
A holy cause

I nodded. Whatever good mood I had going until now didn't leave a trace under a stream of annoyance these people pulled out of me. "Yes, yes, but could someone actually tell me what is this all about? I'm not telepathic here!"

"We want to make a public statement for the common people. In Internet, on news!" Prom Queen's eyes shone with a gleam of a someone swept away by a powerful idea. A fanatic, in other words. "Like LGBTQ community, the supernatural community will come out! We will fight to be accepted, we will carve our place in the society and both will be better for it. We won't have to hide our abilities anymore, lie to people about who we are. They are ready. It's time to open everyone's eyes!"

Prom Queen's group cheered in support of the pitch. I wondered where I heard it before.

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