
Elon and Heather, together as a team, but what does this mean for Nola?

After my crotch got acquainted with her foot, we sit down and I tell her the entire story. How Nola is incapable of going by herself since we were kids, the potential mental trauma this has caused for both of us, and how she is in love with me but won't confess to it. It felt like an entire lifetime was uttered in a few minutes. It made me realized just how long this has truly gone on.

"I can't believe what I just heard," she comments. "You've been doing this for a decade?"

"Yeah, and we're finally seeking help for it. I can't believe how long it has been and how this has messed us up. I never thought it would affect me this much."

"But I think it's nice that you have stuck to it. You didn't abandon Nola. You really care about her like a sister."

"Something like that, but she doesn't see me that way. Her social anxiety has caused her to isolate herself from everyone except for me. Now she's attracted to me but I don't feel the same way towards her."

"Well, I see the problem for sure, but I think it's kind of cute. She's like that clingy little sister who loves her brother so much."

"Too much. She is not afraid of being touchy either. That has also messed me up. Doctor says she's trying to manipulate me into liking her."

"But her parents won't do anything about it?"

"She has the kind of parents that spoil their kid. They wouldn't get her any help because they don't want to admit that she has a mental problem. They keep thinking it'll go away or something. I had to put my foot down and finally convince her to go. I'm going to college in a year and a half. I won't be there for her anymore. She has to learn to let go."

"So what are you doing to help her?"

"I'm constantly reminding her about it."

"That won't work. That might actually encourage her to continue holding on. The more you resist, the more she clings on. She's like a little kid, she's going to pout until she gets what she wants."

"That's quite an analogy, but I don't know what else to do. The doctor is having trouble with her, our parents are useless, and she'll only listen to me. This is the only thing I can think of."

"What about when she goes back to school? You said she needs to be more social, right?"

"The doctor is trying her hardest to get her to be more social. So far she only has me she entrust. She's too afraid to make friends with anyone else."

"Then I'll be her friend."


"Sure. Why not?"

"Heather, have you forgotten what I told you? When she needs to go to the bathroom, I have to follow her. She's too ashamed to admit this so when the time comes to use the toilet, she'll have to come running to me. She's afraid people will find out."

"I don't care. In fact, I can probably help her."

"You can?"

"In a weird way, yeah. She sounds like a nice person."

"But she's really childish and has no idea how to conduct herself in public. She'll end up humiliating you. This is why I don't hang out with her with my friends. I just hang out with her separately."

"Then I'll just hang out with her outside my friends. All three of us can hang out with each other."

"You're really serious, aren't you? This is actually great. This may be the start of Nola actually becoming social. But I still have my concerns. I don't know if she will accept you. She gets jealous extremely easily when it comes to me hanging out with other girls."

"You said so yourself, she'll have to let you go eventually. Might as well start it now."

Heather is serious. I can't believe this. After that incident, I can't believe we are actually making plans to help Nola together. Could this be a sign that things are finally changing? "Let's go to my home. I want you to meet her."

"Sure, let's go."

We head to my car and we drive to my apartment building. If Nola hasn't realized things are changing, this may be the wake up call she needs. It was a long time coming, but better late than never.

There may still be a chance for Nola.

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