
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 14 Chapter 50: : Sasuke and Rescue of Peony

After ten hours.

Drip, drip, drip ...

Blood dripped down the operating table, and Su Xiao took off the disposable rubber gloves on his hand and threw them at hand.

The phosphorous behind Su Xiao swallowed saliva. She suspected many times that this was really a cure? Isn't it necessary even for anatomy?

"It's basically fine."

Su Xiao walked out of the operating room. He needed to rest. Before helping Sasuke, he had already fought several high-intensity battles.

On the operating table, Sasuke was covered with bandages all over his body, and his consciousness was drowsy. This was the reason for the anesthesia. Sasuke didn't feel anything at this time, but he suffered later.

When Su Xiao stepped out of the operating room, 'patient 's family' was waiting at the door with soil.

"No problem?"

"If consciousness doesn't break down, it's generally fine."


Immediately I felt that something was wrong.

"Do you think Sasuke can recover completely? Eroded by the original intercolumn cells is not so easy to solve. Even if surgery can save his life, he will need to be suppressed with drugs later."

Su Xiao is not a professional doctor. He can treat Sasuke, mainly because he knows the original intercolumn cells, which can save Sasuke's life.

"Can the medicine be guaranteed?"


Su Xiao's answer made the soil more dissatisfied.

"If Bai must find that person, I will provide you with the formula directly."

Su Xiao is proficient in alchemy pharmacy and understands the original intercolumn cells, so it is not difficult to formulate drugs to suppress intercolumn cells.

I have to say that Su Xiao had very good luck this time. If it was a drug in other areas, he might not be able to deploy it, but he was very good at recovering or inter-column cells.

"Before Bai Jue found that person, these were the only things."

Su Xiao threw a glass pill with soil, which contained a red pill, about several dozen pills.

"One a day, three before the battle, no obvious side effects."

There are thirty medicines in total with soil soil, that is, if Sasuke does not fight, it is enough to persist for one month, that is, the time limit for finding that person in the transaction.

Want to be safe after being severely eroded by the original intercolumn cells? Do n't be kidding. If Sasuke stopped fighting within two hours before, the side effect would be visual impairment at the most. Now, he can only use drugs to suppress inter-pillar cells in the body. This is the price of recklessness and bloodyness.

Sasuke has been reckless many times. When he battled with Yaowei Zhuli, he was stabbed into a hedgehog by Yaowei Zhuli. He was saved by the phosphorus. After that, he was hit by the Yaowei Zhuli flying his organs. He saved him twice. Almost killed, Sasuke didn't pay much.

This time, Xiang phosphorus was no longer his subordinate, and Chongwu went to the unknown. Sasuke paid for the recklessness before. His elder brother Itachi was dead and died in his hands. No one helped him clean his buttocks.

"This time, Sasuke should no longer act recklessly."

Take the soil to put away the medicine bottle, this is his control of Sasuke's chips. However, take soil is too small to see Sasuke, isn't it reckless that it is still two pillars? If it was Ujiha Sasuke more than a decade later, it was indeed a strong and stable ninja. Naruto was the light of the wood leaves at that time, Sasuke was the darkness of the wood leaves, and the light and darkness guarded the country of fire.

Now, Sasuke is still too tender. He may have forgotten where he is. There are old yells, gangsters, and desperates who do not blink. He can live to this day because he is Uchiha. His writing rounds are important.

Itachi can cope with the Xiao organization freely, and even use special methods to protect the leaves. After the death of Itachi, Nagato attacked the leaves, which shows that Itachi has a strong layout ability.

Sasuke's organization is still being used for the time being. Of course, if Sasuke succeeds in getting the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it will not be far from him as soon as it soars. This product is one of the most powerful people in the future. Although reckless, it will not easily braid.

Su Xiao found a room casually, and Emu was guarding the door. Su Xiao fell asleep with Bubowang. As an alchemy creature, Emu needed a short rest time.

After not only sleeping for a long time, Su Xiao opened his eyes stupidly and took down a dog's leg pressed on his chest.

After a while, Su Xiao became more energetic.


"Huh ~"

Bobowang hummed with sleepy eyes, his front paws twitched.

"Don't sleep, and rescue Didala in a while."

"Huh ~"

Bubwang's furry front paw twitched again to signal that he knew, but his eyes were closed, and about three seconds later, a snoring sound came from his mouth.

"slim Shady."

Su Xiao motioned for Amu to wake up Bobuwang. Amu was a little hesitant, but Su Xiao ordered that it could not be violated.

After a moment of hesitation, Eminem awakened Boobwan in a relatively 'mild' way.

I saw Arm grabbing both of Bubuwang's hind legs and rubbing Bubuwang gently. Even so, Bubuwang was still asleep.

Seeing this, Su Xiao forcibly controlled Eminem.

Emu's body was stiff, and his hands suddenly began to shake up and down, and his big ears fluttered up and down, and in his slightly opened mouth, his tongue was thrown out.

Bobuwang opened his eyes in horror. Under tension, he bit his tongue, and the expression on the dog's face could only be described in two words, that is, "lying | groove".

"Ready to set out to rescue Didala."

Su Xiao hurriedly walked outside the room to release the forced control of Eminem. Eminem's hands subconsciously let go. Bobuwang immediately signaled it not to let go, but it was too late.

With a sound of Pang Dang, Bubwang dog hit his head down on the bed and finally lay flat on the bed.

After taking a breath, Bubwang sat up and looked at Emu, his eyes clearly: "Your boy is waiting for me."

Eminem lays his gun. Eminem is somewhat innocent. Eminem wants to say that it is also very desperate.

When Su Xiao found the soil inside the base, the soil was still sitting at the door of the operating room. He was attracted by screams, and a painful hissing was heard in the operating room.

"Is that ... okay? It has been screaming for three hours."

"No problem. Compared with Nagato's surgery, the risk of this surgery is not high. Sasuke's inter-column cells did not simply erode his body, but also gave him a strong vitality."

"Is that so?"

With the soil in mind, is Sasuke able to evolve the reincarnation eye after having the eternal kaleidoscope? After all, Sasuke's current situation is too similar to the original spot.

If Su Xiao knows the idea of ​​carrying soil, he will tell him that he is thinking too much. The eternal kaleidoscope + cells between the columns is not equal to the recurrent eye. To evolve the recurrent eye, other factors are needed.

One of the most important factors is the bloodline, which evolved the reincarnation eye, which needs to be the reincarnation of Indra.

The reincarnation of the Naruto world is a very wonderful thing. It is not an inheritance of ideas or energy, but a thing similar to destiny.

Uchiha's spot is the reincarnation of Indra. After obtaining the primitive intercolumnar cells, he spent decades to open the reincarnation eye when he was dying.

Sasuke also reincarnation of Indra ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ also obtained the original intercolumnar cells, but he can not compare with the spot, the strength, knowledge and experience of the two sides are not at the same level.

What Uchiha has spent all her life pursuing, Sasuke can simply open it, it is impossible.

"It is clear where Didala is. He is located underground in a village near Yanyin Village, a secret prison where important prisoners are held in Yanyin Village, only a few kilometers from Yanyin Village, and there are a large number of ninjas stationed."

Dear soil stood up, the candidates who rescued Didala had already been selected, respectively: Su Xiao, Dear soil, Bubuwang, Xiang phosphorus, Eminem.

There are five people in total. It seems that there are not many, but they are not trying to attack the hidden village. Five people are more convenient to move.

Just after Su Xiao and others assembled, when they were leaving Xiao's base, the gate of the base opened and the harsh sunlight reflected.

A figure came down from above, carrying something on his shoulders.

"Did I miss something."

The comer stood at the base of the base, and the dazzling sunlight made him unable to see his appearance. Hearing the sound, he knew that the ghost had returned. He successfully arrested the eight-tailed man pillar Li Qilabi, carrying it on his shoulder.

"Senior, this is our base? It looks great."

A female voice came from behind the ghost.

"Sneaky, this is not your style. Actually bring outsiders to the base, as this is only a temporary base."

There is no rebuke in the words with soil, after all, the ghost has just successfully arrested the eight-tailed person.

"This is the new person I want to introduce. Thanks to her, I can catch Yao, and we are still old acquaintances."