
Rudy, the man with an ambition that will not let him go, seeks the answers to the question everyone doesn’t care about. He’s kind of nuts.

Basketball is my sport of choice, but soccer is pretty good every now and again. I love the feeling of kicking the ball and seeing the poor goalie get his face smashed. Hey, this isn't bullying, it's just business. If you can't handle my kicks, then you might as well give up now, he he. We're having a friendly game, but I don't play friendlies, I play for keeps. Everyone in my team knows to pass the ball towards me. I always get the goal. It's almost unfair, in a way. Yeah, I'm just too good.

Well, not really. Here she comes, the Trebuchet.

I pass the ball to my partner but Heather intercepts. She was just too fast.

I kick the ball for a goal, but she leaps in the air and catches it with her chest. The goalie can barely grab my softest kicks and here she is smashing the ball against her boobs.

I have the ball now. I run towards the end for a goal. Here she comes. I maneuver to my left, to my right. No, she's still in the way. I run to the left but she's following me, getting in front. The other opponents are coming. I got no choice. I kick it behind me to my teammate who receives it. I run across the field, expecting him to pass it back. He kicks it for a goal? No, you idiot! Look at Heather run towards the ball! She's so fast! She intercepts it and we are all rushing to get her. No use. She kicks it from a few yards and it was enough for the goal.

Game ends with the opponent's victory. Tch. I don't get it. The basketball team and I work like that, a team. Why do my soccer teammates want to show off instead of playing the damn game? Well, if seeing the guys surround Heather and fawning over her is any indication, then I got my answer. I might as well make nice with my soccer rival.

After she teases them and they disperse, I walk up to her. "Good game, Heather."

"You too, Rudy."

"You're too popular, you know? These guys, they don't care about the game, they only care about showing off."

"I know, but at least you take it serious. I appreciate that. You're the only one who gives me a challenge."

"Have you ever considered playing basketball? It's really great."

"Naw. Soccer is good enough. I'm not as tall as you anyways."

"You don't need to be tall, you just need to know how to pass the ball and shoot it in the basket. You can jump high enough, for sure."

"Yeah but I'm not dedicating my life to sports like you are."

"Ha, ha, yeah. So, you're seeing anyone?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"I'm just curious."

"You want to ask me out on a date?"

"No. We broke up, remember?"

"That's right, and I'm not interested in you again."

"I'm not asking for a date. I'm just wondering if you got a new boyfriend."

"Maybe, but that's none of your business."

"Hmph. Well, fine."

"And what are you doing?"


"Yeah. Since you're so nosy, let me in on your life as well."

"As always, playing sports and dating chicks."

"Well, good for you."

Who am I kidding? I don't want to chat with her. No, I want to know about her and Elon. Maybe she knows something about him and Nola. Maybe she knows about their dark secret. I'm not going to tell her what I know, but maybe, just maybe, she knows something.

"Yo, Heather. Tell me, do you have anyone else you are seeing, like friends?"

"I have friends, and that's all I'm going to say."

"Well... do you know anyone particular?"

"Particular? Like who?"

"Well, consider this. One guy in the basketball team is friends with a nerd. Some guy named Elon. I mean, I would never be friends with a dork, and not many in the basketball club would, so it was quite a shock that Rico would makes friends with one."

"What's wrong with that? Why are you labeling people?"

"I'm just saying... Rico is your friend too, right?"


"So... you met Elon, right?"


"So... are you friends with him?" She's looking at me with suspicion. Does she know? No, she couldn't.

She relaxes herself as she gives me a smug smile, "I know him. He's trying to climb his way up again."

"He's what?"

"I'm going to change now. I'll see you later," and she leaves.

Climb his way up? What does that mean? Don't tell me that... she's interested in him? This is a turn of events I was not expecting. Looks like Elon is more popular than he gives himself credit for.

I head to the gym to change my clothes as well. After I do that, I put on my sunglasses and face mask to take a piss, just thinking about the Elon situation. Who is this guy now? He's not longer the dork he was in elementary. The one who was caught in the bathroom. The girl's bathroom. Elon, that was a long time, but I can't get it out of my mind. What were you doing in there? Why were you there?



Are you still...


Anyways, after I change, I see Rico. Oh good timing, I'll ask him about it.

"Yo, Rico."

"Hey, Rudy. So, how's studying with the 'nerd'?"

"I'm not like that, you know? I just have my reputation to protect."

"Yeah, I know, but he's not that bad, alright? I'm sure you've got to know him when he tutored you."

"He's okay. He's not a dork like I thought he would be, though his hair is awful. He needs a haircut or some hair gel."

"Yeah. I guess that's something we both agree with. I have no idea what's up with that hair of his."

"Yeah. Listen... do you know anything about Heather?"

"Yeah. We're friends. We actually dated, but it didn't work out."

"What about Elon?"

"What about him?"

"Elon and Heather."

"You mean, like they're dating? I don't think so."

"She hasn't told you?"

"Told me? Wait, is she dating him?"

"So you really don't know?"

"No. I don't think so. She didn't mention anything."

"Well, she said he's working his way up. Maybe she likes him."

"Well, if she does, good for her, I guess."

"Not that I care, but... what about Elon?"

"Hey, come on. Leave him alone, okay? He's my friend. She's my friend too. Don't do anything stupid."

"Relax. I'm telling you, I'm not a bully, alright? I'm just curious about... that bathroom thing."

"Will you just drop that already? I don't like how you keep bringing it up. You keep reassuring that you're not going to tell him and use it against him. You keep saying it so much."

"Rico, you don't understand. Nobody knows what happened in there. Nobody."

"Why do you want to know? You're kind of acting weird about this."

"Okay, fine. Let's not tell Elon. But... do you know Nola?"

"No, I don't."

"You don't? I thought you did."

"What makes you think I did?"

"Well, doesn't she hang around Elon?"

"I think she does in private or something. I don't recall him bringing her when we hang out with him. She even refuses."


"Rudy, what are you up to? These are my friends."

"I'm not up to anything, okay? I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not a bully."

"You were a bully."

"Yeah, but not anymore, alright? I'm not picking on anyone."

"Then why the obsession with learning about Elon and Nola, the so called 'nerd' and 'dork'? Why are you obsessing about the bathroom thing that I don't know anything about? You've been acting weird ever since you found out about him."

"Fine, fine. I'll drop the subject. Jeez."

"I have to go now. Don't mess with Elon, man."

"I won't, alright." and he walks away.

So, Elon is going out with Heather... maybe? But she's not going to tell me anything. Rico is weirded out so he's out of the picture.

I have tutoring with him tomorrow. I'll have to try with Elon once again. I'm getting to the bottom of this, no matter what.

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