
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 13 Chapter 72: :return

The condition that Su Xiao helped Sha break through the door was to release all the tenants. Was it discovered by Su Xiao's conscience? Of course not, the lives of these tenants have nothing to do with him.

If all these tenants fled, who would be most angry? The answer is Alice.

I don't know how many years it took to imprison so many strong men in the first floor. Some even succeeded in the imprisonment with the castle. This is the hard work of Alice and her hobby. Watching those former strong and weak voids were imprisoned In a small room, some even begged her.

Alice, who had been imprisoned, enjoyed this feeling. She regarded these strong as collections. As the tenant gradually unlocked the seal through the transaction with the player, it was impossible to restore freedom.

After the strong have unlocked the seal with the player, the four layers of the strong forest energy extraction device belong to them. They are injected with a living fluid every day. After the body produces energy, it is immediately drawn away by the castle for use in Maintaining the normal operation of the castle is really a matter of survival, not death,

As for the strong 'unlocking the seal', Alice has seen enough of their 'performance', and if she gets tired, she throws it to the fourth floor. It 's impossible to get freedom.

These tenants did not know that they had been imprisoned for many years. During this period, they were at the mercy of Alice. The anger in their hearts could not be resolved even if Alice was rubbed on the ground ten thousand times.

What if all these people escape? The answer is that they will enjoy their freedom to the fullest, and at the same time use every means to become stronger, but when they are strong enough, they will return to the castle and take revenge on Alice.

This is the purpose of Su Xiao. In the previous game, Alice tried to kill Su Xiao many times. After her failure, she chose to make Su Xiao's identity public, so that everyone knew that Su Xiao was the shadow of Falun Gong.

The identity of the shadow annihilation is nothing in the reincarnation park. No one will trouble him because of a professional heritage, but it is different in the void. There are many enemies of the shadow annihilation.

This was Alice's conspiracy. In the castle, she could not kill Su Xiao by means other than the rules. She began to give Su Xiaoshu an enemy in the void.

Obviously, Alice succeeded.

Because of the huge gap in strength, Su Xiao didn't think about revenge Alice immediately. There was no opportunity and the timing was not good.

Now it's different. Letting go of all the tenants on the first floor is equivalent to setting up dozens of endless enemies for Alice. These people have only one goal after being free, which is to keep growing, and then come back to avenge Alice.

If Alice really falls into the hands of these people, that result ...

Boom, boom ...

There was a thumping sound and an impact sound. Sha was assisting a tenant in destroying the wooden door. Two people one mile away, the cracks on the wooden door increased rapidly, and the efficiency was hundreds of times from the inside.

With a crack, the wooden door shattered, and a large dark red bat rushed out of the room.

"Ah ~ this is a feeling of freedom."

The big bat was holding his body, his two meat wings held high, he was a blood marquis.

Sha didn't bother with the Blood Marquis, but destroyed the next wooden door. Did Sha do this because she kept her promise? Of course not, there is an outward exit on the first floor of the castle, but the exit also has a ban. It is impossible for her to destroy the ban.

The blood marquis looked around, it was looking for an exit, and as for the benefits promised to Sha, it said nothing.

"Congratulations on your recovery."

Su Xiao spoke while walking towards the Blood Marquis.

"Huh? Who are you?"

The blood marquis was not friendly.

"First of all, you just break through the wooden door. There is a barrier that you can't break through before you can recover your freedom."

Su Xiao pointed at a metal door on the east side of the first floor. The light lines on the metal door flickered. Each of these light lines was thick enough for an arm. You know, the light lines on the wooden door are only the thickness of hair.

"If I were you, I would immediately smash the wooden door for other tenants, and then destroy that thing together. As long as you destroy that thing, you are free."

Su Xiao's proposal was immediately accepted, and the Blood Marquis was not stupid. He turned his head and rushed to a wooden door, gathering blood in his mouth, and squirting at that wooden door, the tenants inside the door were delighted.

Soon, seven tenants of different races rushed out of the wooden door, and Su Xiao immediately went to negotiate. The content of the negotiation was very simple, just to let them know the current situation.

The most important thing these tenants desire is freedom. They show amazing 'unity' and 'friendship'. After all, they all have the same purpose.

All the tenants who rushed out of the wooden door were helping others out of trouble. Even Alia was holding a wooden board and banging on a good wooden door. Alia was the little girl who had asked Su Xiao for candy. Under the exchange, she provided many introduction letters to Su Xiao.

After 5 minutes, all the tenants rushed out of the wooden door. About dozens of tenants gathered together and attacked the metal door on the first floor by various means.

Su Xiao has been blending something. Soon, he blended out a black liquid with a foul smell.

Put the black liquid into the test tube carefully, and Su Xiao walked to the metal door.

"Flash away."

Su Xiao leaned sideways and threw the test tube in her hand towards the metal door.

A few tenants immediately ducked away, cracking, and the test tube shattered after hitting the metal door. A pungent stench filled the door, and the light pattern on the metal door was obviously dim.

"You're lucky, I'm an alchemist."

Su Xiao continued to mix the black liquid. The tenants were overjoyed when they found that the light pattern on the metal door was dim and began to attack the metal door harder.

After half an hour, Su Xiao deployed a total of 5 bottles of black liquid. Whenever the black liquid splashed on the metal door, the light pattern on the metal door would dim for a few seconds. At this time, the metal door was the most vulnerable.

The tenants all found out that they no longer attacked the metal door in a rush, but kept their strength. When Su Xiao threw a test tube at the metal door, they would burst into a horrible attack instantly. In this way, the metal door was destroyed. The improvement in efficiency is at least a dozen times.

Su Xiao shakes the test tube in his hand and is concentrating on the deployment. Around him, a dozen horrifying tenants stand back to him in a circle. If anyone dares to attack Su Xiao at this time, a dozen of them will instantly become crazy dogs. , Stepped forward to kill the attacker.

"Hurry up..."

Suffering frantically in the mouth of a tenant, Su Xiao frowned.

"To shut up."

Su Xiaogang opened his mouth, and dozens of eyes looked at the stubborn tenant. There were killing, anger, and viciousness in these eyes. The tenant who had been a dead man shut up immediately.

"It's done, this time trying to destroy this prohibition in one go."

Su Xiao looked around at dozens of tenants, and the tenants nodded, signalling that they were ready to attack the metal door.

Su Xiao threw the test tube, and the blood marquis, Sha and others waited.

There was a crack, the test tube was broken, the black liquid was splashing, and the light pattern on the metal door was dim. This light pattern is an alchemy pattern. Although Su Xiao can not crack this thing, he can weaken this thing in a short time. Not a display.

"A crazy scorpion swings its tail!"

"Blood · Destruction."

"Soul Storm."

"Flash cannon."



A muffled sound sounded, and a powerful shock wave pushed Su Xiao back, and he subconsciously blocked his arm in front of him.

A moment later, the shock dissipated, all the tenants on the ground floor disappeared, and there was a laugh and roar outside the broken metal door.

After just two seconds, these sounds disappeared, all the tenants successfully escaped, and the first floor of the castle seemed to be swept by the typhoon.

Su Xiaopan sat on the ground and waited quietly.

After waiting for five hours, spatial fluctuations appeared. A woman wearing a crown and a long golden dress appeared.

The woman's face had a mild smile, and some dusty servants looked slightly tired. It can be seen from the strong spatial fluctuations that she carried out long-distance space transmission.

However, after seeing the situation on the first floor of the ancient castle, the gentle smile on the woman's face gradually disappeared.

"You seem to be late, Alice."

Su Xiaopan sat on the ground with a smile on his fingertips.


Anger appeared on Alice's face.

"If I were those tenants, after being imprisoned for so many years, I would do everything I could to become stronger, and then come back to avenge someone. Hanging is a good choice. I heard that there is a place in the void called the Void Bench, and it is there Right. "

Void platform, this is the information that Su Xiao got from the mouth of the national football team. The three of the national football team did not know where to learn. Alice was almost hanged in a place called the void platform ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ For this information, the national football team The three brothers spent 50,000 paradise coins.

A medal flew out of Alice's cuff, and she immediately wanted to grab the medal, snapped a flash of light, and Alice retracted her arm.

This medal is the 'game winner 's badge'. As long as it passes the castle game, Alice must issue it. Just now Alice wanted to forcibly withhold this medal. Reincarnation park stopped her.

Su Xiao grabbed the medal and reminded him that he could return to Samsara anytime.

"Sooner or later, I peel your skin and make your meat into steaks. It must be a good meal, a good meal that makes people feel good."

Alice almost gritted her teeth and said this. She had to leave the castle before, but when he hurried back to the castle, all the tenants on the first floor fled. Even if those tenants had marks on them, they were too far away. She can't perceive those marks, and it won't be long before those tenants will clearly mark and lift off the seal of strength, and finally use all means to become stronger, just to avenge her.

Thinking of this, Alice can't wait to swallow Su Xiaosheng alive, although she is not yet clear whether the tenant's escape is related to Su Xiao.

"Sooner or later you will come to the void again, and countless people will hunt you down."

Alice wanted to kill Su Xiao now, but she couldn't do it.

"Wail of the defeated dog."

Su Xiaotan flies a cigarette **** in his hand and he chooses to return to Samsara Paradise.


Su Xiao was severely hit in the back of his head and lost consciousness in front of him. This is a teleportation of reincarnation paradise.