
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 14 Chapter 69: : 10 full big supplements

After checking the attributes of the magic sickle, a smile appeared on Su Xiao's face. He liked some of the attributes of the magic sickle. As for the effect of the magic sickle's gem setting, he could not view it, nor was he interested to view it. There was a certain risk of peeling the gem. Gems, sickle hapodia will surely notice something wrong.

"What are you going to do."

The voice of the magic sickle came.

"What do you do? Of course, find a way to 'use' you."

Su Xiao picked up the sickle, but did he really want to use these two sickle? The answer is of course 'use', but not for fighting.

"Do you really plan to ... use me?"

The spirit of the magic sickle is also very imaginary. She has a way to fight with Su Xiao to break the dead net. No, it should only be considered that the dead net is not broken, that is, she self-destructs.

Su Xiao wouldn't let this happen, it was a big loss.

"Of course, although I have a growth weapon, the cost of upgrading it is too high. To be promoted to golden quality, about 30 soul crystals (medium) and many precious materials are converted into paradise coins, at least nearly Million Paradise Coins. "

Su Xiao started talking nonsense. After seeing the promotion conditions of Magic sickle Hapodia, he was very surprised. He did not expect that the cost of promotion of other growth weapons was so high.

"It turned out to be a lower weapon, human. I stated in advance that you want to use me, you have to pay a small price, of course, this is lower than the cost of your weapon. First of all, you have to ..."

Magic sickle Habodia began to describe how she could be used, or how to change her characteristics slightly to the extent that Su Xiao could use it.

"You're very good at swordsmanship, so even if you use war sickle, it won't be a problem."

Magic sickle Hapodia narrated for a few minutes. Su Xiao listened very patiently. Occasionally there were complicated things, and he would take out notes.

Seeing this scene, Bubuwang admired secretly from the side, and suddenly found that Su Xiao's acting skills were stronger than it.

"The price is a bit high."

Su Xiao seems to be 'hesitating'.

"It's not high. Imagine the combat power of Rose when using me. Blood Golem is definitely your best assistant."

"let me consider it."

Su Xiao is determined to put Magic sickle Hapodia in the storage space.

"Wait, don't put me in your space."


Su Xiao looked at the magic sickle in doubt.

"I still ... don't believe you much."


Su Xiao threw the sickle Hapodia directly into the storage space. He has successfully stabilized the other party. Now it is safest to throw the other party into a closed environment.

Magic sickle Habodia is just a consciousness, she cannot act alone, that is, she is a conscious 'dead' before she can control the user.

As for the method provided by the magic sickle Habodia, Su Xiao did not consider it at all. God knows if this is a sacrifice ceremony. You must know that as soon as he binds the magic sickle, the other party will invade him and look at the direction. Straight into the brain.

In Su Xiao's opinion, there is only one correct way to use the magic sickle Habodia, which is to feed Dragon Sword. As for the consciousness in the magic sickle, Su Xiao is not worried at all when the Supreme Blade is devouring other weapons. Extremely fierce, only a spirit of the magic sickle, even if it can not be crushed, Su Xiao can use the energy of the blue steel shadow to consume, there is no risk when the Dragon Sword devours the magic sickle.

Moreover, Su Xiao will do this after returning to the reincarnation paradise. The exclusive room is the most secure environment. Don't say a magic sickle spirit there, even some deities will be killed in minutes.

A master's sickle, how could Su Xiao use this thing? Besides, he has been using a long knife for a long time.

Su Xiao stood up and said something to Bobuwang, who ran quickly outside the base.

About a few minutes later, Bubuwang took the phosphorous into the underground base.

Xiang phosphorus's mood was a little sorrowful. She slipped away just now, and she was wondering if Su Xiao would blame her.

Actually Xiangxiang thought too much, Su Xiao didn't expect her to stay at all. The personal favorability of both sides was there, Xiangxiang didn't take the opportunity to escape Xiao organization, and she was already very loyal.

Su Xiao only believed in Bubowang and Aum, so he never expected how loyal Xiangxiang would be to him.

In the slightly dim underground base, large pieces of rubble were scattered on the ground. The base seemed to be swept by a typhoon. The cut marks and pits on the walls were shocking, and a faint blood smell permeated the air.

The first thing that appeared in the eyes of Xiang Phosphorus was a female corpse, and Phosphorus immediately recognized who the other party was.

At the corner, a figure stood up, one arm of this figure seemed to have broken, and was hanging softly.

Su Xiao stepped out of the dark corner, and blood dripped down his fingertips.

Seeing Su Xiao's appearance, Xiang phosphorus stepped back subconsciously and told her instinctively to run away!

There was another tall figure standing in the darkness, which was blocking the exit.

Xiangfei barely smiled and swallowed.

"Can you take several treatments?"

Su Xiao was too seriously injured. With his physique, if he was treated with bituminous phosphate in the case of serious injuries, if the treatment was too large, the phosphorus may die.

Su Xiao ignored the phosphorus, he pulled off the clothing on the shoulder of the phosphorus, and bite on the white back of the phosphorus.

"Ah ~"

The phosphorous screamed loudly. After about five seconds, the phosphorous body began to soften. After ten seconds, the phosphorous slumped and slumped to the ground.

Ten seconds ago, the incense was full of vitality. After giving Su Xiao a 'Shiquan Dabu', she almost passed out.

Click, click ...

Su Xiao started to correct the broken ribs. In this respect, he is already familiar with the car. Although it still hurts, fortunately, the correction position is very accurate.

Su Xiao looked at his left arm. Although Xiang Phosphate could heal his injury, his shoulder was severely fractured, which could not be cured by the vitality of Xiang Phosphorus.

The bone fracture at the arm has been repaired, but the bone at the shoulder is dislocated, which requires manual repair.

Su Xiao grabbed his left arm.

Click it.

Leng Khan exuded from Su Xiao's forehead, he tried to raise his left arm, but nothing happened ...

The sleepy phosphorous was a lot of spirit, and she was surprised by Su Xiao.

Click, click ...

Su Xiao continued to try to correct the left arm, just like in the martial arts film. After about five minutes of 'meticulous treatment', Su Xiao made an important decision to ask Bandu et al. If they are good at correcting the arm bone ~ www .mtlnovel.com ~ He is not very good at this aspect. The arm bones are different from the ribs, and the bone structure here is more complicated.

An hour later, in Xiao's underground base, Su Xiao, Datu, Ghost, Sasuke, and Didala re-sit around the stone table.

This stone table can be described as suffering, and only one-third of the place is now alive.

"Sneaky, this time ..."

His voice was low, and his mood was very bad. Someone asked him to kick out an hour ago, and he really 'pumped out', which was a shame.

"It was my fault."

The sneaky complexion was calm, and looked at Su Xiao.

"Forget it, that woman came to me. She will try to sneak in around me."

At this time, investigating the negligence of the ghosts was of little significance. The matter was over. Either hurry up or clean it up. He would either fight the ghosts directly or end it.

At this time, Su Xiaozheng used a bandage to fix his left arm, and the bandage was wrapped between his arm and neck. It turns out that these big and thick tissues of Xiao tissue will not correct the arm bones at all, which requires professional medical ninjas.

Xiang Phosphorus can do it, but after giving Su Xiao 'Shiquan Dabu', she can't even stand up now, and the correction before treatment can't work. Su Xiao's left arm's bone was severely broken. At that time, the correction would only increase. Injury.

"Kusano has a well-known medical ninja, and I tried to get him for no more than two days."

The sneaker nodded to Su Xiao, got up and walked outside the base.

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