
Reincarnation Paradise Vol 13 Chapter 53: : Alligator Brother

Brother Crocodile rushed to the three brothers of the national football team. His eyes looked around to avoid unexpected changes. After all, there were three people in the other party.

The three brothers of the national football team stood on their shoulders and did not care about the old crocodile brother who rushed at a high speed. The third national football team even pointed at the old man behind the crocodile.

The crocodile brother who was rushing forward at a high speed suddenly noticed the sound of wind breaking in his head. He immediately turned his head, Yu Guang looked behind him, but it was too late, and a touch of gold filled his eyes.


A loud, crisp sound spread, and a hammer of energy hit the back of Brother Crocodile.

"This is impossible."

The crocodile brother was stunned, in his perception, there was nothing behind him, his perception was to awaken between life and death.

The crocodile brother did not know that the small energy hammer of the three brothers of the national football team can shield perception. Except for the roaring wind, this energy hammer has no other defects.

Hit by the energy hammer of the national football is by no means a good experience, let alone the shock and damage on the energy hammer. The characteristics of the energy hammer alone are enough for a crocodile brother to drink a pot. Su Xiao has been hammered by this energy. Passed.

The characteristics of the small energy hammer are very strong. Hitting the enemy's weapon or armor will fix the enemy for 2 to 3 seconds. If it hits the body directly, it will be fixed for 3 to 5 seconds. As long as it hits, there is no determination process. The energy hammer is the national football team. Brother's core competencies.

When this hammer goes down, the crocodile brother is settled in place, withstands the settling effect for 4 seconds. If his resistance or strength is sufficient, he may break free in the settled.

In 0.5 seconds, another energy hammer flew from the rear, and the attack position was still the back of the crocodile brother.

When he snapped, the crocodile brother in his body took a puff, and his body time increased, from 4 seconds to 9 seconds.

The next moment, another energy hammer flew in. Since it was the back of the head, after three consecutive plumbs, Brother Crocodile felt that his back of the head seemed to be sunken.


The crocodile's body is trembling. He is forcibly breaking away from the fixation effect. If control effects such as vertigo are not likely to break free with subjective will, the fixation is different. In principle, while the energy hammer hits the crocodile, The golden energy on the maggot wrapped the crocodile brother, resulting in a fixation effect, which is like a layer of solidified cement. As long as the strength is strong enough, it is likely to break free.

Click, click ...

The crocodile brother flashed golden light, and he was about to break free from the immobilization effect. However, the three brothers of the national football team rushed forward with a smile.

At this time, the three brothers had a long-handled energy sledgehammer. The sledgehammer was about 2 meters long and was golden in color. It was composed entirely of energy and wrapped the bucket-sized hammer head.

Three strong men rushed in with three sledgehammers, and the visual effect was absolutely shocking.

Blood gushed from the gap between the crocodile's teeth. He knew that if he was besieged by the three brothers of the National Football Team, he would be more fierce today.

"Don't think ..."

Before the crocodile brother had time to yell, the national football third man rushed to him, leaped low, clenched the hammer handle with both hands, and lifted the sledgehammer over his head.

"De Marcia!"

The third child roared, and the energy sledgehammer went down.


A sledgehammer hit the fantasy of the old crocodile brother, and the hammer slammed directly on his heavenly cover.

Following the national football third, the hammer of the national football boss arrived.

Bang, bang, bang ...

The two brothers are like iron plates, and the big hammer head is falling like raindrops. From time to time, they yelled, "Eat the old grandson, you die, you love, and the invincible hot wheel", do n't say beating, single It is painful to watch, and the crocodile brother is not very angry. Whether he will be hammered is not clear to everyone, but he will soon be angered.

At this moment, the crocodile brother has been hammered to the ground, the fixation effect has long been lifted, and more despair has happened.

The three brothers of the national football team's small hammer is a fixed effect, and the sledgehammer is a stun effect. Each time the sledgehammer hits the enemy, it has a high probability of causing the enemy to stun for 0.3 seconds.

These 0.3 seconds may not seem long, but what if two hammers are hammered at the same time? The result is that the old crocodile can't even stand up, and can only lie down on the ground, curling up his body, and holding his head with both hands, so as not to be critically hit.

Bang, bang. boom...

"Woo la la."

"Fatal blow, painful blow, father's love blow."

"Inside, inside ..."

The sand is splashing, the national football boss and the third child are sweating on the field, while the old crocodile is splashing blood on the ground. It is conservatively estimated that within ten minutes, the old crocodile will be hammered out.

It's not that the crocodile brother is too weak, but the fighting style of the national football team, almost a lone knight, their offensive ability is not strong, this is compensated by their control ability, the continuous control ability is almost shameless.

The national football boss and the youngest are mammothing the crocodile brother. Some people will wonder where the second football team went. Don't worry, the second is nearby.

I saw the second leg of the national football team standing in front of the crocodile brother, striding on the horse, and seemed to be doing some kind of boxing in the air, but it looked like he was doing radio gymnastics. Behind him was the boss and the third child who were hard at the enemy.

The second child is playing soy sauce? No, he is a substitute.

This is a strategy that the three brothers of the country have worked out for a long time. The energy sledgehammer is very strong, but it will continue to consume huge amounts of physical strength. If the physical properties are not high enough, you will lie tired within two minutes.

Therefore, the three brothers thought of the division of labor and cooperation, two people hammered, one temporarily replaced, the three alternated with each other, and one person always took the opportunity to restore physical strength. As for why the second child is making a blind comparison, in the words of the second child: 'The other two brothers are working hard How can he be lazy, and this is more imposing, and it will cause psychological damage to the enemy. '

Bang, bang, bang ...

Huang Sha Fei Yang, the crocodile brother was hammered with no power to fight back, warm energy hammer hit him.

There was no sound in the audience, and after a while there was a tide of cheers.

After ten minutes, the national football team alternated with each other. A large pit had been hammered out on the yellow sand field. Brother Crocodile had only one tail remaining outside the sand. After seeing this scene, Su Xiao finally knew the brigade's sniper cannon. Why did Winnie want to slaughter the national football team, she was hammered like this.

"Hoo ~ it should be almost."

The national football boss wiped out the sweat on his forehead, the opponent's ability to fight was too strong, and the three brothers were so hammered, the opponent still has a tendency to resist.

"The game stopped!"

Huck stopped the game. He couldn't stand it anymore. The ten-minute thrashing had already made the audience visually tired. As for the feeling of the victim? He didn't care, so it didn't make much sense to continue this game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Several staff members entered the Huangsha ground, and they looked at the big pit on the ground for a moment and were speechless.

Soon, Brother Crocodile was dug out of the bunker. It had a blue nose and a swollen face. When he saw the corner of Brother Crocodile's eyes, several staff members froze.

The fighting race of "Vitan Star" was actually moist at the corners of his eyes.

Is it pain that made the crocodile cry? No, even if he cut his limbs, he wouldn't scream halfway, which was caused by humiliation.

Brother Crocodile is a warrior. He did not fear death, but under the eyes of millions of spectators, he was pressed in the sand for ten minutes. What a humiliation.

"I ... can ... fight."

Brother Crocodile dragged by the staff tried to break free.


The national football boss stared, the sledgehammer in his hand flipped, and it was a hammer to the crocodile brother.

This hammer was supposed to hit Brother Crocodile's chest, but Brother Crocodile was struggling, so he was tragedy.


With the hammer of the national football boss's mouth pumping, he performed a hammer hitting the eggs under the watch of millions of spectators!

The crocodile got his body straight, his eyes turned white, and he passed out.

"So what ... I didn't mean it."

The national football boss apologized, he did not deliberately hit the opponent's crotch.

"What happened? What a beautiful blow."

Huck on the commentator laughed.

"S ~"

More than 60% of the men in the audience took a cool breath and clamped their legs subconsciously. Even if they were far away, they all felt pain for the old crocodile.