
Of Impossible Dealings


"Privet Vetkhany, nasha vstrecha davno nazrela, tebe ne kazhet·sya?" Diego greeted when he saw Amelia. It had truly been a long while since they had seen each other and this was what anyone would hope was a beautiful reunion. 

The conference room had six people, seven if they counted Wilford. 

Alex and Ryan just sighed as they watched the two Russians talk to each other like mates who had been missing each other. 

They may not have understood the language that both Diego and Lia were using, but it was safe to say that there wouldn't be any chaos at the moment, though he wished they would just use a language that everyone in the room understood.

"Da Diego, ya zhdal tebya" Lia responded before continuing the conversation in English. "Tell me something, you have stayed away from my people for a while, do we need to revisit?" Lia dared. 

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