
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 16 Chapter 10: : No why

Several rubbles flew over Su Xiao's face, and he stepped forward and walked inside the castle.

At this moment, the three-story castle has been partially collapsed, and a hole of about five meters in diameter appears at the gate of the first floor. Crushed stones and twisted corpses are scattered around.

Boom, boom, boom,

The situation in the castle can only be described by shaking the mountain, and Emine is ramming here.

A Guards rushed into the castle, and they cut off when they saw someone, regardless of whether they were men, women or children.


The female scream came from the second floor of the castle. Su Xiaoyi stepped on the ground and the knife flashed. The outer wall of the second floor of the castle was cut out of a hole. He entered a room on the second floor of the castle. .

The place of entry was full of women's bodies. A guard in black armor stood in place, and his black armor was covered with blood.

The Guards nodded in respect to Su Xiao, then turned and rushed out of the room.

Su Xiao stepped out of the room with a knife. The castle has become a purgatory on earth, and there are corpses that have been chopped into pieces everywhere. These guards are not weak.

One minute later, the inside of the castle was quiet. Su Xiao was sitting on a delicate wooden chair on the third floor of the castle, and a guard came towards him carrying a man and a woman.

"Guards, are you crazy, I'm Ian Pollit, and I want to see His Majesty the King!"

Ian Polit shouted, but unfortunately, his status as a member of parliament is worthless.

Ian Pollit glanced around with a terrified look. Soon, he saw Su Xiao sitting on a wooden chair. At this moment, his body began to soften, and his original flushed face quickly faded.

"Iron ... Iron Hand, I just want to know one thing, which one of my things is against your Majesty's will? Why? That weird ... No, no, Your Majesty ..."

Ian Pollett's breathing was short, and the moment he saw Su Xiao, he knew that he couldn't live today.

"Wait, I want to see Your Highness !!!"

The cutting dragon in Su Xiao's hand flashed a small piece of sheath, and Daoman flew out.


Blood splattered, and the two corpses that were cut into four fell to the ground.

Su Xiao got up and walked outside the castle. As soon as he left the castle, he found that there were many people around the castle. There were basically no officials, and most of them were wealthy merchants.

"What's wrong?"

"Unclear, but something happened to Lord Warner's industry. The security forces will soon arrive. Where did these guys come from? They actually murdered in the capital."

"The security forces are here."

Neat footsteps came from hundreds of soldiers wearing armor. They were the army responsible for maintaining the security of Wangdu.

As soon as the security forces arrived, Su Xiao, Ai Mu, and the ten guards just stepped out of the castle. Due to the dim light, the onlookers could not see the appearance of Su Xiao and others.

What made these onlookers astounded was that they originally thought that they could enjoy a good show of the security forces besieging the 'evil party', but the situation did not develop as they expected.

Hundreds of security forces gave way, and all of them kneeled on one knee. Su Xiao and others were leaving the castle brightly, and soon disappeared into the night.

The wealthy businessmen were glaring with small eyes. Just now, they saw Su Xiao's left hand clearly, which let them know that tonight, the king must have something big and something big.

These hundreds of security forces certainly did not come to arrest Su Xiao and others. They only came here for one purpose, to collect corpses.

Su Xiao leaped above the multi-storey building of Wangdu. The news of the death of MP Ian will soon spread, so he has to solve his goal as soon as possible, which is related to an unexpected joy.

Just before Congressman Ian Polit was executed, Su Xiao successfully activated a side mission.

[Side Mission: Clean Up]

Difficulty level: Lv.27

Mission description: Eliminate the Kingdom MP (Ian Polit), the Ombudsman (Warner Vaughn), the High Priest (Zabble), and the Chief Judge (Elvi Anthony) within three hours.

Mission duration: 3 hours.

Quest reward: 100,000 paradise coins.

Mission punishment: The old king's trust has been greatly reduced.


Seeing the reward of this side mission, Su Xiao was surprised. This is the one he has received the most rewards for paradise coins in history, none of them.

This made Su Xiao realize that the rewards in this world will be very rich. After all, this is a native world that requires 'paid' entry. If the rewards are not rich enough, it 's likely to lose money.

Su Xiao speeded up his pace, and the ten guards immediately followed. These people's agility should not be low, but if Su Xiao moved forward at full speed, these people would not be able to get at all.


Inside a two-story luxury home.

咚, 咚, 咚.

The quick knock on the door disturbed the homeowner's dream, and he sat up with a cry, with some anger in his eyes.

After a few footsteps, Ombudsman Warner Vaughn opened the door of his house.

"Rott, if what you say next doesn't matter, I'll throw you into Bacaka's cage."

Warner Vaughn is a short and middle-aged man. He is in charge of the construction of the entire capital. This is a more effective position. Therefore, he has a good temper. As for the 'Bakaka' in his mouth, that is him. A large evil dog breeding.

Rott, who was standing at the door, grunted a saliva.

"Sir, did you hear the loud noise before?"

"Huh? What's going on?"

"That's the iron ..."


The knife blew crisply, a blood line appeared on Rott's face, and he fell straight to the side.

The warm blood sprayed on Ombudsman Warner's face, he closed his eyes subconsciously and raised his head, and when he opened his eyes, he found a pair of eyes looking at him.

"Hello Warner Vaughn."

Zi ~

The boundary line tightened, and Warner Vaughn's head flew up, neatly, and Warner Vaughn's mouth slightly opened. His expression was surprised and regretful.

Although Su Xiao brought ten extraordinary guards, these guards could not attack these officials, which involved many political issues. Su Xiao, who had the permission of the old king, could kill these people, but they No.

Warner Vaughn is dead, and then the building is emptied. Although the old king's secret order has only four people, he actually wants to stay alive.


As soon as Su Xiao's words fell, the ten killing machines rushed into the room, followed by a few short screams.

During the 56-second journey, Warner Vaughn and his family all died.

Ten minutes later, in the courtyard of a small manor house.


The ring-shaped scabbard spread, and a dozen clergymen wearing robes stood still.

This is the residence of the third target priest, High Priest Zabo ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This guy has received some wind and is preparing to escape the capital.

On the lawn in the courtyard, Su Xiaoqing shook the dragon in his hand, and there were dozens of corpses around him.

A couple carrying the parcel hid in the distance, and they looked at Su Xiao with horror.

"I, I, I am a messenger sent by God. Even if your Majesty is going to give me death, I will also have God's approval!"

Obviously, high priest Zabo is a famous **** stick. At this time, he still thinks about God's approval.

Su Xiao slowly walked towards the high priest Zabo, who may be too scared. He actually pulled the lady beside him and blocked his wife in front of him.

This beautiful woman froze, just a few minutes ago, she was ready to die with her husband, because from her perspective, her husband is a godly goddess and is worthy of entrustment for life. To die today, they will also go to the kingdom of God.

With a little tear, all the illusions of the beautiful woman are disillusioned.