
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 14 Chapter 96: : Fangs and Clogs

"It's a terrible ability to hide."

The deep and hoarse voice came from the black, which was now attached to the soil.

"Not good!"

Bo Feng Shui Men immediately wanted to attack the soil, but it was too late.


A writing chakra and a samsara eye flew out, and a large black tentacle spread to the surroundings. All the objects touched by the tentacles began to disintegrate, or were assimilated by the spirit, and Naruto and the wave Fengshui gate immediately backed off.

After flying a few meters with both eyes, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air, which surprised the Wave Fengshui Gate, who had been sensing the surrounding movement.

Where does this group of black objects come from, and where are the writing chakras and samsaras with soil? Naruto and the wave of wind and water gates are all confused, and the ninjas who came around are also a little stunned.

It's just that these things don't seem to matter any more than what will happen later.

After a few seconds, the black material on the head of the soil spread to both sides to avoid suffocating the soil.

"Whew, wow ..."

While taking a big breath, I couldn't believe it, even surprised?

"I'm resurrected ... Uchiha Spot."

With a terrifying language, the thousand hands of Ranma and Ape Flying Sun who came quickly stopped and stopped.

"What did you just say?"

Qianshou Ranma rushed forward, and the black man climbing on the belt soil immediately disappeared into the ground and continued to attach to the belt soil, which was obviously not the right choice. A few people present were very likely to kill the belt soil.

Hei Ju left soil with soil waiting to die in place, he just disappeared, and quickly stepped forward to grab the soil around the neck with soil.

"Who said you were resurrected?"

With a roar of a thousand hands, his gaze seemed to be swallowed alive.

"It turns out ... that's his purpose."

To this day, the band has fully understood what is going on, and the spot is not for him to implement the Eye of the Moon plan at all, but for him to resurrect the other party with reincarnation.

"You bastard."

Thousands of hands are shaking, which is completely different from his calm performance before, for only one reason, that is, Uchiha's spot is resurrected.

The name of Uchiha is a lifelong shadow for Chishouma. There are too many things to look back on. He even thought about killing the Uchiha family completely in order to kill the second Uchiha.

"Another person was resurrected."

The soiled voice around the throat was weaker.


Thousands of hands are almost extruding the word from the gap between the teeth.

"Between thousand hands."

He smiled with the soil, and smiled a little, because in his opinion, the resurrection of Qianshouzhu was probably the result of his confrontation with Heijie.

"Brother ... is resurrected?"

Thousands of hands twitched slightly.

"Ah, this is my last atonement."


Thousands of hands loosened his hand holding the soiled throat, his eyes narrowed, because he felt the weirdness revealed in the incident.

A dozen meters away, Bobuwang squatting behind a rock gave a sigh of relief, and his small eyes seemed to be saying, "With soil, you think too much, this is our long-planned plan."

Bubwang started to retreat quietly, and the people present were still unable to find it.


Five kilometers outside the battlefield.

The smoke rose and the gray debris soared.

咚, 咚, 咚 ...

The spot closed, his faint smoke rose from his body, and he pressed his hand against his chest. The beating heart had already breathed in the air in his lungs, making him feel alive.

"Sure enough, this body is just like words."

Ban's tone was slightly smiley. The long-planned plan was successful, and even Ban could not help but feel happy.

"Blood is flowing in the body so that ... you can experience the feeling of fighting."

In the middle of his speech, his reincarnation eyes began to break and turn into gray debris. The reincarnation eyes could resurrect a person, but it could no longer create a pair of recurrent eyes.

When she noticed this, she closed her eyes immediately, the post was still nearby, and the other party was resurrected.

"I was ... resurrected?"

Obviously, Zhu Jian couldn't figure out the current situation. He guessed that maybe his own staff had brought him back to life? As for the purpose, it is not clear between the columns.

"Ban, what's going on, that guy ... is alive again."

Su Xiao, who is not far from the spot, opens his mouth, he is staring at Qianshouzhu, his expression is a little surprised.


Ban's "face change" is very "vigilant" and ... a little exaggerated ~, he is not too familiar with the new body.

"That thing has worked. Go to the main battlefield and get your eyes back. We will withdraw."

The "thing" in Su Xiao's mouth clearly made Zhu Jian smell conspiracy.

"Very well, you take that thing first to withdraw, our purpose has been achieved, and then we will gather at the scheduled place."


Su Xiao and Ban Ben retreated in two directions, and patted the ground with one hand between the columns.

"Clogs and Tree Realms Come!"

Click, click.

Large trees quickly emerged from the soil, the target pointed directly at Uchiha's spot, and the thousand hands heard the wrong words between the two.

"The fire is gone, the fire is gone."

The blotch's end prints quickly, and the flames spray out of his mouth, forming a fan shape with a wide range.

Click, click ...

Mars raged, trees were burned by fire, and Spot was forced to stop in place.

"Failed. It looks like your plan is not good."

The spot was very dissatisfied.

"Unexpectedly, your acting skills are too bad."

Su Xiao took out a strand of blood-stained blond hair, and he threw the strand of blond hair to the Qianshouzhu room. The Qianshouzhu room was about to hit the blonde hair, but the blood on the blonde hair gave him a sense of familiarity. That is the vitality of the thousand hands.

"I wanted to send you an arm, but in order to make you more persistent in fighting, I only cut off a strand of her hair, stay here, kill me or be killed by me, otherwise every half an hour, that woman Will be missing one part. "

Su Xiao pulled out a long knife around her waist, and at the same time, a test tube fell to the ground and broke.

Holding the strand of blond hair in Zhu Jian's hand, he vaguely guessed who this hair was.

"Xiaogang ..."

Xiao Gang in the mouth of Zhu Jian is the nickname for Gang Shou.

"That's right, as long as you have the ability to kill me, you can find her."

Su Xiao threw a few photos at will, and the photo was Tsunade in a coma. From the photos, Tsunade was just unconscious or anesthetized.

At this point, the spot had rushed to the main battlefield, and Zhu Jian did not chase. Just two seconds ago, his body became very abnormal.

"Of course, it's hard for you to kill me now."

Of course, Su Xiao will not be confused with the victory between the poles, and the current poles are not necessarily able to use the wooden cymbals.

Su Xiao has studied the cells between the pillars for a long time. Only when the timing is good, of course, he has a way to greatly weaken the strength of the thousand hand pillars. Of course, this weakening will not affect the kill reward, because this is also a capability of Su Xiao.

Su Xiao carefully observes between Qianshouzhu. The reason why he has been talking nonsense for so long is to determine whether [PSX-17 Alchemy Experimental Elixir] is effective.

It now appears that the potion has taken effect. He has previously experimented on Tsuzune once, and the effect is perfect. Of course, considering the strength gap between Tsuzune and the pillar, the effect of [PSX-17 Alchemy Experimental Potion] on the pillar. Will be weaker, unable to let the opponent directly lose combat effectiveness.

Previously, when Su Xiao was planning to hunt and kill a super film-level strong man, he thought, what should I do if the enemy is too strong? It 's an indisputable fact that he ca n't beat the Super Movie level ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If you ca n't strengthen yourself in a short time, then weaken the enemy. In the Super Movie level, only 1000 can be weakened by Su Xiao Between hand pillars.

As for how to convince him that he has this ability, it is very simple. There are also inter-column cells in the body of the plaque. Once you try it out, it is also the main reason why plaque agrees with this plan.

Ban is not stupid. He is just arrogant. Therefore, he also knows that this is a good activation to remove the thousand hand pillars, so he cooperates throughout the process and finally keeps the pillars away from the battlefield.

Zhu Jian stood silent, he had felt bad, because Su Xiao just stood there, giving Zhu Jian a sense of full-bodied villain boss.

"You are not the most powerful, but you are dangerous enough and may even be more dangerous than spots."

With his hands folded between the pillars, his eyes were furiously opened, and if he looked closely, he would see that his hands were shaking, and it seemed that it was difficult for him to use this ninjutsu.

One 'tree' emerges from the soil at the foot of the column. The average height of these trees is about two centimeters. Whatever it looks like, it looks like a piece of bean sprout.