
Nola gets a new friend… whether she wants to or not.

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Nola tried to hug me, completely forgetting what the doctor told her. I'm still finding it hard to believe that Nola would try to manipulate me, at least on purpose. I'm still going to say that this is an unconscious thing, just for the sake of our friendship. Yet, I can't have her touching me anymore if she really is trying to manipulate me.

I press my face against hers as she struggles to give me a hug. She eventually just gives up.

"Not even a hug?" she clamors.

"No, Nola. The doctor said not a single touch."

"Just little bit, like a tiny bit. Let me just hug your finger."

"I don't know what that means but no, Nola. I don't like the idea of you trying to take advantage of me."

"No, Elon. I'm not trying to take advantage of you. Honest! I just want to feel the warmth of your bosom."

"It doesn't matter. The doctor says you are not allowed."

"mmmmmmmmm..." it was at this time she notices Heather next to me. "May I help you?" she says a bit rudely.

"Uhh.. hi." Heather says.

"Yeah, hi," responds Nola before turning her attention to me. "Elon, I'll need to go half an hour."

"Have you been doing the exercises?"

"Yes, and the therapy. I guess I'm getting use to it."

"Good, keep a track of your progress so I can check it."

"Okay, but you still need to come with me. You know, until it works." Nola once again looks over at Heather and addresses her, "Excuse me but we're trying to have a private conversation."

"Nola," I say, "don't be rude."

"Well whose this girl listening in on us. Come on, let's go inside."

She starts walking towards her apartment and I tell her, "Let's go to my apartment."

"Okay." I open the door and I go first. Nola was walking in but so was Heather as they bump into each.

"What are you doing?" asks Nola. "Why are you entering a strangers home?"

"Nola," I say, "don't be rude."

"But this weird girl is trying to enter your apartment."

"Nola, that's Heather."

Nola's eyes widened as her mouth drops She then starts to look around her. I don't know what she was looking for but she gives up as she enters the apartment and closes the door she pushes me further inside. "Elon! What is this?"

"What is what?"

"You brought that girl here? Why?"

"Why not? She's my friend."

"Have you forgotten, you can't have girlfriends. What if they find out about our... special time?"

"I told you not to call it that."

"Well, whatever. We can't have friends, remember. What if she finds I can't go to the bathroom without you? We will never be able to show our face at school again!"

"I'm fine with it," says Heather as Nola turns around. Looks like she forgot to lock th door.

"I told her," I tell Nola.

"You did?" she says as she pushes me.

"It's okay." says Heather, "He told me everything, but I'm fine with it."

Nola was shrinking as her body contracts within itself. Her face was as red as a tomato. Oh boy, she's not taking this well.

"What is going on?" I hear my mom as she enters the situation. She bears witness to Nola, scared out of her wits and Heather standing next to her. "Who are you? What are you doing to little Nola?"

"Mom, it's okay."

"No it's not." my mom goes up to Nola and hugs her, "Look at what she did to Nola."

"Mrs. Peeper," Nola says, "she's a bad girl who is trying to seduce your son!"


"No, I'm not," Heather defends herself. "I'm just his friend... and her friend."

"My what!?" Nola shouts.

"Nola, you made a new friend?" my mom asks.

"No, Mrs. Peeper, she's one of those bad girls who takes advantage of boys for their own pleasure. She's after your son's purity." This coming from the girl who is apparently grooming me.

I step in, "Mom, Nola, stop talking about her like that."

"No, I won't." Nola says, "I'm protecting you Elon." She lets go of my mom and races to hug me, but I sidestep and she trips onto the sofa.

"Nola, you can't touch me, remember? Doctor's orders."

Nola sits up quickly, "Elon, what happened to you? You won't let me hug you, you keep listening to that evil doctor, and now you're replacing me with this girl."

"I'm not replacing you, Nola."

"Yes you are. Ever since you walked in on her, you've been trying to replace me with her. I bet this was all planned. She knew you were likely to go into the bathroom to gave you a sneak preview. Now you gotta pay for the feature presentation and will throw me away like a stub."

"Stop saying crazy things." I say. "Tell her, Heather, how it happened?"

Heather walks up to us. "I don't know Elon. Maybe she's right. I mean, you did walk in on me." Heather gives a bit of a wicked smile.

Nola gasps. She gets up and tries to attack Heather, but Nola is too weak as Heather has no problem holding her back.

"Nasty girl!," Nola accuses heather, "Trying to steal my Elon. I'm the only girl he is allowed to go to the bathroom and peep at."

Me and my mom separate the two girls with my mom grabbing Nola and I Heather.

"What is going on?" my mom asks. "Elon, mind explaning?"

"Remember when I told you about walking into the girl's bathroom when it was busy?"

"Dude," said Heather, "you told your mom?"

"Yeah. Didn't you?"

"If I did, my dad would've come over and snapped your neck by now."

Nola breaks away from my mom, "stop changing the subject. Elon, what are you doing, telling people about our special time?"

"Yes, Elon." my mom says, "How can you go around telling everyone about your special time with Nola?"

"Stop calling it that!" I utter. "And I only told her. She's not going to tell anyone. Besides, we're now working to finally break away from this routine. That's why we're going to therapy, remember?"

"Elon, you changed," Nola accuses me once more, "what happened to the sweet Elon who just kept his mouth shut and oogle at my goodies?"

"HAHAHAHA!" Now Heather is laughing, "Oh my gosh, she is like a kid."

"Who you calling a kid?" Nola retorts.

"Come on, Nola," Heather says. "Just let me be your friend."


"Nola," I say, "be nice. She's the only person willing to be your friend."

"I never asked her to be my friend."

"You have no choice. You have to be more social."

"But why her? Why not my idea? You know, what I said earlier?"

"I don't think I can be cloned."

"Well, I'll have you know that I started searching online and-"

"Nola," my mom interrupts rather softly, "Elon is right. I think it's time you make some new friends."

"You too, Mrs. Peeper?"

"Nola, dear, I'm glad that Elon has stuck with you for so long, but I'm also worried that you don't have any girl friends. There's only so much you can do with a boy. Don't you want to have at least one friend that you can relate to?"

"I don't need a girl friend. Elon is both a boy and a girl to me." Aw, jeez, Nola, stop staying stupid things already.

"Just think about it Nola. With girls to chat with, you can talk about fun feminine things, like world domination."

"I don't care about having any friends other than Elon. I just want Elon"

"Now, Nola dear, I'm going to agree with Elon and Misty here."

"My name's Heather."

"Oh, sorry, Misty. But like I'm saying, it's time to get some new female friends."

Nola aggressively shoves my mom away, "You guys betrayed me. I'm so fragile and you all pick on me! I'm telling my mom!" and she storms out.

Oh great, she's gonna tell her mom. This is not going to be a pleasant evening... except for Heather, who is about to burst from laughter.

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