
An era of change

"Which I will tell you one day when we are out of his earshot," I finished with a grin in JJ's direction. "Unless someone mentions it before, in which case, it was fate's fault and not mine."

JJ shook his head in exaggerated exasperation. "I'm bound to curse eternally the day I told you, ma chèrie, aren't I?"

"If you are going to start making out, I'm going out of here," Panda said. She walked up to the door, turned to me. "Since this is bound to be my only chance to stay in a place like that, I'd like to explore it. Will you have grief if I do, Diana?"

"Should be fine." I shrugged to her and sent a slanted look to JJ. "And we weren't going to make out HERE. I have my own room."

My own room, where we could—with some luck—finish what we started earlier this morning. My stomach fluttered and my nether regions tingled from a mere thought.

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