
She Got The Power


"Yes I am, just let me get my checkbook," Diego said before he got his gun out. 

It was a gesture that should have shocked Lia, but she just looked at Alex with a face that asked the young Garner if this was the best they could do. She couldn't be intimidated by anything, and maybe these men in here needed a reminder. 

"I have other things that need my attention Diego, if you please, make it quick. I Don't have all afternoon," Lia said, staring at the gun that Diego had gotten out. Lia stared at Diego, her patience running out.

"Does your checkbook take that long, Ivanov, or is it shoved deep into your sss, you gotta bend to pick it up? Here, let me help you with that," Lia said and Diego's guards cocked their guns, before pointing them at Lia. 

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