
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 14 Chapter 52: : Fortunately no one heard

When the worker girl first encountered ghost sneakers, the impression she gave ghost sneakers was that the combat effectiveness was not strong.

If she is a worker, and she has opened a personal favor with ghosts, then the reason for her joining Xiao organization is simply to hold her thighs and use her support ability to get ghosts' shelter.

This kind of thing is very common. Compared with the contractor, a strong plot character is the most favorite choice of the workers. First, they can understand the character, good and evil of the plot character through the original work. Extremely detailed personal information, etc., is different from the contractor protection, which is quite gambling.

"If you don't discuss these, you can't hold it anymore."

Su Xiao suddenly spoke. The 'the other side' in his mouth was referring to Didala. The reason why he said so was because the worker girl was present.

Take the soil to understand Su Xiao's meaning immediately.

"Well, deal with things over there first."

"You guys ..."

The sneaky didn't know the news of Didala's capture, but he understood Su Xiao's meaning in just a few seconds. Whether he brought the credibility was only clear to him. Su Xiao, Da Tu, etc. Not sure.

"I chase this 'octopus' across the country of iron, and need to rest. As for her joining, talk later."

The sneaker didn't ask Su Xiao and others what to do, because he knew that he shouldn't ask now.

Su Xiao and others walked outside the base. The worker girl looked at Su Xiao in an incredible way. She did not expect that Su Xiao's status in the Xiao organization was so high. This can be seen from the reaction of the soil and ghost see.

"Seniors, forget to introduce yourself. My name is Rose."

Qiang Wei smiled brilliantly and waved to Su Xiao and others.

Rose was the woman who hunted down the contract in the country of iron. Her eyes were like black gems, and she wore a backless leather coat with a flower on the back. The temperament of the rose at that time was very different from that now. Rose is like a killing angel who is cleaning up the heathen, now she is like a white rose flower.

Rose's strongest ability is not her fighting ability, but her ability to change her temperament, even if her hands are covered with blood, but when she laughs, those black gemstone eyes are always so clear.

Su Xiao's footsteps, looking at Qiangwei side by side, for some reason, he felt that this woman was a bit wrong.

"Staff ... join Xiao organization."

Su Xiao grunted, and for the time being he did not know how high the personal favorability between this woman and the ghostly ghost was. It was certain that it should not be low, otherwise the ghostly ghost would not recommend her.

"what happened?"

With soil, Su Xiao's footsteps stopped and he was puzzled.

"It's all right."

Su Xiao stepped up and walked outside the base. For the time being, he was not going to ignore the woman named Qiangwei. Regardless of the other party's purpose, if she was really malicious, as long as she was in Xiao's organization, Su Xiao had many ways to clean up the other party. Even her personal favoritism with the sneaky is high.

Su Xiao is a member of the veteran level in the Xiao organization. If he is in disagreement with the ghosts, eighty-nine out of ten will be adjusted in the middle. They are neutral and will really support Su Xiao. They are being detained in the country of Tu.

As long as Dedala is rescued, the girl named Qiangwei wants to join Xiao, it is completely foolish to talk about dreams, no matter what her purpose.

Although she is not too suspicious, Su Xiao has many enemies. He is habitually vigilant. Who knows, this time he really made a mistake by mistake.

After Su Xiao and others left the base, the sneakers and Qiangwei entered the base, and the tired ghosts went to rest deep in the base, while Qiangwei sat at a stone table, dragging her chin with both hands.

"I always feel that something is wrong, why is there a sense of being sent home?"

Qiang Wei's black and bright eyes narrowed. She originally thought that Su Xiao was just an ordinary member of Xiao's organization. Now it seems that this is not the case.

"Observe a period of time to find a suitable opportunity. Sure enough, as Xiao Hei said, I am completely elementary school in terms of layout. I always feel that the more I do, the more stupid I am. I 'm stupid to spicy eyes, like eating. Brain fragments. "

Qianwei abandons all the "big" plans in her mind. She is prepared to be simple and rude. This is her style of doing things. This is also her advantage. She can find out whether her behavior is correct in time and will try to correct it as soon as possible.

"Before the end of the Naruto world, either you die or I die. Well, this is the most sensible choice. Going around, you may die yourself."

Rose whispered, and her heart suddenly became much more cheerful. At this moment, she suddenly admired a certain teammate once, and the other party almost slipped into flying in terms of conspiracy and deceit. As for her, from the beginning to the end she was good at chopping people.

"Sure enough, sacrifice of color is simply stupid. What did I think then? Fortunately no one heard it, it was too shameful."

Rose chuckled a little, and there was silence in the base, but there were occasional hissing sounds, which were the two pillars just after the operation.


Two days later, within the country of rain.

The dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky was dark, making thunderous noises from time to time.

Mud water splashed, and a group of people galloped by. The rain country had rained 70% of the time, which caused the ground to be muddy.

Su Xiao and others crossed the country of fire and arrived in the territory of the country of rain bordering the country of fire. The east side of the country of rain was the country of fire and the west side was bordered by the country of soil. The purpose of this trip by Su Xiao and others, It is a village in the land of the land, and the path is almost a straight line.

At this time, the country of rain was stationed by a large number of ninjas in Muye, but this has nothing to do with Su Xiao and others. As long as they are not close to Yuni Village, they are not likely to encounter Muye ninjas.

The process of rushing is inevitably a bit boring. Bai Ju will occasionally show up along the way and report the situation of Didala or the current situation of the five big ninja villages ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Three things are more important.

1. Yunyin Village has selected a new Leiying, which is said to be very young.

2. The civil war in Wuyin Village broke out again, but under the mediation of Shayin Village and Muye, the civil war stopped and a new agent, Water Shadow, was selected. It is an elder of Wuyin Village and a political IQ is not lower than Tuanzang's old Yin beep.

3. The fifth generation of Naruto Kogi's five-year-old Naruto Ji recovers from her injuries and retakes the role of Naruto. Tsunade has a fairy body and can recover very normally. In fact, she recovered long ago. Justified to return to Naruto.

I have to say that the five big Ninja villages have a lot of background. Just after being killed, three shadows, they just held their ground in just a few days. This is also the situation that Su Xiao hopes to see. The war is at best internal fighting.

The new Leiying of Yunyin Village is not based on evidence. It is a movie that has been pushed to the top by the situation, and Wuyin Village cannot be underestimated. After all, Wuyin Village has been in civil war for many years. The name of Bloody Mist is not white. Really going to war, they will be very active.

Muye needs to ignore it for the time being. The internal repairs in the village have not been completed, not to mention the hidden danger left by Tuanzang, which is enough for Tsunade to have a headache.

Judging from the current situation, the war of ninja might not be far off.

This is good news for Su Xiao, but bad news for the soil. The strength he has accumulated today is not enough to start a war with the five big forbearance villages.

Three days after hurrying, the group arrived in the territory of the country.