
Young Nola and Young Elon are in trouble now, all because their curiosities got the better of them. Their parents were dumb even back then.

We were both sent to the principals office and our parents were called. To call this embarrassing would be an understatement.

"Mrs. Peeper, Mrs. Uro, " the principal said, "we have a situation involving your children. They were caught in the girl's bathroom and your son was touching your daughter."

Our parents were shocked upon hearing this and Nola covered her face from embarassment. I... was confused. That's the best I can describe what was going on.

"Son," my mom told me, "is it true? Where you caught in the girls bathroom establishing your dominance on the feminine valley of pleasure?"

"That boy is trouble," said Mrs. Uro. "He is the devil's son, afflicting damnation wherever he goes. Lord have mercy on him!"

"Ma'am, do not talk to my son like that."

"You are at fault as well. You spend all day watching talk shows and drinking whiskey at home instead of taking care of that boy of yours. Shame on you!"

"You don't even know me."

"I know your kind."

"Calm down ladies," the principal responds, "let's not get off topic and bicker among ourselves."

"That's right," Mrs. Uro continues, "we're here to yell at the boy." Mrs. Uro points at me, "this boy is corrupting my little Nola. How dare he slobber all over her with his nasty hands?"

"No mommy!" Nola shouts, "It was me, I told him to come to the bathroom with me."

"What? Nola. You asked him to go to the toilet with you?"

"Yes..." Nola was about to cry.

"Oh, no, honey. Don't cry. You did nothing wrong, nothing at all. Don't worry, we can blame the nasty boy on this all day long."

"Stop calling my son nasty," my mom retorts.

"You're still here? Don't you have, like, a line of men ready to get you pregnant or something."

"What did you say you incredulously abominable harpy who spawned from the foul crevice of hades?"

"How dare you call me... whatever that is?"

My principle interjects again, "Will you ladies please stop?"

"You be quite."


Mrs. Uro continues, "What are you going to do about your son?"

"I'll deal with him by myself. I want you to stop calling my boy names now."

"Oh, I'll do better than that. Your son better stay away from my daughter. I never want him to be near my daughter ever again. Only a very traumatic experience that scarred her mentally that forces her to be with him can change my mind. Let's go, honey." And they left. My mom took my arm and we left the school.

While we drove home, my mom asked me, "Son, what happened? Why where you in the girl's bathroom in the first place?"

"You said I shouldn't go to the girl's bathroom, but you also said I shouldn't fight girls."

"What does those two have to do with anything?"

"She dragged me to the bathroom, but I didn't know what to do."

"Ah! So shes at fault. That makes sense. My little boy would never do something like that. Okay, son, I forgive you."


"Yeah. I'm sorry, son. I'll buy some pizza today."

At the time, I just accepted it and tried to forget the whole, but now I realize... my mom's kind of nuts.

"Wow," the doctor says, "your mom is quite a character. That Uro woman as well."

"Are we done yet?"

"From the sounds of it, she probably could go to the toilet by herself at this time. Mind skipping to the part where she became dependent on you and, I presume, your parents approved of you going to the toilet with her?"

"Yeah, I guess."

After that incident, everyone in the school found out and we were made fun of. As if I needed more reasons for people not to be my friend. We were ostracized from the playground. All I can do was just read books and study at the library. I don't know what Nola was doing as she was no longer hanging out with me. In fact, I didn't see her for a few days. She was still going to school, I know for sure, but I just didn't knew where she was.

Then, one day, my mom came to pick me. I went to the principals office and my mom just grabbed me and we left.

As we drove, I asked, "mom, what's wrong?"

"It's that Nola girl. She needs you."

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