
Family Breakfast

Princess Beatrice took her time walking to the grand dining hall. Once there she helped to her seat and ate breakfast. For today, she chose to eat honey wheat cake and quail eggs. She heard someone into the Dining Room Hall. She looked up from her plate and noticed it was her sister.

She hadn't spoken with her since before the memorial for their parents funeral, and even then their words had been few and very tense. Princess Adelaide had been so quiet and aloof, choosing to go back to the convent shortly after she had returned. She was here once more. Only arriving a few nights ago.

Since then Princess Beatrice, had only seen her once in these few days. Her little sister was no longer little, buck-toothed little girl who chattered her ear off. Now she was a blossoming young woman. She had their mother's eyes and lips, as well as their father's regal bone structure. Looking the part of an angel Princess Adelaide wore all white satin down to her slippers and gloves.

She wore no makeup. Her dark blonde hair was bone straight and harshly swept up into a top knot. Tiny pearl earrings adorned her ears. She said grace. "Thank you, Oh Lord for this meal and all you have given. Continue to protect us and guide my wayward sister. All of these things be done. Amen." She took a quiet sip of the soup that sat before her.

Princess Beatrice followed her lead, and they ate in silence for a long while. Then she spoke, hoping to mend the rift between them.

"Sister, I have missed you," Princess Beatrice admitted aloud.

Princess Adelaide said nothing. She didn't look up. A long and tense silence passed.

Beatrice tried again, "I have spoken with Sister Patricia-" She was cut off by her sister, her tone acrid and mean.

"Sister, please stop talking!"

Beatrice was shocked at her younger sister's words. It stung.

She continued, "you and I don't have to chatter about mindless things. I know about your lascivious behavior with Prince William. You have the entire kingdom talking. My sister the soon to be Queen. A proper whore."

Princess Beatrice was disappointed and mad at the words that fell so easily from her only siblings lips. She had no idea why her little sister hated and judged her so harshly. All she ever tried to do was love and be loved, but it never seemed to work. No matter what she did her sister disapproved, or was disappointed in her. She felt her temper being pricked by her sister's words and icy tone.

"You are quite right. Prince William and I are to be married post haste. So whatever gossip is being said. Hopefully it will die down..." She trailed off, and continued to eat her meal...

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