
It’s time to man up, Elon, and do what the women tell you for the rest of your life

I wasn't living in the current apartment I am in. That was originally the building that Nola lived in. It was my first time there.

We park the car and head upstairs. Before we head to the apartment, Mrs. Uro was already waiting.

"What have you done to my daughter you little monster?" she barks.

"This is not the time," My mom says before she turns her attention to me. "Son..."

"Mom, do I have to?"

"I'm sorry son, but she can't go without you. I swear this is the only time."



"Mom... I don't want to go to the bathroom with her."

"This is all that boy's fault!" Mrs. Uro says sternly. "I don't know what he did to itty-bitty Nola, but you infected her with some strange brain disease!"

"That's enough out of you!" my mom retorts. "My son is here to make your daughter feel better. Show some respect."She turns to me again, "Son, please..."

I acquiesce because I didn't know any better.

"In there," said Mrs. Uro as she pointed to her apartment.

We enter the apartment and on the sofa, there she was, laying on it, holding her crotch. She looked like she was about to burst. I looked at my mom and she was equally frazzled. Nola notices me and quickly gets up. Grabs my hand and we race to the bathroom.

Well, she did her business but was crying. She was crying so much. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I had to turn around and cover my ears. It was quite a sad scene.








"Huh? Oh, sorry."

"If you can, please continue. I'm sorry. I know this is hard, but I really need you to tell me everything in order to help you and Nola."

*sigh* "Alright..."

When she was done, she ran into her room. My mom was standing outside the bathroom and told me to follow her. I sat on the sofa with Mrs. Uro on the other side. I didn't knew what to think, except that maybe I was in trouble.

"My daughter can't seem to go without that boy's presence. What did he do? What manipulations did he perform on my daughter?"

"Son," unlike Mrs. Uro, my mom was more gentle with her voice, "can you tell us everything that has happened?"

And I did. I told them about how we met and the bathroom situation. Everything up to this point, pretty much.

"So, it was you?" Mrs. Uro accused me.

"Mrs. Uro, it's your daughter that started this. My son was just being a good boy." My mom puts her hand on my tiny head and hugs me. "It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. It's that scary lady's fault."

"Didn't do anything wrong? This is part of your son's ploy to brainwash my little itty-bitty Nola for his perverted fantasies. I tell you, all men, no matter what the age-"

"He's only 7, Mrs. Uro. He probably doesn't even like girls right now."

"Then how do you explain your son brainwashing my little girl to be dependent on her. I heard he got good grades. I bet that's how he learned to be so manipulative. He's the next Hitler in the making!"

"Stop insulting my son."

"Well, what are you going to do about this? What horrible punishment will you give me the honor of doing to your son?"

"There is no punishment, this is just an unfortunate circumstance. Let's concentrate on how to deal with it... as quickly as possible."


My mom turns to me, "son, I'm sorry you have to go through this, but little Nola is having trouble going to the toilet by herself, and she needs you to be there for her."

"No, mom. I don't like going to the toilet with her."

"I know, I know, but she's a little sick. She can't go without you anymore. You're a good boy and you are also a man. And every man has to do their duty to protect little girls."

"So I have to do it because I'm a boy?"

"Uhh... yeah, pretty much."

"Are you crazy?" Mrs. Uro speaks up. "You want him to continue peeking at my little teeny-tiny Nola?"

"Oh that's right," my mom agrees. "Son, don't peek at her anymore. Just turn around, okay?"

"No, mom, I don't want to do this!"

"Aw, son, but you have to, just for a bit. I promise, she'll get over it and you'll never have to do it ever again. I promise."

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