
2 Years of Restarting

Yu Yan thought that finding her boyfriend cheat in HER apartment was the worst day on her life. But the next day she reunited with her first love from high school whom she never confessed to. This time, he reached out his hand to her. “First love is not meant to be?” He smirked. “Bullsh*t! I’ll prove it that no one will treat you better than me!” 8 years had passed since the last time they met. Time had changed them, but how about their feelings? Now that they reunited once more, would the feelings they once had fade with time or not? ... Story set in modern era in fictional country. This story is purely fiction, any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence. This is a sequel/the next series after 1 Year of Beginning, so there will be some characters that appear in the first story who will be in the second story too. Special thanks for CatarinaM2811 for making the cover *insert love emoji* Word count: 900-1800 words/chapter Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Thorough the Years' Series: 1. 1 Year of Beginning [complete] 2. 2 Years of Restarting [complete] 3. -Work in Progress- 4. -Work in Progress- 5. -Work in Progress- 6. -Work in Progress- 7. -Work in Progress- The series are all STANDALONE, meaning you don't have to read the other series in order to be able to follow this story. You can just read one and you still didn't lose anything. Each of the series have different main leads but they all happen in the same universe (and similar timeline, some are overlapping but mostly not) ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - Path of the Lilies: Early Beginning [on long hiatus] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [complete] - Astral Flower [on going] ... Note for those who read Sorahana's other novels: This novel took a different approach compared to my other novels because it focused heavily on romance and also in main lead's perspective.

Sorahana · Urban
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238 Chs

Staying in a Hotel (2)

Husband and wife…

It was true, but Yu Yan was still feeling nervous whenever Long Ying got too close with her. Even though she knew that it was supposed to be normal, her heart was beating so fast that she felt that it might explode.

Just as she was thinking for an excuse, Long Ying stepped back and raised his hand to pat her head tenderly. "Don't worry, no one will bully you with me around."

"Even without you around, no one will bully me." Yu Yan pursed her lips.

"Yes, yes, Yan'er is good. Let's get inside and talk again later, it'll get cold soon."


Even though Yu Yan still feel a bit hesitant, she followed Long Ying inside. Looking at the row of zeroes as he paid for the hotel, she felt as if it was too expensive. However, Long Ying didn't even bat an eyelid when he saw that because he was already used to pay for even more expensive things.

Yu Yan chose to stay silent and ended up following Long Ying to their room. An Lin was the one in charge to order their dinner and also carry their things.

"Long Ying, I didn't bring spare clothes." Yu Yan just realized that she forgot to bring one along.

Long Ying arched his eyebrows. "I already asked Auntie Yun to prepare a change of clothes for us."


She didn't even know when he asked that. Did he already thought that they might not come home today after seeing the mines today?

"Take a bath first. An Lin will bring the bag up later."


Yu Yan entered the bathroom and was speechless upon entering. Even the bathroom was bigger than her bedroom in the apartment back then. Yu Family was well off but they couldn't squander money like water either because most of the money was used to invest and to pay for the bills.

Maintaining big house was really hard.

'Let's just enjoy this when I can.'

Taking a bath, Yu Yan felt refreshed. It was warm and comforting. Maybe she needed to spend more time in bathtub in the future because it was more enjoyable compared to shower.

Since she hadn't had her clothes yet, Yu Yan came out with the bathrobe. Long Ying was standing near the balcony, smoking. His eyes were staring at the faraway direction, making him looked like he was in deep trance.

His visage when he was in deep thought like that gave him a different feeling than usual.

He turned his head around when he saw Yu Yan came out. The cigarette in his hand moved to the ashtray and was turned off almost immediately. "You're done? The clothes are in the suitcase."

"En." Yu Yan felt heat was coming to her face as she quickly walked to the table and fiddle with the suitcase. For whatever reason, she felt embarrassed.

On the other hand, Long Ying looked at his cigarette and felt that he put it off a bit too quick. Seeing her appearance just now, with the bathrobe couldn't cover her fully, made him a bit excited. He was sure that he would need a cold bath soon.

Thus, after Yu Yan finished changing her clothes, Long Ying was still in the bathroom, having a cold bath.

"Madam, dinner is here."

"Thank you." Yu Yan opened the door and saw An Lin stood there. She tilted her head. "Is there no employee here?"

"Food consumed by Boss have to be inspected first," An Lin replied respectfully.

Had to be inspected first?

If Yu Yan was not wrong, she already had a 'date' with Long Ying and he didn't even bother inspecting the food first back then. She had the feeling that An Lin was only making excuse when she saw him smiling fawningly.

Long Ying walked out of the bathroom and glanced at An Lin, his eyes glowed dangerously. "Starting tomorrow, call Lan Huo to here. You'll enter Island A."

An Lin's smile stiffened. He felt like crying loudly right now. That island was the island where Dragon Clan held their most dangerous training. Even those who had passed there would find it difficult to survive there should they go there again.

He didn't want to die yet….


"One week."

An Lin could only shut his mouth and leave dejectedly. If he tried to argue more, Long Ying would not hesitate to increase the time. He was sure that this time, it was Lan Huo who would be gloating over his misfortune.


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