
2 Years of Restarting

Yu Yan thought that finding her boyfriend cheat in HER apartment was the worst day on her life. But the next day she reunited with her first love from high school whom she never confessed to. This time, he reached out his hand to her. “First love is not meant to be?” He smirked. “Bullsh*t! I’ll prove it that no one will treat you better than me!” 8 years had passed since the last time they met. Time had changed them, but how about their feelings? Now that they reunited once more, would the feelings they once had fade with time or not? ... Story set in modern era in fictional country. This story is purely fiction, any similarities with real life's event is purely coincidence. This is a sequel/the next series after 1 Year of Beginning, so there will be some characters that appear in the first story who will be in the second story too. Special thanks for CatarinaM2811 for making the cover *insert love emoji* Word count: 900-1800 words/chapter Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Thorough the Years' Series: 1. 1 Year of Beginning [complete] 2. 2 Years of Restarting [complete] 3. -Work in Progress- 4. -Work in Progress- 5. -Work in Progress- 6. -Work in Progress- 7. -Work in Progress- The series are all STANDALONE, meaning you don't have to read the other series in order to be able to follow this story. You can just read one and you still didn't lose anything. Each of the series have different main leads but they all happen in the same universe (and similar timeline, some are overlapping but mostly not) ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - Path of the Lilies: Early Beginning [on long hiatus] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [complete] - Astral Flower [on going] ... Note for those who read Sorahana's other novels: This novel took a different approach compared to my other novels because it focused heavily on romance and also in main lead's perspective.

Sorahana · Urban
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238 Chs

Stay with Me

Long Ying watched as his woman typed her phone number before passing the phone back to him. He noticed that she saved her contact as Yu Yan. His lips curled up as he silently changed the name to 'My Baby' before he called Yu Yan.

Ring! Ring!

Yu Yan's phone rang and she picked it up. The number was unfamiliar but she quickly kept it and set the name as 'My Beloved.' Heat rushed to her cheek when she felt that it was so cringe.

Thankfully, the guards couldn't see what Long Ying write because they didn't dare to peek on their Boss.

"Submit this tomorrow."

"Yes, Boss."

"Come over here and take our photo together first."

"Long Ying… I didn't have my household registration with me."

"Don't worry, I will take it."

He will take it? Even though Yu Yan didn't know how Long Ying would do it, she still chose to believe in him. The two of them took photos together and Long Ying ordered his men to settle the matter.

Yu Yan watched as some of the guards left. She then looked at Long Ying. "Why don't you tell me directly that it's a marriage registration form?"

The way he simply placed it on the table made it look as if the paper was some worthless contract paper. In fact, she also thought that way until she read the title at the top of the paper.

Long Ying arched his eyebrows. "It's a good way to see whether you'll sign it or not. Don't you know that one method to gain your signature is by having you sign package that come?"

Package that come…?

Yu Yan's lips trembled as she suddenly recalled something. In their office, sometimes there would be package coming and as the group leader, she was the one who would sign. But there was one time when she was heading to the bathroom that Feng Mian was the one to sign it. Feng Mian told her that she was confused because she felt that she never signed any marriage form when she chatted with her but if she had 'accidentally' signed one without realizing…

She felt like face palming.

When there was a time, she would severely reprimand her best friend to not sign anything without reading carefully. Thankfully it was from her future husband and he would protect her but if it was someone with malicious intention….

Long Ying seemed to understand what Yu Yan was thinking. "I was the one who taught Zhang Liang this method."

"You know him?" Yu Yan was surprised.

"A little bit." Long Ying stood up and extended his hands. "We haven't met for 8 years but this is not even dawn yet, so let's catch up tomorrow. You need to rest."

"Eh but my home…"

"My home will be our home from now on. You can sell that apartment of yours." Long Ying also didn't want Yu Yan to return back to that place. It was a disgusting place because a certain cheating couple had already used it for their entertainment.

Yu Yan nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

"Let's go. You need to sleep."


It was then Yu Yan felt Long Ying slipped his hand to hers. She looked at him in surprise but saw that Long Ying had already looked away. Back in their high school, they always kept their distance to only be slightly close but they never properly held each other hands.

Long Ying walked through the back door and then glanced at the front door. He sneered lightly.

'You're 10 years too early if you wish to tail me, Liang.'

He knew that Zhang Liang didn't mean harm since Zhang Liang was only making sure that Yu Yan was not harmed, but he didn't want to entertain that annoying man. Since he was busy, he would let them off and just spend his time with his beloved wife.

Yu Yan had not realized anything as she followed Long Ying to the car. As she sat down while Long Ying drive, she was feeling a bit sleepy. The adrenaline and also worry she had was slowly dismissed. If the Dragon Clan truly helped her, she knew that overturning Yu Family would not just be a dream.

'Everything will be fine.'

Before long, Yu Yan had doused to sleep.

On the other hand, Long Ying was paying close attention to the street. His phone rang as the sound of his subordinate entered his ears.

"Boss, do you really not need us to drive you? It's already dark and and…"

"Do you forget who I am?"

The man shut his mouth and unwillingly closed the phone. Long Ying is the leader of Dragon Clan and certainly the most dangerous man. He was also skilled in many different things because it was important for their survival.

However, the man felt as if his important task of driving the Boss was taken away from him because the Boss wanted to drive his woman by himself.

He felt sad.

It didn't take long for them to arrive.

Long Ying looked at the sleepy Yu Yan and chuckled. He didn't even bother to wake her up as he walked out of the car and walked around. Opening the door, he bent down to unbuckled her seatbelt before carrying the woman in his arm.

Yu Yan stirred when she felt that there was something strange. Her eyes widened upon realization that she was now in Long Ying's arm.

"L…Long Ying, put me down! I can walk by myself!"

"You're hurt."

Yu Yan: "…" He only hurt my face and my back simply bruised slightly due to the fall.

However, Long Ying didn't want to listen to her excuse and continued to carry her inside. It was dark and Yu Yan didn't have the time to take a good look of the place as she tried to climb down.

"Be good." Long Ying furrowed his brows.


"I'm just carrying you to our room."

Yu Yan couldn't say anything else. She looked around and realized that Long Ying had arrived in front of a door that he kicked open. They entered the dark room and before she knew it, Long Ying had put her down on top of a large bed.

"Uhm, I…"

"Sleep." Long Ying tugged her lightly and laid down beside her. "I'm not in the mood today, so just sleep."

He was not a beast who would pounce on an injured woman. Not to mention, it was a tiring day for both of them.

Yu Yan blinked her eyes but since she couldn't see his face, she turned around and closed her eyes. Soon, she had drifted into dreamland.

What happened in Feng Mian’s side after Yu Yan disappearance is already in 1YOB, so I won’t repeat it here as it’s not the main focus of the story.

Sorahanacreators' thoughts