for Nola?"

"Yes, but I need her to open up first. Make sure you encourage her to do so. Whatever is happening, she seems to be opening up to us, albeit slowly."

"Yeah but... is there a future for her with me?"

"I prefer one where she is not dependent on you for the rest of her life. I have a feeling that we only have till graduation to make her realize this."

"And what happens if she does not open up before then?"

"It's not too bad. You'll just end up doing the same thing as before, taking her to the bathroom and such. What you are doing right now will pretty much follow. This time limit is less about her and more to do with you, Elon. I want you to start your adult life free of this. It's not that you had a bad childhood and teenager years, you made the most out of it, but I think it's time you enter the next phase of your life leaving this behind. What's more, I want Nola to be the one who sets you free. You have this conditioning to just take care of her but if we can have Nola be the one that sets you on your way, then I think you will be ready to face the world without any regrets. In other words, I feel that in order to finally alleviate you of this responsibility, she has to be the one to do it."





Yeah... that would be nice.

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