
Hell Demon

The next day Princess Beatrice found herself aimlessly wandering through the palace. She was walking through the atrium that connected the tower of the Bailey. She was thinking about everything that had transpired over this short period of time. She was also thinking about the conversation she and her sister had earlier. It pained her to know that her sister felt that way about her. Her ' prayer ' echoed in her head.

She knew she could never trust Adelaide with the Secret she carried.

Adelaide thought Beatrice was a wanton woman for showing concern and solidarity for Prince William. She had been right, she kept telling herself. She let it touch her with its hands and mouth. She had enjoyed it last time. It was as if he pushed her off of the edge of a cliff and she could never fall or catch her breath.

She looked away from the heavenly blue morning flowers that were almost the same color as the demons eyes and saw the Archbishop Joegoe quickly walking towards her. His facial expression looked grim. Something was wrong. He rarely visited. She wondered what it was.

When he was only a few feet away he spoke, "Your Highness, the soldiers have found something by the outer wall. You must come look and give further instruction on... on..."

He seemed so uneasy.

Now she really wondered what it was that was out there. She followed him to the stables and they had the stable master get their horses ready. From there, they rode through town. She wore a cape that concealed her Identity and clothing.

No one noticed her. They made it to the protective wall of the castle. A few young knights stood waiting. When they rode their horses past the knights kneeled as they slowly trotted past. The Archbishop stopped his horse, and hers stopped as well.

A knight assisted her down delicately. She fixed her skirt and followed the archbishop. They walked in the direction of the wall. No less than 20 feet. She smelled it first.

It smelled like a combination of burning and rotting flesh. She gasped and a scream was caught in her throat from what her eyes looked upon. Whatever it was had green scales all over its slimy, grossly deformed body. It resembled a prehistoric animal, but its face was monstrous, as well as its long claws and protruding, sharp teeth. It's glazed over blood red eyes looked off into the distance.

"What in God's name is this?" she couldn't seem to speak above a whisper.

"We have absolutely no idea,Your Highness."

"Have there been any more sighted?"

"No, Your Highness. We are awaiting your orders on this one."

She felt good knowing that they valued her opinion and wanted to carry out her specific orders.

"Burn it," she said. "Also keep an eye out for anymore."

"Right away, Your Highness. A most wise decision. Heathrow, give me a torch." He commanded a young knight who stood beside him.

He did as he was commanded and the Archbishop looked at Princess Beatrice, "Your Highness, please step back."

She complied and took a few large steps backwards. When she was in a safe distance he set the grotesque creature on fire. Princess Beatrice knew it was a hell demon. But why was it here? She wondered.

Thought to be deceased, the creature began howling and shrieking in the flames as it melted and shrank from the extreme heat, to weak to escape its fate. It was chilling to watch and Beatrice found herself feeling guilty once more. She could blame the Demon King, but she knew deep down this was all her fault. Her sister was right.

She was a Whore...but not for William.

A few seconds passed and the gut wrenching demons scream stopped. Once the Archbishop was satisfied he had the same knight give assistance to her once more by helping her get back on to her horse. She rode back to the Castle behind him. She was grateful for that. She didn't want him to see her expression currently. It was somber.

The Demon King had made a promise to her but today's findings made it difficult to trust and believe him. She was feeling more and more powerless against him and his advances...

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