
Chapter two

Zayan entered a room with a man already sitting waiting for his arrival while sipping on his drink.

"You're here Zayan, please sit" creole said pointing at the seat opposite.

"My condolences for the loss of your great man and Mom." He added, while observing Zayan.

"Thanks creole, so what more did they want me to do or more precisely what more did your boss told you to tell." He said while unleashing a smirk.

"I don't want to comment on the hate you have for your father but I must say, although he made a mistake, he still was able to protect you guys." Creole said while giving him an understanding look.

"You think so, but he never thought that we won't need his so called protection, if only he didn't dirty his hand with a sinful organization. Do you know how much I cringe at myself everyday after waking up and thinking about all what he made me soil my hands with? His so-called means of protection was never right, and I hope he continue regretting it." He lets out calmly without looking at Creole.

"So what next do I have to do, to clean up this mess and were you able to track the organization that killed them." He said finally giving Creole a pointed look.

"I must mention one thing, He specifically warned not to revenge on anyone as he thinks it's his fate for all he's done." Creole pointed out.

"Ofcourse he thinks so, I just wish there's more painful thing he has to face than death because clearly, death is too easy on him. And he really took my mother with him, I'll never forgive him for that." Zayan countered while clenching his fist.

"I've already sent necessary files to your email and these ones are for you to look at specially. Also you don't have to visit the underworld forces or places anymore as we are no more taking contracts." He breathes out.

"Just leave the rest to me, I'm going to clear the rest and erase all trace of yours and your brother's identity from the underworld as durected by your father." Creole said while handing some files to him.

"I'll be on my way then." Zayan informed as he stood up adjusting his suit.

"Zayan." Creole called out calmly just as Zayan was about reaching the door.

"Master said to tell u that although he wasn't able to fulfill his fatherly duties on you and your brother. He wants you to take good care of yourself and your brother and live a good life." Creole said, in a fatherly way.

"Thanks." Ofcourse who was he kidding, he already knows the huge weight that lies on him after the death of his parent and he also knows he alone remains the guardian for his only brother who is in his final year at college.

He already vowed to take care of him the best he can and makes sure he doesn't suffer.

* * *

Zayan drove himself home as he already dusmissed his personal assistant who acts as a chauffeur atimes. He doesn't want any leakage of their mafia organization known to outsiders even though he trusts Justin. He has not allowed any worker of his even have the slightest suspicion of his family involvement as the few times he visited some of their hide outs and headquarters Creole who has always been his father right hand man was the one that directs and act as a PA even if he acts more like a coach.

"Bro, you're back, you really need to stop working late.This is already past midnight." Rahmon commented as he side glanced his brother before walking to the kitchen.

Zayan just sat and look around the place he acquired when he starts having misunderstandings with his father which has grown to be his calm and humble abode for years. Rahmon doesn't stay around in the family mansion either only when his mom needs him or he needs to pay both parent a visit. Most time during college holidays, he's always returned to keep his brother company in his big and rather lonely home. And he tries his best to liven up the atmosphere at most opportunities he has which many times sound like he's cracking a rock as his brother won't give much thought to it and only said to stop acting childish and grow up.

"I already dismissed Amma, as I sensed you won't be coming home early again, so I told her to just make the food to heat up later." Rahmon said while heading back to the kitchen to heat up the food.

Zayan stood up from the couch and said "I'll just take a shower then."


Not long after Zayan came back downstairs wearing a pair of grey pajamas that accentuated his cold face.

"Stand up let's go eat, enough of acting a strong old man bro." He said while patting Rahmon's shoulder.

Rahmon didn't resist instead he followed his brother and they ate quietly.

"What did you and Creole talk about bro." Rahmon asked while forcing down a piece of meat.

"You don't need to worry about all that Rahmon, only focus on your studies and your future. I won't be doing much as Creole already took the most responsiblities on handling the underworld forces." Zayan responded while looking at his brother as he added. "Don't act that tough in front of me, though I've always wanted you to grow up, don't bottle your emotions when we're alone,we only have each other from now on."

"I understand bro, but I'm not a fifteen year old that will just go up wailing nonstop, I know I'd miss mom and dad so much but those feeling can only end here." Rahmon said pointing at the left part of his chest as a tear slipped from his eyes.

"I wish I can save them both, but I know they're in a better place now." He said in a shaky voice as he finally succumbed to grief and cast his face downward while trying to clean his tears.

Zayan stood up as he made his way to his brother's side. "It's alright little man, remember you can shed some tears but not grief like a fifteen year old." He chided while patting his back.

"Yes bro" Rahmon stood up as he engulfed his elder brother in a hug while trying to control his tears. "I only have u now abd we only have each other now, how we'd survived I don't know yet but I'm sure with you beside me, we're gonna pass this phase together and the love of our parents will forever remain in our hearts while we make them proud up there." Rahmon lets out as he continue hugging his brother.

"Sure man." Zayan muttered and patted his back few more time before pulling him out of his bosom. "Go get some sleep man, you're going back to college tomorrow, you shouldn't be idling around now besides, I also have work to do, so you should get back to college and wind off with your friends ok?" Zayan cheered and went around him to clear their unfinished dinner as both of them clearly had no appetite right now.